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How did you get off your butt today?

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lifted weights an hour, walked a mile, pulled a big ass vine out of a tree, played 3 games of 1-on-1 basketball.
I have decided to give my body some rest for the hardcore training I had put putting it through for the past months or so. I will just relax and get lots of sleep today.
Gym cardio for 40 minutes followed by crunches, squats and weights
I doubled my jail workouts today.
I have too much time in my day to not take advantage of
Crunches, squats, calf raises, lifted pushups, dips and this great lower ab workout I invented last month.
I doubled my jail workouts today.
I have too much time in my day to not take advantage of
Crunches, squats, calf raises, lifted pushups, dips and this great lower ab workout I invented last month.

Excellent HeWhoHowls! I should add calf raises as well tomorrow before my zumba class
30 minutes run at morning and 30 minutes run before evening = 9km according to google maps 0.o
rear/side/front delt raises superset
dumbbell curls
bent-over row
good morning
goblet squats
bench press
skull crusher
shoulder shrugs

settled into a good upper body routine, still trying new things, i find push-ups and bench dips do a lot for me but i'm not sure when to do them as i can't through the above workout if i add those too. any risk of injury if i just do those on the days between?
^those are good rest day exercises

3 sets

as long as my face doesn't end up looking like hers I'm alright
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Crossfit - 10 rounds: 100 meter run, 10 pull-ups, 5 thrusters. Biceps & back afterwards.
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