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Opioids Help identifying Abnormal side effects


Dec 28, 2021
So I've checked many sources for anything similar to explain this occurrence, but my wife and I are trying to identify what is going on. Used opiates for years, (DoC was/were Opana / oxymorphone, Heroine, Fentanyl) from age 25-38, having a few years of sobriety in the middle of this, only recently have had these new side effects occur. The usual side effects from elevated use were the typical nodding, extra energy and tolerance to the pain my body goes through, but the following is what has been happening lately. These are notes I've gathered with my wife about these new effects. Before you read on, I am so open minded, accepting to anyone regardless of age race sex religion etc... I apologize greatly for what I retell here.

Extreme amounts of energy, but blacked out and with no control

Starts with beatboxing/ finger beat tapping

Volume control issues

Auditorial psychosis - singing nonsense songs

Vocal IQ. Drops dramatically (Usually very eloquent in my speech pattern and mannerisms)

Jumping around arm flailing (broken many items on shelves due to this)

Repeating words and terminology I NEVER OR VERY RARELY USE ( using the term babygirl to my wife, and also apparently being very racist, dropping N bombs repeatedly)

(I am so ashamed of this because not only have I been in an interracial relationship, I've grown up befriending many friends of many different races, especially African American, no one that truly knows me would ever think I was racist in the slightest)

Later on through the blackout I'd get to these parts
Zombie raver (standing in random spots, sometimes ranting sometimes singing)

Overtly emotional
Over reacting to situations and events
(Thought I hurt her when all I did was brush my leg up next to her)

One time I {(Literally)} cried over spilt milk.

Deep regret for life choices and leading to

Self harming punishment (head punching, I also nearly concussed myself with a folding chair)

My honest opinion about this is two fold: before I left my home state it was only heroine and Opana (oxymorphone), but in the state I moved to, and after I relapsed, it didn't start until a year into this relapse. I attribute these new side effects to two possibilities. The introduction of actual Fentanyl, or something I heard through the grape vine called Rizzo, which I'm told is a chemical plant food additive used for cut. I've heard about Xylaxene, but haven't had those very serious symptoms that come with that last one, and it's why I've stopped and since have been mostly sober.(So scared to lose a limb) (Feb 20th this year, 1 relapse since)

Other possibilities that my wife has offered touch up on this Fentanyl overloading my throat chakra, enabling me to focus on creative actions (I am a fan of making memes, music, hip-hop songs) but being overloaded may have turned me to these symptoms. Like the Fentanyl affects my brain chemistry differently than normal heroine and oxy/opana had in the past.

I tend to overthink a lot normally, and may even be undiagnosed ADD/ADHD.

If you have read through this all, I thank you for your time and understanding, and any advice you may have for me.
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You still didn't mention which drug, but I can guess stimulants?

A lot of what you are describing would fit the description of cathinones or various other RC stimulants, or meth, or others.

I have experience a lot of those symptoms at times, from various things, usually when I am close to psychosis.
Those are not normal opioid symptoms.

Opioids sometimes give me auditory sensitivity, but yeah, you're describing exotic chemicals.

Your drugs probably aren't the drugs you think they are. Fent, heroin, oxymorphone does not do any of that. If anything, it does the opposite.

Test your drugs bro.

You are describing symptoms I've experienced while in borderline psychosis, prodromal psychosis, or psychosis itself. Usually from stimulants or alcohol or something else. Those aren't really possible symptoms from real fent/heroin/oxy.

actually, you're also possibly describing synthetic cannabinoid overdose, which some heroin has been known to be laced with, it feels different from weed, and almost would make me break down with extreme emotional fits for no reason. I'd see my cat sitting by the door and break down crying for no reason. Weird shit.
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Those are not normal opioid symptoms.

Opioids sometimes give me auditory sensitivity, but yeah, you're describing exotic chemicals.

Your drugs probably aren't the drugs you think they are. Fent, heroin, oxymorphone does not do any of that. If anything, it does the opposite.

Test your drugs bro.

You are describing symptoms I've experienced while in borderline psychosis, prodromal psychosis, or psychosis itself. Usually from stimulants or alcohol or something else. Those aren't really possible symptoms from real fent/heroin/oxy.

actually, you're also possibly describing synthetic cannabinoid overdose, which some heroin has been known to be laced with, it feels different from weed, and almost would make me break down with extreme emotional fits for no reason. I'd see my cat sitting by the door and break down crying for no reason. Weird shit.
Like the crying over spilled milk incident. I wasn't blacked out for that event but I recall it so clearly. when you say Synthetic Cannabinoid, do you mean like K2?

Last june I was arrested for impaired driving when I drove into a farm ditch, I was blood tested, and there was nothing except Fentanyl and Cannibus in my system at that time, and after 3 days I was released and I was able to recover my vehicle from impound and recover the rest, I also had another incident similar to above. symptoms. So its sound like either the Fentanyls affect on my brain, or something that the blood test didn't / couldn't detect.

I mean watching the videos that my wife took of me were EYE opening, then meeting a guy who lost a foot to xylaxene, sold it for me. I relapsed only once since then and that was a big mistake due to extreme depression and stress. I plan on making my move away from these drugs to less detrimental ones like dmt / shrooms.
either way, the dope you are buying is fake and laced with bullshit, stop buying from that source, they are scamming you.
seems I can't trust anyone, because the recent relapse not only did this to me but i OD'ed on the tiniest amount. luckily I planned for that possibility and had my wife prepped with Narcan with me then.
heroin/fent/oxy is a horrible drug to get back into these days

it's all fake

I'd suggest learning to use the dark net, the dope isn't always the best, but it's never fake shit like that. Usually just fent.

do you mean like K2?
Yes, but "K2" is very vague and refers to several dozen different chemicals. Most of the good ones are banned iirc. Still some around.

