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How did you get off your butt today V.2

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8 mile run
After a pair of the currently popular ultra-light sneakers (Nike Flex)
I picked-up a pair of old-school trainers that have a lot more support
and shock-absorption (Reebok Double Haul). -Nice to feel good about
running shoes after their first use rather than having to attend to blistered
feet and thinking I need another pair of running shoes. On the other hand, I am
running more. I think I need another pair of running shoes!
I gotta walk an hour to see a doctor today then an hour walk back just for a script refill, only place open on the holiday is the hospital :(
^ :(

I am just finishing my very late breakfast and then im going to the gym after.
new job.
I have 3 hours of bike commuting (strenuous, hilly) per day, 4 days per week. Hah, this is whipping me into shape.

new job.
I have 3 hours of bike commuting (strenuous, hilly) per day, 4 days per week. Hah, this is whipping me into shape.


holy crap no thanks

i've been active more thanks to this thread. usually run for 6-8km on monday - thursday
Gym cardio+day 11 of the 30 Day Fitness Challenge by Busted
Went to the beach for a kite flying festival! The bus to the beach from the train station was packed so I walked 30 minutes from the station to the beach. Walked back too :)
two hour cardio plus day 23 and 25 of Fitness Challenge!
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