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How Has Cannabis Helped You?

it helps me.sleep and eat

but most of all it really helps my heroi. withdrawls. like seriously helps out so very veyr much
me too. helps me reduce the m-eslon significantly so. Also helps with anxiety and nausea as well as anger issues. Learning more all the time.
Quality of life greatly affected by a single toke or one cookie made with green butter. Seeing the red of rage, get to the bowl quickly, eases the heart, releases me from the burden of anger.
Don't know what i'd do without it. Wouldn't be the same person if it wasn't for ol mary.
honestly weed doesn't help me at all. i get paranoid and freak out and wish i never smoked, its an awful feeling

My step sister is like that. Just can't do it. yeah, stay far away from it then. This thread is about how it does help, however thanks for sharing.
It helps me by keeping me away from the other bullshit drugs. I used to be a junkie but have replaced my drug. To pot and it gets me a buzz n takes the cravings away.now I know I'm just replacing one drug for another but pot is harmless.I mean after working all day n comming homkeafter fam asleep ill smoke n just relax n fall asleep...is that so wrong? Hey it works for me n. Thanks weed lol
When I was a really heavy smoker - most of my life - I often defended it or thought it was helping; I really don't think it was and see this pattern with others. Some friend who have been smoking a long time were talking about this kind of agreed. It's pretty harmless and certainly rewarding but can be a bit of a trap. A psychedelic user friend said he had never seen anyone benefit from it that he could see. defended it of course but now adays think he may largey right.
Should still be legal, has medical uses and so forth blah blah blah but most regular use isn't actually that helpful in the majority of cases imo
Rapid leg syndrome seems calmed with some green butter cookies. Anxiety soothed somewhat. Should a had a toke before seeing family. much better now.
use it both as medicine and to simply relax. Guess its not for everyone but from where i'm standing, I see mostly good things coming from this beautiful plant, yeah, mostly good.
It kept me away from doing worse things, if I drank an equivalent amount of alcohol I'd be in a serious state now. My dad, my uncle & all that side of my family were alcoholic, it killed my uncle when I was young, he was really badly addicted. It's a decent pain reliever. It was the only thing I found that touched a migraine. I even fixed my dislocated thumb when I was stoned as hell on some numbing weed. It stimulates my appetite, relieves nausea. I find it easier to concentrate, be creative & solve technical problems when I'm stoned. Mainly I just enjoy it.
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I used to wake and bake in college a bit, but never really got addicted. Once I found stimulants it helped me with the comedown… Mostly. Depended on the type. I lived in a mj growing room, in our attic in college for a few months. and I think I was getting a secondary high as I slept in there. I never knew for sure.
Weed is awesome n will soon be legal everywhere n ill be able to sit n smoke on my porch....legally haha but seriously weed is just such an amazing herb if used correctly
Yah. some kinda love.
When I become overwhelmed, (aside from the oh so medical reasons I love and need m.j) when I start looking around at the ol'homestead, or my sweetheart be wearing me down in innocent but dubious ways and that packsack starts looking real good to fill and hit the road, If i'm calm enough to roll one up and actually do, it's all moot; every doubt, any anger, gone. just like that.

Mountains become foot hills. The intolerable become human and natural. I become me again. This is because of this plant.

The connection between is ever more prevalent. Gather seeds folks. We're going to need them.
It's kept me sane during college. So many times I've thought I was going to drop out, but I've put up with all the BS and I'm a year from graduating. Pretty sure if I didn't smoke I would of lost my cool a long time ago, dropped out, and be working a job that I hate.

I also have had pretty bad anxiety the past 6-7 years of my life, and it helps my mind slow down, quit worrying, and be able to relax.

It's not for everyone, but it's part of my daily regimen for a healthy mind and spirit. To each their own.
It's kept me sane during college. So many times I've thought I was going to drop out, but I've put up with all the BS and I'm a year from graduating. Pretty sure if I didn't smoke I would of lost my cool a long time ago, dropped out, and be working a job that I hate.

I also have had pretty bad anxiety the past 6-7 years of my life, and it helps my mind slow down, quit worrying, and be able to relax.

It's not for everyone, but it's part of my daily regimen for a healthy mind and spirit. To each their own.

Yes. and good on you btw. Way to go.