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Bupe helping precipitated withdrawal

just saying "you need to be in withdrawal dummy!!!" is very missleading. Just being in withdrawal and being in enough withdrawal to not get PW are very very different. I feel like hell after 20 hours and am sure as shit in withdrawal but I know I'm gonna still need to wait at least another 12 hours till I'm thrashing around in bed contemplating blowing my brains out before I can take bupe properly.

the higher your dose and tolerance etc, the more drawn out your WDs are, and the worse they get. people with small habits can wait untilled mild to moderate WD to dose because that's just as bad as its gonna get and it gets to that point quicker. people with bigger habbits need to make damn sure their WDs are as bad as they can possibly be before they can dose with bupe properly.

its not some sure-fire "if your sick your all good" thing. "sick" is a broad term.

Totally agree.
It's cos it is not black n white is why us dopes are here checking out the story with other dope fiend.

And as my fellow fiend above alluded to - what blows you one time can suck the next.

Seems the suck is a one hour hell for some while others get fasttracked to a days long jaunt in a psychic Fallujah
Yeah the past few tries getting back on bupe, really turned me off to it. It worked great for me for a while, but I don't have time to deal with all the fucking timing issues, careful induction practices to avoid PW's, still getting them anyway, or just generally feeling like shit for days during the transition.

I wish it would just work for for me like it used to, because I would have rather stayed with the suboxone, but it doesn't, and it took me a while and a lot of pain trying to get back on it, to just accept that. I'll take methadone any day of the week right now. Of course, that is for me and my situation. Many people I wouldn't suggest it for and bupe is great. It was just so much easier not having to worry with the methadone.. you take it, it works, you don't have to wait and do all this shit, and it deals with my cravings even better than bupe did when it was working well for me.

Yeah, I am buying methadone n selling my subs at the moment.
For a yr or two I thought subs were a godsend.
But started using again during hep c treatment.
And now I long to be on the subs but dread the intro uncertainty n I suppose object to their superior blocking powers.
But I found I was much more productive on subs.
Taking in the morning, I wld bounce out of bed.
Take meth in bed n I never get out.
I see meth as the slob option but the slob that allows me do junk.
And doesn't offer trips to hell.
There again I managed to write a book of well received spokenword on the subs.
The dilemmas of the mid 50s monkey.
Yesterday afternoon I had a shot of H...nothing just a point. Then around midnight last night I decided to shoot a subutext....immediate P-WD it was the worst, I'm an idiot for not waiting longer I know. So I ride it out and wait time this afternoon and took one 4mg suboxone strip, and it pretty much did the same thing. Right back to the fevers and sweats and shakes and all....

So my question is, how much longer before I can safely take a sub? I've read that shooting it can work but I'm terrified to have those P-WDs again
This is a very old thread bro, use the search engine to search through the threads for precipitated withdrawal. You'll get a ton of results with a ton of information on it. Just read up on it.

But generally from my experience the safest time to start dosing sub after a moderate heroin habit (¼g/day or so), 24-36hours generally is long enough. Any earlier and you risk PWDs. And rating yourself honestly using the COWS sheet to measure the intensity of the withdrawal helps you gauge when you can go ahead with the sub. High moderate to severe withdrawal is where you want to be. And you are supposed to dose small and slowly. Like take .5mg-1mg SUBLINGUALLY, and see how it makes you feel. If PWDs hit, it should be mild. Don't ever induct yourself by injecting, the PWDs are way more intense. So if you take it sublingually small dose and still feel PWDs, wait a while, like an hour or 2. Then try again. Then repeat til you start feeling better. Usually it doesn't take any More than 4-6mg.

But just read up on it the answers to this have been posted A LOT. But yeah , generally 24-36hours is good for a mild to moderate heroin habit. Bigger and longer habits can take longer for the opiates to vacate your receptors, and may even have to wait a couple days before sub. But a small heroin habit 24-36hours, you should be good. And again DO NOT start off by injecting it.
Hi, I'm summer! For some reason I can not find the option to start a new thread so I figured I would post here and get an answer.

It has been 24 hours since I took less than half of an 8mg subutext. Nasally. It was only about 3mg.

I am currently starting to feel withdrawal.

Can I take liquid methadone and feel it? I know it's safe too after sub I just need to know will I feel it cause if not I'm going to save it. Thanks y'all!
Yeah, once you start to feel withdrawal setting in again, it means the bupe is leaving your receptors, and you can bring another opiate into your system and feel it.
Have you tried?

You can IV Suboxone, and naloxone still is inactive. The old myth "you can't IV Suboxone" is just that: a myth.

Buprenorphine causes precipitated withdrawal.

Iv suboxone made me feel not so good. Hard to breathe, hot and I only did 2 mg. I would not recommend it to anyone. Myth I don't know but it's not a good feeling
I only would IV sub only if I was 100% positive there was no full agonist opiate still attached to my receptors. Which is usually well into my 2nd or 3rd day without using a short acting full agonist. Methadone is long acting, and will require a taper down and several days without it before transitioning to bupe.

But you can absolutely IV bupe, and get the absolute most bioavailability out of it. I wouldn't recommend it without a micron filter cuz it will trash your veins, but you can definitely do it.
I'm on day 3 of precipated withdrawal and I'm ready to get heroin because the sweat/chill thing is horrible! Not sure what to do
Please I hope someone can tell me how much longer this will last?
Or should I try doing bags?
I know this is way off topic but I need a quick answer. I've been iving now for a few years off an on.
I am currently tapering off the needle if that makes sense. It's the needle that's addictive for me not the rush. Anyways Ived my sub earlier and DID NOT MISS but it was a small small vein (all my veins are I have to run my arm under hot water every time just to find one) but I got blood back but may have popped through the other side of it when I went in.

