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How did you get off your butt today V.2

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ok what actually goes on there! you seem to go a lot? hot yoga sounds very inviting

It's just like yoga but in a room where the temperature can go up to 40 degrees celsius and it will make you sweat a lot! It's my way of detoxing my body on top of eating healthy.

A mararthon session of mind blowing sex :)

You wish ;)
Helped my cousin paint a deck all day today. That's 2 pretty big decks in 2 weekends as both of the ones at his place needed to be done. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of helping out family is nice, but not gonna lie, getting paid for all the time I've put in would be nice even though he spent a lot on bud and food for us.
Lol sep sorry for the assumption lmao!!

Planning to go to the gym today but it depends how i would feel after work.
2 mile walk with intermittent jogging, I then hauled a 80 pound beam 1500 feet, took a hour break after which I cleared 40 square feet of blackberries that where 6 feet tall. Ah the joys of living in the country
6km run. Was supposed to do ten but it felt like I overextended my right knee around the 5km mark. It's always been a weak spot so decided to call it quits. It seems I'm getting more injury prone lately, not happy :(
^ knee hyperextension absolutely blows, my empathy to you.

Today I did 40min hike, two bouldering routes, 3 pull ups, and 50 barbell curls. A bit of swimming in there.
Thanks Hat. It's not that bad I think, sessioned an indoor park on my snowboard 5+ hours yesterday and my knee held, although it is a little swollen and sore today. Might not have been the smartest move but was fun nonetheless :)

No more having to use the crappy rentals!!! Super stoked for this winter!

Got 1 free lift pass for Whistler, but I'll have to decide which local mountain I'll buy a pass for
What setup did you buy? Having your own snowboard is sooo much more fun than riding rentals. If you keep it in one piece for 3-4 years it's cheaper too (at least here in Europe :))
Bathed my beautiful little pooch with flea rinse followed by a walk to a nearby creek.

Otherwise ive been a couch potatoe.
it's just a beginners setup, i'm not that good anyway:

board: ride agenda
bindings: flux PR
boots: vans... something. it fit the best out of like 7 boots i tried on
I used to own a Ride Agenda too, broke it last year. It's a fun board, definitely a good choice for someone getting the hang of it :)
Meditated and managed to start and complete an essay - began researching/reading at midday, finished writing and submitted by 9pm. KPI *smashed*

Now I'm going to get drunk and play Tropico 5
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