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Opioids Help identifying Abnormal side effects

Might you consider a medical and psychiatric work up before going full swappa-a-loppa on the drugs?
I've had quite a strained relation most my young life with psychiatrists and medications. I was basically experimented on in my teens with different meds, combinations, changing weekly, sometimes 2-3x a week i'd have changes. I do understand that this had resulted in major malfunctions, but these recent events don't make sense as it seemed to start out of the blue, or when I switched sources. i switched sources twice sense the first time and still it happened to me.
I understand more now about your wife's throat chakra comment. Certainly did not mean it as a insult to her or her research. With all the facts presented I think you already have your answer. Still curious about "Rizzo" but clearly whatever you are getting is cut with something that doesn't agree with you, point blank, simple. Find a better source or forever hold your peace.

The hood wizard and us both have test kits now, Godspeed.
I heard about Rizzo through my extensive research and networking. like I mentioned what its supposed to be, but I cannot confirm that, most likely a nickname for a different chemical name. And its all good, I didn't take any offense, I know some out there might misconstrued things online but I don't. I wish I wasn't so ashamed of those videos else I would post them publicly, but I do keep that thought in the back of my mind in case I ever encounter some one else that has this happen to them. Awareness.
I agree with the possible lacing of the drug. Psychosis and ataxia I noted stood out in your symptoms. Overdose of haldol I wonder? If so, take a couple Benadryl. That should break muscle rigidity within 30 min. All just a guess but I worked in psych/detox. Best, B
I've had quite a strained relation most my young life with psychiatrists and medications. I was basically experimented on in my teens with different meds, combinations, changing weekly, sometimes 2-3x a week i'd have changes. I do understand that this had resulted in major malfunctions, but these recent events don't make sense as it seemed to start out of the blue, or when I switched sources. i switched sources twice sense the first time and still it happened to me.
I've had quite a strained relation most my young life with psychiatrists and medications. I was basically experimented on in my teens with different meds, combinations, changing weekly, sometimes 2-3x a week i'd have changes. I do understand that this had resulted in major malfunctions, but these recent events don't make sense as it seemed to start out of the blue, or when I switched sources. i switched sources twice sense the first time and still it happened to me.
Please see a medical Dr and or a psychiatrist about what's happening to you. It's about harm reduction and just guessing about sources, cuts, symptoms etc doesn't work ( for long). It appears you'll do anything but the sensible next step. I'm not judging, just know how we think ( substance abusers) and also recently lost my adult daughter from unintended OD. Also a recently retired RN so I look at situations with different eyes than a lay person, chemist etc. Establish a Dr/patient with someone trustworthy and be open and honest. Your comment about being experimented is based on a truth, Most of psych symptoms and psych meds are a guessing game. You just keep going until something works for you.
I am having a little trouble following your timeline, but I think you said that you stopped taking the drugs you were taking on Feb 20 , with one relapse? By relapse, you mean you took one dose of the same drugs you had been taking? Did the symptoms stop while you were off the drugs? Whatever, those sound like very scary symptoms and you have my sympathy. You certainly want to do what you can get rid of them.
You got a lot of good advice from folks to follow. It seems like you really ought to quit whatever it is you are taking while you get yourself checked out medically. Don't trust those sources you have! (and you should get your drugs tested if you still have them)
When you do figure out the issue, let us know what you found. I'm sure some other people could benefit from that knowledge.