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Have drugs fucked you up?

Thanks, I don’t get on so well with ketamine so I’m not sure about that. I’ll give some nootropics a shot though. Which have worked best for you?

I've not had occasion to use them personally but @scatterday gave some suggestions. The piracetam family is the most commonly used and generally considered the most effective.

LSD and magic mushrooms could heal damaged brain cells in people suffering from depression, study shows:

So there you go, as with most things in life the solution is to take more drugs ;)
Piracetam is also considered to be neuroprotective against the neuroxocitiy of MDMA. Take a read of a few articles where users said that preloading and taking piracetam for a consecutive amount of time then consuming MDMA/ecstasy.

All the reports seem to indicate users have reported with by saying it feels like they're rolling for the first time again.

Tried this and I can confirm the roll was completely different and far more euphoric/empathetic.

Believe me I've done my fair share of abusing MDMA too.

I won't go into dosages though because that would be considered unsafe and I preach harm reduction.
Thanks, I don’t get on so well with ketamine so I’m not sure about that. I’ll give some nootropics a shot though. Which have worked best for you?

Bromantane is not just a nootropic with some very mild stim properties thanks to its ability to increase dopamine synthesis ("normal" stimulant drugs induce release and/or inhibit reuptake instead), but it also boosts BDNF and NGF production, which means it will have strong regenerating effects on the CNS.
I have used it at a dosage between 50 to 200mg per day with great effect in regards to depression and cognitive fog due to stim use.
Should be available from some nootropic websites.

MK 677 will boost your own GH production and is available on clearnet if you live in the UK, 25mg per day is what I used, great sleep enhancer, reduced my stress levels, will regenerate your body in amazing ways.
As an example, in 6 months of daily use, a 16 years old, 4 inch scar on my head almost disappeared, my gums, retracted by years of cigarettes and spliffs, grew back on my teeth in a matter of months (I had stopped smoking a few months before).
It permanently doubled the thickness of my upper pecs with no training whatsoever.

Lions Mane is said to boost BDNF and NGF but I never took it myself so cannot comment, but if you search you will find many positive reports.
Dont take gabapentin or pregabalin either. Apparently some research shows they stop brain cells from regenerating, which is worrying considering I'm on 300mg pregabalin once a day :/
My cocaine addiction almost teared my life to pieces. First 2 years of cocaine then 1 year of crack cocaine. Im a daily user of morphine and i am in substition,but opioids never fucked up my daily routine as long as i didnt take way too much. I study,work in a prestigious firm(linklaters) and perform very well in my university,but that is only due to stopping my cocaine use. Before that i switched my course of studys 2 times and was not able to do anything for my academic success, mainly because i was sleeping till 4 o clock in the afternoon and then would buy some cocaine or try to get some money for cocaine/crack. Then i would be spun out of my mind till i eventually would sleep at 6 in the morning( if i didnt have enough cocaine to do a 2-3 nighter). Went through all my savings and about 15000€ from my dead grandma. I finally admitted my self to a clinic and stayed there for a month. After that, i managed to put down my cocaine use to once every few months, which i still maintain now 2 years later.
Had some scary moments overdosing on cocaine/crack where my heart stopped beating for about 2-3 seconds
I reckon my brain's taken quite a hit from stimulant abuse - my memory has become pretty bad and I find even relatively simple abstract/processing tasks noticeably more difficult compared to pre-abuse. Probably almost entirely from staying awake for days on end, filling my brain with free radicals, protein plaques and toxic crud that it wasn't given an opportunity to flush out (thanks to staying awake), and which has gone on to damage neurons and shrink white matter.
I 1st used hash (as an Antidepressant really I realised later) then skunk when that became more available, and that REALLY fucked me up: I stopped after a night of anxiety, paranoia & hallucinations.
Psychedelics have never given me any problems at all. Not done tonnes of MDMA / Stimulants, but I've only had problems with MDPV / a-PVP (good ol' stim psychosis hospital trip, you know the drill).
Opioids, Benzos and Alcohol are the ones I'm on these days and they definitely aren't doing me any favours. They're stopping me from grieving properly, controlling a good portion of my days in one way or another & the thought of coming off them (especially Benzos) is terrifying! :eek:

I'm not saying I've not learned things that were useful from substances, but the cons have outweighed the pros for me. My brain is definitely not what it used to be - Slower, memory problems, complete stalling at times..... Yeah..... "Yeah" is the short version haha
man, do not release your anger of life in other people
Give the person some slag.

He or she is just stating, like I did earlier. Drug's use doesn't fuck you up normally, excluding those on Krokodil.

Even injecting can be a save practice they say. Not for me though, needle's are a nightmare. But there are thing's way more damaging to your mind as overusing drug X, Y or Z. Like dr's, employer's and people working at health and benefit service's.

Not pesonally aimed at you Jose Ribas da Silva but Zopiclone Bandit has a point
. My brain is definitely not what it used to be - Slower, memory problems, complete stalling at times..... Yeah..... "Yeah" is the short version haha

As long as my script of dex-Amphetamine run's maybe I am talking bullshit.

Good guess if it mask's the damage. And how I will run without a stim?
Surprisingly no, i got a degree after 15 years a junkie
Serious booze consumption has to an extent fucked me up, I would argue that I was quite fucked up to begin with.
Dont take gabapentin or pregabalin either. Apparently some research shows they stop brain cells from regenerating, which is worrying considering I'm on 300mg pregabalin once a day :/

This explains how it makes me feel when I take it...
Being on morphine and related painkillers for 48 years, if anything it slowed or periodically halted the ageing process -- Miss Emma and D and Vilan inter alia did not, in the medical parlance of the day, fuck me up.
Yeah, lyrica fucks brain up. Especially if you take it scripted with other meds. Lyrica benzo wds simultaneously are the worst wds by a landmark I have ever had.