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How Has Cannabis Helped You?

Salutations Ubi,

...the ways this plant has helped us.

Here's one more in case it wasn't mentioned previously:

It helped me realize how wrong the anti-cannabic crusade has become in the real world...

I have completely changed since I have started using it for more spirtual purposes. I'm not some violent wanna be thug anymore. I still have lots of work to do but I have finally found meaning in my life and my depression is at its lowest point since it started in 2010. I also have to thank LSD for speeding some things up but I think cannabis is what started helping me
^^Warms my heart reading such positive feedback on how this plant has helped so very many of us.
4:20 all round.

so very pleased.
Thanks for sharing everyone. It truly is an amazing plant and from the sounds of it, we be learning much from it.
Thanks for the thread. As a long term sufferer PSTD?ADD?Aspergers with a little Tourettes thrown in when stressed. It's the only thing that has worked for me in 40 years, and I am finally "legal". thank god. lol
^^Glad your legal, takes the burden of paranoia off a little. Real pleased to hear it's working out for you AZ* Me too, legal.
Happy this thread got so many positive words; I am out of mari at the moment and to boot, one of two of my 'female' friends has turned into a male. We are mourning at the moment and without any smoke to lighten this up, this is a tough day for us. Harvested some lower parts and maybe they'll root. Its a boo hoo day here at ol Ubi's.
but I hope your all doing well out there!!!
you could say weed indirectly saved my life, during a bad time in my life i was on the edge for quite awhile and i would have sudden lows where i lost perspective of myself and taking my life seemed like the best option, it just seemed to be getting progressively worse to the point that i honestly didn't know if the next time id finally be pushed over that edge.

weed was a way for me to self medicate and escape from these dark periods and gave me a release that i had been desperately needing for as long as i could remember, it gave me the breathing room that i needed to get my head together over the course of a few years.

although i did become heavily psychologically dependent on it for about a year and but now that im past all that, the reasons for me smoking have changed and now its something fun i do with my friends or to relax with on a night watching tv.

its also been a godsend as something to help me sleep since i have great trouble sleeping, which has also helped me mentally since the sleepless nights were often the darkest times for me.
you could say weed indirectly saved my life, during a bad time in my life i was on the edge for quite awhile and i would have sudden lows where i lost perspective of myself and taking my life seemed like the best option, it just seemed to be getting progressively worse to the point that i honestly didn't know if the next time id finally be pushed over that edge.

weed was a way for me to self medicate and escape from these dark periods and gave me a release that i had been desperately needing for as long as i could remember, it gave me the breathing room that i needed to get my head together over the course of a few years.

although i did become heavily psychologically dependent on it for about a year and but now that im past all that, the reasons for me smoking have changed and now its something fun i do with my friends or to relax with on a night watching tv.

its also been a godsend as something to help me sleep since i have great trouble sleeping, which has also helped me mentally since the sleepless nights were often the darkest times for me.

Similar situation to me man. I started toking due to being frustrated with my erratic and angered thoughts and didn't have any escape. Smoking green gave me that release, where I could stop thinking about my fuck ups in the past and just live in the present for 2 hours, just enjoying my environment whilst smoking.
certainly less angry and charged up all the time. Less in need of constant stimulation, which is a good thing. Its has helped me keep my harder drug use in moderation.
I used to suffer from anxiety and OCD. Tried various SSRIs but did not get on with them at all. I didn't like the way I felt and I didn't like the idea of using a commercially synthesised chemical to alter my brain chemistry.

It wasn't until a few years later that I tried weed. I'd experimented with it at school but never really took to it. This time was different. I read loads online before trying it and then bit the bullet. I loved it, I felt chilled, yet like I had unlimited energy. I don't have the energy anymore, I'm a complete couch potato, but I don't have constant anxiety and my obsessive compulsiveness has gone completely. I can't convey in words how grateful I am that I found cannabis. It has benefited me both mentally and socially.

