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How did you get off your butt today V.2

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Probly not gonna have time to do other exercises tonight due to work over time so i will stick with an hour cardio.
its finally that time of year!! snow on the mountains!!! thinking about buying a season pass to one of the local mountains here, whistler is a bit too far away for that
8km run! Hello again btw, haven't been on this forum for a while
its finally that time of year!! snow on the mountains!!! thinking about buying a season pass to one of the local mountains here, whistler is a bit too far away for that

There are hundreds of mountains in almost every state, even in the northeast, new England.
If you are north the only problem you will have is the need to spend a lot of money..
I´ve gone skiing twice last winter and I was truly broke for almost 8 months..
I've been having issues with a chronic illness. Exercise is a trigger, so it's out. Pretty much everything has been a trigger lately actually.
I finally have felt slightly more energetic the last few days and went shopping today, so we'll see what happens tomorrow. If it weren't for Christmas, I wouldn't have done it.
...did some sorting and cleaning of my space. Laundry is a daily thing as of late. I started drinking well after noon.
Been biking a lot less due to a...friction injury. It's driving me nuts, but I think I'm about healed finally. . .

45km bike ride yesterday. longest one yet. also found how to extend the the ride, so i might make a day for an epic adventure sometime during this summer.
chased my 8 yr old around the park for an hour and a half, then had to go into a deep meditation when I got home to get over it!
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