It is hard to ask for help in online forums for these kind of things, because most of us are not doctors and we cannot see what it looks like. Does the lump feel hot/warm to the touch? It is red, or beginning to give off red streaks? Are you getting cold sweats or have a fever? Is the lump filling with pus? These are all signs of an infection.

The best thing to do is go to the hospital and get medical assistance right away. It is the only way to put your mind at ease. Relying on the internet is not going to help much, especially since you are going to get a lot of mixed answers, and some of them might make you even more worried. Trust me I know from experience. Going to the hospital will get you the exact specific help you need with your exact specific situation. Hope you are OK dude!
I know this is way off topic but I need a quick answer. I've been iving now for a few years off an on.
I am currently tapering off the needle if that makes sense. It's the needle that's addictive for me not the rush. Anyways Ived my sub earlier and DID NOT MISS but it was a small small vein (all my veins are I have to run my arm under hot water every time just to find one) but I got blood back but may have popped through the other side of it when I went in.


And you SHOUOD be scared! Missed shots of sub are notorious for causing necrosis and otherwise horrifying conditions. Watch it carefully for any signs of infections: localized heat coming from the lump, puss formation, increasing pain coming from the injection site, growth of any kind, or reddening/color changes.

If you start having chills, sweats, nausea, or even a small low grade fever go to the emergency room immediately and seek medical attention.

Run it under hot water every hour or two and watch it like a hawk. Honestly, one thing is a missed heroin shot...... But im being real with you when I say you should probably go to the ER right now. Missed suboxone shots are in a category all of their own. Because you have such a high chance of getting an abscess, just go to the hospital. No reason to risk losing an arm.

And trust me. By not seeing a doctor, thats exactly what you're risking.
agree suboxone is hell to miss. but zubsolv's not bad. I IV my zubsolvs and I've missed before (never a whole shot) and the swelling is almost always gone in less than 24hrs.
I missed a tiny little part of a suboxone shot once and got a horrible burning rash where I missed that lasted for weeks.

the only time I've gone into precipitated w/d is when I got that good old IM naloxone for an OD. man that was miserable ...I got out of the hospital after being in there puking my guts out for a couple hours because my boyfriend showed up to pick me up w/ a damn bicycle and a skateboard (the hospital was only a few miles away from our house) and told me I could ride the bike home and he'd board and I nearly ripped his head and sent him w/ his tail between his legs to go get one of the cars we had then. when we got home I couldn't even be arsed to cop, I just collapsed and slept for about 12 hours straight. horrible shit.
actually I think I experience precip w/d after shooting my sub the day after some other pill ...I experienced it for literally no more than 30-60sec and then it was over ...didn't even have time to get unpleasant and had I not known what was happening it could have easily been mistaken for some kind of "rush."
Hey everyone... I'm brand new one blue lighthe and I was on pills, then herioin, then subs. I found that I could use dope 12 hours after I took subs and I would feel it, but if I did subs 12 hours after dope, I got dope sick. I was able to get off of everything using immodium, but now I'm struggling to get off of it....
This was subutex that did this and it has went down tremendously. Its almost gone. I have been watching it closely as you said but it has no pain no bruising or anything an is almost totally gone...
can someone please help me? i seem to have gone into PW and don't have access to my DOC to stop it. Only more suboxone. What do I do?
just experienced this and it was complete hell. never in my life had withdrawal this bad. called an ambulance broke out the hospital cause I couldn't stand the feeling. Extreme chills so bad it hurt. Just every withdrawal symptom 100x worse. was on methadone for 2 months stopped going Sunday at 45 mg. Also have a half gram a day habit. last shot of dope was over 12 hours before sub.so 4 days off methadone. Precipitated withdrawal lasted from 11am after doctor gave me 8mg of sub until 8pm when finally called my dealer instantly after a half gram felt so much better. At first read to take more sub so I did 4 subs later still hell the only thing that helped me was more dope personal experience do not by any circumstances take sub to soon wait as long as possible I know the outcome getting more dope seems going backward but It was so hellish you'd understand
You'll be fine.

On the incredibly slim chance you do precipitate withdrawals...just try be fucking patient, and see the light at the end of the tunnel...I mean shit 15 minutes of withdrawal, MAX....the WORST thing that could happen during PWDs is that you panic, make an idiotic decision, shoot up 3 bags of heroin, and turn blue.
If that happens, it's you're own fault. WDs aren't all that bad, and ESPECIALLY when they last only 15 minutes or less.

Now if PWD lasted...hell, even an hour or 2 I would have alot more sympathy.
But if you can't take a little 15 minutes of WD's just what in the FUCK are you doing on dope in the first place??? If that's the case, taking suboxone a little to early is probably, not only the newest in a long series of bad decisions, but also the least alarming.

You made your bed, now lie in it....and know that Precipated withdrawals are practically a myth to keep people from banging subs.

If you're really that worried then wait another 6 hours.... it's either gonna be 6 hours of borderline limbo wd (assuming) or 15 minutes of precipitated wd for an extra 6 hours of time in your day, that you won't spend in borderline WD, just waiting for a fix.

And P.S., if Kadog^ had to take 1/2 gram of dope to fix his shit....LOL that sounds like some really, really shitty dope.
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No no no my precipitated withdrawals lasted 8plus hours I I got a half g to start. As soon as I got more money another 2 it took a gram and a half to make me feel normal. Anyone saying these types of withdrawals aren't bad you apparently have never had them. Unless personal experience of the worst feeling I've ever had contemplating suicide so bad I've been dope sick I've been pill sick I've been sub sick nothing compares at all
Dude it's a myth really wow you've never had it then I hope you do just for that you have no idea