Horrible shit.

It's mainly only used by people in prison these days.
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heroin/fent/oxy is a horrible drug to get back into these days

it's all fake

I'd suggest learning to use the dark net, the dope isn't always the best, but it's never fake shit like that. Usually just fent.

Yes, but "K2" is very vague and refers to several dozen different chemicals. Most of the good ones are banned iirc. Still some around.

Horrible shit.

It's mainly only used by people in prison these days.
I know a friend who is a wiz chemist, he strongly suggests moving to psychedelics / microdosing. I've only tried dmt once and it wasn't administered properly, he wants me to try it again, properly so I can do some spiritual healing.
Could you suggest a starting point?
google The DNM Bible.

I know a friend who is a wiz chemist, he strongly suggests moving to psychedelics / microdosing. I've only tried dmt once and it wasn't administered properly, he wants me to try it again, properly so I can do some spiritual healing.
yes you should do psychedelics. way better than dope.
google The DNM Bible.

yes you should do psychedelics. way better than dope.
Thank you very much for your insight. Other than that part about when I was blood tested I'm concluding that the most likely reason for this would be a mild cathinones affect laced into my shit then. That is the most informed reasoning I have found, as my research into this plant food additive turned up with no helpful information.
heroin/fent/oxy is a horrible drug to get back into these days

it's all fake

I'd suggest learning to use the dark net, the dope isn't always the best, but it's never fake shit like that. Usually just fent.

Yes, but "K2" is very vague and refers to several dozen different chemicals. Most of the good ones are banned iirc. Still some around.

Horrible shit.

It's mainly only used by people in prison these days.
I can't believe anyone is using it at all, shit. It is just getting passed along to what our society thinks of as the lowest of the low. Overstock of a clearly harmful drug that was hot for as long as Shaggy's music career. Maybe that is when everything went haywire, fucking Spice and K2.

@Enigmathefallen Most of what you describe sounds like lowered/non-existent inhibition. @Snafu in the Void is certainly correct that it is not a typical reaction from just opiates. Perhaps there are parts of the story you are not sharing. Maybe it is psychosis, fent mixed with booze, xylafentoin, smack and a benzo. The behavior you describe is not uncommon for some of those mixes for sure. It especially sounds like let's say 4mg of Xanax behavior. As was already stated, test your shit, know your source, read and research on Bluelight. Certainly, be honest if you are looking for guidance at place like this. Maybe one of the last remaining places for honest, accepting, open discussions about drugs. I can guarantee one thing from experience.

With almost 100% confidence I can tell you it is something you are taking as opposed to having anything to do with your throat chakra. Hope something from this reaches you, good luck.
I can't believe anyone is using it at all, shit. It is just getting passed along to what our society thinks of as the lowest of the low. Overstock of a clearly harmful drug that was hot for as long as Shaggy's music career. Maybe that is when everything went haywire, fucking Spice and K2.

@Enigmathefallen Most of what you describe sounds like lowered/non-existent inhibition. @Snafu in the Void is certainly correct that it is not a typical reaction from just opiates. Perhaps there are parts of the story you are not sharing. Maybe it is psychosis, fent mixed with booze, xylafentoin, smack and a benzo. The behavior you describe is not uncommon for some of those mixes for sure. It especially sounds like let's say 4mg of Xanax behavior. As was already stated, test your shit, know your source, read and research on Bluelight. Certainly, be honest if you are looking for guidance at place like this. Maybe one of the last remaining places for honest, accepting, open discussions about drugs. I can guarantee one thing from experience.

With almost 100% confidence I can tell you it is something you are taking as opposed to having anything to do with your throat chakra. Hope something from this reaches you, good luck.
I do appreciate the honesty, and I had created this post with my wife, after she personally had spent hours of her own research into this, I just asked if we had left anything out, including combinations you mention, but with documenting and at times video recording me in these blackouts, I can assure you this is 99.9% of the story. I once had abused Xanax, and had 2 blackouts in my younger years due to it, both times taking 4mg straight up. The only other drug I've been taking during these times was Cannibus, and not as much as I used to, due to how after Covid, it seems the smoke agitates my throat too much to fully enjoy without coughing up a lung. The only other medication I have been taking at times ( which has never caused me any issues before the relapse-1yr in timeframe) was Nerotin, aka Gabapentin. But I have had this happen both on and off Gabapentin as well. MY wife mentioned the throat chakra because normally I am very eloquent in my speech, but then I turn into an invalid in this state.

I wouldn't come for advice here, and hiding any details willingly, I just want you and anyone else to know.

This situation has scared me and my wife and I have always wanted to find a reasoning for it happening. Maybe its just the way it affects me at 38, as opposed to when I was 25, maybe its the cathinones Snafu mentioned it could have been cut with, but other users I have been with have never had such a thing happen to them, and one of them witnessed my go from mildly dopesick, straight to black out within 15-20 mins of dose. And its never happened to him, and he was a heavier user.
Coulda made me spit my drink out had I read this part a minute sooner. GD FTFO was dumb, but get me on some Wizard of the Hood, and we are Golden!
I understand more now about your wife's throat chakra comment. Certainly did not mean it as a insult to her or her research. With all the facts presented I think you already have your answer. Still curious about "Rizzo" but clearly whatever you are getting is cut with something that doesn't agree with you, point blank, simple. Find a better source or forever hold your peace.

The hood wizard and us both have test kits now, Godspeed.