This of course could be attributed to growing up etc but I genuinely believe that cannabis' benefits far exceed the negative aspects. Can the same be said for many pharmaceuticals readily available OTC?
it allows me to talk to girls that i like and it allows me a break from my chronic depression
You folks are all great; I'm getting nothing but a warm happy feeling reading what people be saying; how this plant has helped us get through some dark times, helped us relax, open up and slide the heavy off.
Where other medications fail, this natural gift alleviates, prevents symptoms as well as treats them.
It is our warm blanket, healing and giving and it deserves our respect and must be protected; and by the sounds of it, i'm not only one who thinks this.
everyone, thanks for sharing; i'm so glad to read how its helping
It makes me feel more alive and therefore more appreciative of what I have.
I guess its helped mellow me out through a lot of hard times, especially in my teens, but I really don't think of cannabis as useful in the sense that psychedelics/dissociatives are certainly, I've never once had a life changing revelation stoned.

I'd also say kratom & amphetamines are more useful as they actually fight my natural laziness, unlike cannabis which makes me even more of a lazy sack of shit.

However, its still true that nothing helps me relax and unwind quite like a bowl of high grade marijuana (except for hash or oil of course), and it does often allow me to step back and get a better perspective on things (which I attribute largely to all the psychedelics & dissociatives I've done rubbing off on the green though, don't really remember that happening before I was a heavy tripper).
It's helped me a few times.

I went through a really bad break up (This is where I started to smoke regularly) Long story short she broke up with me and decided to sleep with half of my work colleagues, how great!

I started smoking it every night before bed (about 4-6 bowls). At first I will admit it probably wasn't a good idea. I was mildly depressed and everytime I got high I couldn't shake her out of my mild over thinking what I should say and do. Also I forgot to mention, she worked in the office I work at and sat opposite me so I saw her face every day. It was tough.

After a couple of weeks I started to feel a bit better about myself and realised that she really did treat me like shit. When I started to get over her she got sacked. Probably one of the happiest moments of my life. Getting high after this consisted of me giggling with my mates and show them her dirty pictures and calling her a slut. Oh well!

Also the other day I tried poppers, my mate was talking about them and apparently they were good. It was shit, all it did was give me a headache and made my face feel warm. So I stuck it in my drawer and started to skin up. I got quite high and it made the headache go. I was still curious about poppers as people have been saying they were good and it had a negative effect on me.

I tried it again whilst baked. It was weird but kind of nice. Have you ever held a big hit in whilst already stoned and gone all funny and zoned out? That's kind of what it did to me. It was nice but poppers really aren't that good. The pressurised feeling in your head can be really uncomfortable
It helps me shift the time I sleep a bit (I probably have DSPD). It makes it a bit harder to get up on a morning but it's better than not sleeping at all because of early morning crap and having bad halucinations, I would have failed college ages ago if not for weed. It's also great for migranes.
I became a regular smoker at the late age of 40, after getting my med card.

Aside from the medical benefits for which I got the card, weed has:

Helped me overcome my math anxiety and improved my ability to learn by about 400%. I actually understand math better since starting the weed. Also, I have severe ADHD and can only learn stuff if it's something I'm super interested in. But when I've had a little weed, I'm interested enough to learn my school topics (I went back to school a few years ago).

Helped me have spiritual insights. Got me to have a deep interest in science, philosophy, religion, mysticism, mathematics, and other really abstract topics to a level that I never had before.

Helped me to understand and appreciate music so much.

Helped me have life-changing insights about people and social life. It improved my social skills a million times over. There are little social niceties I never got before I started smoking. But on weed, I started to actually enjoy small talk. I've been able to carry this over to real life.

Improved my relationship with my mom 100% (my mom got her own card, and we smoke together once or twice a week). We fired our family counselor after starting our sessions with "Counselor Herbie".

All of these benefits carry over to my non-stoned life - i.e., if I mastered something while stoned, I don't need to be stoned to do it again. If I do it too much, too often, after a while, it's diminishing returns.

I was on Paxil for anxiety but it didn't benefit me the way weed has. I've actually been able to ponder the sources of my anxiety on weed and *get over it* whereas Paxil just... medicated it.
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Alright then, fair enough. Won't start another thread though as on second thought it doesn't really matter anyway. Were you going to write anything else or just suggest another thread?
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