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How do YOU handle being ripped off

Wow..harsh. How could you not feel bad for people who get ripped? It's one of the shittiest parts of this game.

Cause, they are kids. Kids dont deserve drugs, letalone should be doing them. Its like the prize for being an adult with money to blow.. its undermining us all to let those brats get ahold of it!

And yeah, my idea is that it will hopfully sway them from getting drugs in future as 'na man we'll just get ripped again', or atleast bide another few months till they can scrounge up the money to try to buy some again.
Shit happens and you should expect this in the drug world. No exceptions.
i have been ripped off one time for 1200 bills cuz some lil wannabe thug ni**as thought they cud beat me down for my shit and set me up. jokes on them - well see whos laughin wen they doin 8 - 10 wit a mandatory 6. hahahaha....wat just cuz im white u think i dont got a thousand dudes in the hood and make up a story to cops why im there. said igot lost goin to my boys and got merked - they escorted me to my mans house like i didnt kno where it was told him im comin thru - then they caught dudes ridin thru the hood wit mad drugs in the same whip i called in - and they knew i was callin in they plates and still didnt care. hahaha. i win. NOONE robs me.

So basically you were too stupid to get real drugs,

that lil wannabe thug did beat you for your money....umm or did the cops pay it back for being a narc snitch rat soon to be buried motha fucker....cuz I doubt it.

That brings me to my second point. You talk all this rules of the hood when your some white lil mother fucker coming into the ghetto snitching on people.

You are the reason why I and other white people get accused of being a snitch every third time I cop.

I hope you told everyone in the hood what you did. In fact go brag to the hardest "gangster" you know about how noone can rip you off and why.

Snitch, your a snitch, thats my point.

Oh yea, my other point is you didn't get your money back, so in fact EVERYONE who tried to rob you has.

what you think is gunna happen in 6 to 8 when dude gets out, if his friends dont come find your white ass first.
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Hahaha shit son your fucked if they find you. In 'da hood' they HATE rats like you. You better hope your boys in uniform are gonna protect you when they get out. Good move.
I've got reliable sources nowadays so getting ripped-off simply wouldn't happen. Plus I seemed to have gained a bit more respect in my "circle" after word got out that I tried taking on 6 cops at once...
Derailed Burn

I've been burnt a lot over the years. It doesn't happen often now ... when I was new on the block, I'd end up w/ creamer or just plain B&Q cut once or twice a week.

Several of you (I imagine) older heads have accumulated enough zenlike sagacity (or scar tissue) to declare "what goes around, comes around." I agree ... for the most part.

Here's one story about an attempted ripoff for y'all. This happened several summers ago.

One morning my boy and I were riding through our usual group of corners when we got flagged down by cornermen touting for one of crews we most frequently interacted with. My boy parked the car, I exited and followed the pitcher into a narrow alley hole. As soon as we were out of sight from the street, he yelled "GIVE ME THE MONEY, NIGGA!" and started whaling on me.

At first I thought it was a joke. No kidding -- after taking two or three to the head, I still thought he was joshing me. The next thought I had was to get as far away from him as possible ... I tried anything to break away and run back to the car. Shoving him didn't work and only scored me a ripped t-shirt.

Only then did I start fighting. I'm not a big guy. I used a blatantly unsophisticated wrestling takedown to bring him to the deck. When he rose, I remember putting a right hook into his jaw and watching him fold.

The next thing I remember was screaming "GET UP! GET THE FUCK UP NOW!" No response. I was confused. I still had the money balled up in my sweaty fist, but I didn't feel happy, lucky or vindicated. I didn't feel much of anything.

Somehow I became possessed by the notion that I no longer wanted to break away as fast as possible, but swagger slowly back to the car while raising my middle fingers and yelling "YOUR BOY WENT DOWN!" to everyone I encountered on the way back to the car.

The end result? My boy was late for work, and had to stash me (and my ripped t-shirt) away in a spare office until his lunch break when we could try copping again. We were sick, and all I had was William Borrough's "Queer" (remarkably more smack detailed than "Junky") to pass the hours.

