• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Healthy Living Photo Thread


I was on my way to the barn to ride my new horse <3

Haven't lifted in a few days and i just started eating more because im playing some football over the summer on this league. Back where i once was, took some work and was low carbing earlier on but later i noticed i am young and it doesn't matter really what i eat, i want to grow. my weight is at 260 and i am 6ft3. have been considering taking some testosterone to surpass my limit and so my shoulder and shit doesnt get injured in the league. anyways, enjoy;)
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I haven't been in here in a while, how's the groin injury doing? A lot better I would hazard a guess!
flexin on those fish so they bite my facking lure

some free climbing at a waterfall yesterday

My arm has been broke since june 15th but i give zero fucks honestly
I've actually been somewhat keeping up with a relatively light workout schedule over the past 3 months or so now that I'm not getting fucked up as soon as I get out of work. I have pretty wide hip bones so it takes a lot of cardio for me to get really ripped, but at the same time I don't own a gym membership and solely do workouts around my house. But yeah, cardio is the number one thing I need to work on, short of getting rid of this farmer's tan

getting a haircut tomorrow actually, probably a 1 to a 0 fade

but here's a pic of my beard in it's early-Sharia stages
