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How High Are You? v. Dark Mermaid Technology

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Mountain time rules

Although everyone forgets it exists and gets confused when you tell them what time it is where you live :( its a nice compromise between west coast laidback-ness and east coast productivity without being grouped in with the coughmidwestcough.

If I could move back west it'd be tight, but I got a nice thing going right now, even if all my friends have moved away. Most probable state for me in the next 3 years is Washington.

I hope everyone is having a good day, we have been having uncharacteristically great weather here for a long time and I feel guilty (almost) for not going hiking today.
Mountain time rules

Although everyone forgets it exists and gets confused when you tell them what time it is where you live :( its a nice compromise between west coast laidback-ness and east coast productivity without being grouped in with the coughmidwestcough.

If I could move back west it'd be tight, but I got a nice thing going right now, even if all my friends have moved away. Most probable state for me in the next 3 years is Washington.

I hope everyone is having a good day, we have been having uncharacteristically great weather here for a long time and I feel guilty (almost) for not going hiking today.

Wash would be dope where you from? Same place your at currently? If you don't mind me askin,

I've always been moutain, enjoy traveling south and east tho definitely different lifestyle.

I'm hoping for maybe cali in my future. But it's hard to ever get more then a visit in
I live in new england and its cold as shit most of the time

But I got a nice big lake to swim in during July/august, know a lot of the shore like the back of my hand

Also beer is big culture here which I obviously love

I want to go west coast but Cali is too expensive and insane (just my opinion, I loved visiting)

2nd best option for me is staying where I am, nice and small and cozy, I've been across the USA and most of it is boring. I like boring but cheese and beer and pretty nature is a must.

Time for more beer
5mg benadryl +/-10mg methamphetamine 5mg oxycontin 1 hit of cannabis half a beer +/-5mg ketamine and cigarettes.
I live in new england and its cold as shit most of the time

But I got a nice big lake to swim in during July/august, know a lot of the shore like the back of my hand

Also beer is big culture here which I obviously love

I want to go west coast but Cali is too expensive and insane (just my opinion, I loved visiting)

2nd best option for me is staying where I am, nice and small and cozy, I've been across the USA and most of it is boring. I like boring but cheese and beer and pretty nature is a must.

Time for more beer
Chowwwwwddddaaaaa! Hahahha
Lucky peak is a resvor by my house be boat at a lot.

I honestly love idaho boise specifically
That being said the laws and police here are fucking rediculous! Red state to the max.
Our Wild life and forests are amazing.
I prefer visitING other states always miss the city of trees.

Best believe I smoked some dojja for me 1,420 post.
Bout to drop 5-6mg etiz

500mg in today finally, 560 the bag says. Too lazy to weigh much untill my PG arrives.

mail was ultra late too was killer, get a few brews in a bit maybe some bud

edit just scooped a bit more to go live under the tounge... i dont like workin with powder but its ok cuz i wanna get fucked for now, responsibility in 2 more days once i make a solution. Weighed out 38-40mg overall, dabbing at it till content. Lets hope I behave, boys. I love my exact dose solutions. But tonight I gotta go hard.
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I guess glaucine is not capable of producing anything more than maybe a modest +2 even at a very high dose with a headspace that has elements of a serotonergic and dissociative psychedelic feel, more the first than the second and it may not be safe at this level either for some people or from anyone. There are people who get strong effects from a 40mg pill and those people might die if they plugged around 600mg as I have as of the finish. It produces visual patterns on surfaces with the right textures reminiscent of a low dose of 25C-NBOMe (that is the only serotonergic I have recently used, thus the comparison) and there is quite a bit of motion, breathing of objects, shadows stretch and contract, things look more beautiful even if your mood gets really bad, all emotions are intensified, music sounds much better, and there are streaks of rainbow color when you look around. Maybe if I could plug 600mg all at once instead of spacing the dose out over half the day without harm it could be a good and proper psychedelic rather than something interesting that just can't get you to the heights of more conventional psychedelics.

I may not be posting on Bluelight for a while, problems may be brewing not of my creation but make me uncomfortable. If it turns out bad, it leads to my complete destruction/nullification and the only post you might see with my name will be submitted by a timer program that posts a message hours after I write it, or posts made by someone else using my account to explain what happened and why I am never coming back. It probably won't come to that, I am just letting you know I am going away, I'll probably be back within a couple of months, but something could push me in a way that brings a bad end, someone else is bringing their problem to me/a loved one, I am powerless to do anything about it, and I've had enough bad shit in life and this would drive me to an end in the best of times but I am already really depressed and being stressed and worried is starting to bring back self mutilation activities I stopped engaging in a long time ago save for a couple of incidents earlier this year. No need to respond and please do not PM me because I will not read any of it.
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I like boring but cheese and beer and pretty nature is a must.

Virginia has some beautiful mountains and land. Right now the leaves are changing and it's absolutely stunning. The Shenandoah Valley right now is pretty awesome if I do say so myself lol... Skyline drive/Shenandoah National Park has amazing views, wildlife and trails to hike. Also beautiful one of a kind waterfalls. Google should provide some spectacular images.
Just drank like half a bottle of some cheap lambrusco with the bupe and clonazepam I took earlier. Needless to say I feel pretty good :D
Smoking a rollie listening to Beethoven feels divine right now.
Smoked a joint and drinking a monster 'import' the first few drinks were like pure sugary syrup i should be wound from that lol
I have to becvareful with eyeball doses etiz and beer. Beer very slowly...

spliffs incoming too. Man before it was little etiz, must ration. Now its make sure I dont go too far and get in a lil trouble

best be on best behavior, muahahaha. At least im not throwing in 50-80mg methadone like before. Yay. Might take a no-doze now so i dont end up sleeping a good high off again. The etiz is hittin, no doz before sipping on shit lager. I could've dosed 10mg by now. Who knows, I just know when to stop.

I just got stoned on the waterfront with a friend

Just about time for food now, wish I had tobacco for my nightcap though it is better that I don't.
I can handle dowing this 35mg pile etiz over night no problem.
1.5pints down, same to go (slowly)
and spliffs
I can handle dowing this 35mg pile etiz over night no problem.
another ~12mg etiz sublingual after i finished my oral pile from before, ~35mg
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