In my experience, this type of incident has been the exception -- definitely *not* the rule.
I get very angry if i know the dealers gone, and turn it in on myself,then i have to go out n make more money in a dangerous kamikaze mode which can go ver way, but if i see the dealer again ill fuck him up b4 he gets a chance to pull a blade or summit.
I've been ripped off once before. I was buying some sheets of acid from a guy i thought was my friend. We went to junior high together and hung out occasionally. Anyways of course the acid was completely bunk. I haven't seen or talked to the guy since then, that was about two months ago. I still buy off a few of his acquaintances and well if they ever rip me off Im calling crime stoppers on them.
The only time I've really been ripped off (Except for weed for the first couple of sketchy deal, I say that's part of the experience), was at Nocturnal 2008 (rave). I had bombed around 90 MG of AMT upon coming into the party, and needless to say it hit me quite hard. I wanted acid and started asking around, found some guy that was selling tabs for 8 each so I bought 10. Yeah, they were just pieces of paper, but I didn't notice until after I walked off. Lame story, 30k people or so there so no way I found this guy again unfortunately, but you can fuckin bet I was lookin for him all night.
I hate getting burned, it happens so much with smack when you first start copping. Generally I get pissed off, then depressed, then stoned and I don't care very much anymore. Determinism (scientific, not religious) man, whatever happened had to happen. Besides, brooding over shit doesn't help, so I usually let it go. If I see the person who fucked me over again I demand my money. I used to push it until I had to fight them sometimes to get my shit back, but I'm a pacifist these days, so generally I just aruge a bit and let it go. They deserve happyness as much as I do. But fuck them.
Not easy, but when it happens I try to enjoy the rest of the night the best I can.
Depends on the situation. Usually I just get really depressed (strangely more depressed than angry) and don't say anything (to the one who ripped me off-while bitching to anyone else). I proceed to get high.
Depends on the situation. Usually I just get really depressed (strangely more depressed than angry) and don't say anything (to the one who ripped me off-while bitching to anyone else). I proceed to get high.

If I ever seen the dude that ripped me off, they certainly wouldn't be able to walk after I'm done with them.
Call those fuckers. If there phones off, try to find them. I HATE being ripped off. You gotta go with dealers you trust always.
I've been sold crappy weed before. Used to buy mids from someone, then the price went up. Okay no one else at the moment, so I'm going to wait for him. He was at his work, I put money in a sweater and let him take it, then he said he would be right back. Took like 30 minutes and he put some weed in another sweater. I took it out and left. It was worst than regs, it smelled the same, but it was just awful. No seeds, and no high. He messages me occasionally on facebook, and I always speak in friendly terms, but no way in hell am I ever going to buy from him again, or recommend him.
I've been burnt a lot over the years. It doesn't happen often now ... when I was new on the block, I'd end up w/ creamer or just plain B&Q cut once or twice a week.

Several of you (I imagine) older heads have accumulated enough zenlike sagacity (or scar tissue) to declare "what goes around, comes around." I agree ... for the most part.

Here's one story about an attempted ripoff for y'all. This happened several summers ago.

One morning my boy and I were riding through our usual group of corners when we got flagged down by cornermen touting for one of crews we most frequently interacted with. My boy parked the car, I exited and followed the pitcher into a narrow alley hole. As soon as we were out of sight from the street, he yelled "GIVE ME THE MONEY, NIGGA!" and started whaling on me.

At first I thought it was a joke. No kidding -- after taking two or three to the head, I still thought he was joshing me. The next thought I had was to get as far away from him as possible ... I tried anything to break away and run back to the car. Shoving him didn't work and only scored me a ripped t-shirt.

Only then did I start fighting. I'm not a big guy. I used a blatantly unsophisticated wrestling takedown to bring him to the deck. When he rose, I remember putting a right hook into his jaw and watching him fold.

The next thing I remember was screaming "GET UP! GET THE FUCK UP NOW!" No response. I was confused. I still had the money balled up in my sweaty fist, but I didn't feel happy, lucky or vindicated. I didn't feel much of anything.

Somehow I became possessed by the notion that I no longer wanted to break away as fast as possible, but swagger slowly back to the car while raising my middle fingers and yelling "YOUR BOY WENT DOWN!" to everyone I encountered on the way back to the car.

The end result? My boy was late for work, and had to stash me (and my ripped t-shirt) away in a spare office until his lunch break when we could try copping again. We were sick, and all I had was William Borrough's "Queer" (remarkably more smack detailed than "Junky") to pass the hours.

In my experience, this type of incident has been the exception -- definitely *not* the rule.

You have some big balls my friend. I smiled so wide when I read that you beat that bitchs ass. I took your boy out classic bet no one on that block fucked with you again.
It depends, sometimes I would get into verbal confrontation w/ the person and demand my money back, which worked sometimes. With a growing disdain for being ripped off, I eventually just did alot of research on the substances I was buying and using so the chance of it happening became slim.

Don't worry about it generally though, some dealers are crazy and it's amazing what some of them will do to keep your $$$.