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How fucking hard is it to get a shag off the internet in the UK?

I believe (and the Ashley Maddison case confirmed it) that most of these dating/ hook-up sites are incredibly short of 'real' attractive female members. So the site owners create a bunch of totally fake profiles of non-existent (at least on the site) gorgeous female profiles to lure in the males and get their membership fees rolling in. :\
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Haha, that post from rokkinrollaa was like something from a 'How to Pull Women' book. A couple of valid points, but you can't assume all girls are the same, at all. Following those 'rules' could backfire quite spectacularly. Then again, I'm not on POF and Tinder just to get a shag. I'm past the one night stand shit, unless it's unexpectedly offered to me. If I wanted one of those, I'd get high with a mate and have some fun with them.

MDB: I'd say that's a given. At least with free sites/apps, the people are actually real (unless it's a bot, which just links you to a porn site). You have to wonder why such gorgeous girls are on dating sites, when they could easily point to a random male in the street and say 'you'll do'. If it seems too good to be true, there's probably a good reason.

A dating site especially for drug users; there's an idea. Although, POF does ask you whether you take drugs and displays it on your profile.
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A dating site especially for drug users; there's an idea.

I think you are on it, judging by how many couples this site has made. i thought getting a shag of the internet was as simple as booking an escort. Taking a slosh pot out for the sake of it seems pointless.
Would you really want to admit to that on a dating website though? It's not like the sort of thing you want a potential girlfriend to know straight away in case they assume your a drug addict. Some people automatically assume drugs means addiction. It obviously doesn't, trials and tribulations maybe..
doing drugs and being an addict are two different things.

I have done drugs. I am not on drugs now unless you count alcohol and caffeine which I do. You just have to be honest. Lets face it, pretending to be something other than what you are will only result in failure.
Very true, but I've switched my answer to the question on my profile from 'socially' to 'no' and back again, several times. As Sidnafilisevil has said, you don't want a potential girlfriend thinking you've got a drug problem, if she doesn't understand the difference between recreational use and abuse. There aren't many girls on POF who have it on their profile that they do drugs, and I would assume it's for the same reason. You'd think the whole place was made up of people that only drink. It's a shame people feel the need to hide their use, but it's obviously a deal-breaker, for some. I'm obviously a big believer of 'accept me for me who I am, or fuck off', and I've never had a problem getting previous girlfriends to indulge with me. In fact, I've never had a girlfriend who didn't love getting fucked up, but that's because I knew them first. Either way, I won't be changing my profile back. I can't possibly receive less attention than I currently do! Ha.
Exactly as Treacle says. I have seen the odd one that I knew that said yes they did do drugs but they were all completely obvious or well known drug users & bad families, the women I did know on it who did do drugs said no. I believe the same, would be better if we could all be honest, but pragmatically if you find the perfect woman who is against drugs your still going to go meet her and just pretend you don't do them and cross that bridge at a later date, that's life.
Perhaps that's why Bl men seem to snatch up all the women. We're all here because we know a thing or two and nothing is hidden. Really BL just needs more women.

I couldn't do online dating. I'm not complex in the conventional way but there are many things about me that would not fit into a dating profile. TBH I wouldn't want them to! I feel comfortable with me and very much appreciate being appreciated by another person that knows pretty much every aspect of me Dark and light that is me.

I can only be myself.
You just have to be honest. Lets face it, pretending to be something other than what you are will only result in failure.

Yeah. Shame no girl I ever spoke to on an online dating site (I found okcupid to be the best of the free ones btw, fuck POF) ever remotely gave me the impression they were being remotely honest. Definitely not the way to meet people, for me at least.

Thankfully, six pelvic floor surgeries have left me by and large impotent, so I no longer have to bother trying to get a shag off the internet, or anywhere else for that matter. Makes life much simpler and eliminates the chance of another five years of misery trapped in an unhappy relationship. Winning!
Don't you want someone special to make you a sandwich though josh?

Using a specific dating site, whether tinder for a straight up shag or more romance friendly sites really only gets you a leg in the door. Unfortunately the Internet gives many people a false facade right up until that face to face meeting when you no longer have the ability to hide your short comings. If you are socially inept in day to day interactions, you will still struggle to get past the hand shake, let alone to dropping of trousers part.

Special interest sites, be them drug taking or Bulgarian folk dancing fan sites at least give you a small level of common connection that could springboard you past the simple aesthetics only qualification that tinder creates. It might not be instant sex on a phone but there is more chance of longevity
Jesus, it's not about the sandwiches.....8)

I'm quite the macabre girl but why on earth would anyone want a madame tussauds work making them a sandwich! That pic is bordering on Westworld

It doesn't look like she knows how to eat a sandwich let alone make one! GTF!
^^Kind of looks like she really, really really needs to pee or she has a severe spine deformity tbh.
Damn straight! Josh doesn't share food!

(probably yet another reason why I'm single.)

Dude, Sharing food is the best! My best mate and I work on this premise when dining out! We each get something that both of us would like and swap halfs! Two halves of two different meals! YUM! Works the same for starters!

Saying that, if you asked either one of us to share and you've nothing to swap with you can GTF! I'll swap but you have to be pretty fucking special for me to give up tasty treats!
What happens if what you ordered turns out to be amazing and what they ordered turns out to be bordering on inedible? Are you allowed to tell them all bets are off ?