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has everyone "gone hard" at some stage in their drug-taking lives?

I don't think I've ever really 'gone hard'. Urgh, thats too difficult. You've gotta define it!! It actually really interests me, so I'm forever asking people when I'm out how much they've had..don't worry, I only do it if we've been talking for a while, or if they seem really munted.

I guess last year was maybe harder than 2002 though. I only went out about 4 times then, whenever there was a semester break. My friends could handle this, but I never could, it used to drive me nuts and I'd put count downs in my diary as to when I could go out again.

But I also think that I am going less hard this year than last year. And I can only define that that way bc last year I'd fully crack it if I couldn't go out, but this year having a weekend off is ok. That said I've always got the next event planned.

But it's my break year - the year when I'm getting it out of my system or something. I go out like once a fortnight - guess thats a lot huh? But I'm YOUNG!!
Ok, this is my final obscure bump for the night.

I dont think i've ever gone 'hard' for an extended period of time. But there is a little flame burning somewhere inside me that fuels a desire to go hard. If that makes any sense at all...

In general i'm pretty responsible, which somehow creates this bubble of irresponsibility that keeps growing and growing until it bursts, generally resulting in a LOT of fun. Its actually quite a good system.
Good bump.

Hard... Oh god. I remember the days, a few years ago now that I went hard. It was a disgusting period in my life. I would go out every weekend, both nights, eat anywhere from 4-10 pills and consume a fair about of whiz, then rock up at work Sunday (So, so responsible) for my shift, before retreating to a friends house to smoke cones. This went on for a period of about 6 months. I have no idea why I stopped, it wasn't a concious choice, just did.

I think it may have had something to do with the 11 day bender I went on with no sleep, it eventually reached a point where me and the remaining two from the bender were sitting on a couch ashing our cigarettes on one another as we were too lazy to reach across for the ashtray. I ended up drinking myself to pass out point.

I haven't had a hard weekend since early last year because I'm getting older and my body cant take it as well as it used to, plus I take care of myself more these days as I never know when some kind of bizarre disease or infection is going to crop up in my system.
I was on the limit a couple of years ago living in the Rockies. Lived in a drug house in a little drug town and there was always coke, weed, hash and E lying about. After three or four months of hardcore drug binging and constant booze benders, I was a total ditz. My short term memory completely shot to the point I would go to the shops to buy food, load up a trolley, arrive at the check-out and realise I'd left my wallet at home... or I'd go down the pub to drink and leave my wallet in my other pants... constant "wallet-leaving" incidents and how I never lost the fucker is a miracle I'm still trying to understand!... it was the best time of my life.

The other time was early this year. Round about March. I was hard on the booze this time. Just beer. And I was trying to keep my drinking secret from a lot of people. That was so dark.

Many years ago before i discovered the trance party scene I used to love binging on cough syrup.. Dextromethorphan was the only psychedelic available to me at the time and i remember many great times. I never suffered any adverse health effects. There was also a time where i went through very heavy alcohol consuption after getting over a messy long-term relationship.. Going hard without thinking about the health consequences is very natural it seems :) I think most people get over it when they discover their limitations in the world of substance aided consciousness and its only a problem if you make it one!
ButrosButros_Grantos said:
I haven't had a hard weekend since early last year because I'm getting older and my body cant take it as well as it used to, plus I take care of myself more these days as I never know when some kind of bizarre disease or infection is going to crop up in my system.

I have to argee with that, I am on similar boat.

It ws interesting to read a old post of mine in the first page, about benzos and shit like that, somehow I cutted them down and stopped using them, but things went kinda wrong again when I discovered hydromorphone, which was the KING of all downers/benzos/opiates I have expereimented/tasted, and liked them too much because at the time I was working night shift from 5pm to 2am everynight.

It "suited" me at the time for some fucked up reasons.

All I did was worked nights and came home and whack myself some dillies because they were so nice and made you don't give a shit about anything, I can't explain at all in words. I guess it's something that opiate junkies understand.

I am not sure if I should say "went hard" or "went too far" is the right word after I went "hard" as I mentioned in the first page, but when I think about it, maybe "went too far" is what happened at the time as I slowed down...then "went too far" not "going hard"???

As "Going Hard" means partying, go on couple of days or weeks of drug benders and stuff like that?

Slept all day then went to work, then came home and went into a nod and the cycle went on and on.

Hardly at all went "hard" the last 13 months since I left Brisbane, and it was a great learning expereince, and discovered a lot of things and hobbies not just get wasted and go hard if you get my drift.

We all go through going hard stages ... to see our limits?????

Now I am mainly stick to the good old grog, weed and wonderful tropical weather! %)
I pretty much went hard for the last 5 years. It started off on about an 18 month binge on speed followed by a 2 year binge on x, which introduced me to smoking meth.

I pretty much only hit it for special occasions now, but when I was binging on eccies it was basically weekly to twice weekly for the whole time and with the meth I was smoking with this chick I met at a rave for about 18months solid. We used to go to each others house on a Firday and smoke atleast and 8ball every weekend, week in, week out. We even pretty much stopped fucking, it was just smoking, music and talking shit.... pretty sad really, glad it's over...
Ive had my fun with E and weed, even acid a few times but the only thing ive really binged on would be shrooms. My interest begun with them early 2004 when i found my first magic mushrooms. Unfortunately last year was a shit season for me, only finding about 20 specimens for the whole year.

This year was wayyyyy different. I found so many i couldnt store them. I was picking atleast 50-80 per day, if not more and this meant extreme temptation. I loved mushies so much that i was consuming them 3-4 times a week, on school nights, on weekends, whenever. The main reason being because i COULD. There was no money involved, no fucking around with dealers. They were right there, hundreds of them. I binged for about 3-4 months eating them very regularly. This is probably the only binge i have had so far in my life.

I look back, and im glad i did this. Mainly because afterwards, it gave me a big kick in the arse. I was fucked over for awhile, but it made me respect shrooms and acid and other hallucinogens so much more than i used too. Nowadays, with my remaining stash, i trip max of 1-2 times every 4 months or so, which makes the experience very rewarding, rather than just another chance to get *fucked up*.
LOL I can't believe Brad started a thread claiming he has never 'gone hard' on drugs :p he he...

I wouldnt say I've ever gone hard on drugs for 2 reasons...
1) I never have enough money to be like "Yep, I'm going to have a spare $200 this weekend that I'm going to blow on drugs" and even if I did, prob wouldnt be able to justify it
2) I have a deep fear of if I did push myself to the extreme end, what would happen to me? I'd be completely out of control, I couldn't be confident that someone would be there to take care of me if something happened, I could end up as a vegetable etc etc... it's just so unknown. I work at a doctor's clinic and people come in with severe reactions to one point of meth snorted, so you just never know.

Now alcohol is a different story though... have a tendency to go hard with alcohol if it's there, so damn all those birthdays with supplied alcohol! :D
Utopia EMF @ Glenworth Valley 2003

I went. I went hard. I live to tell the tale.

Sickest. D'N'B. Ever!

Was a scattered emotional mess for around 2.5 weeks after it. Which is why I wont do it again. Had a mad time, but just got to the point where we were eating stuff like Pop Corn at the movies.

Signat :D
Hrmz.. i went hard during my first year 1999-2000. Working weekends mixed with partying all night and not sleeping a hell of a lot...Not overly a lot has changed, although my life has still moved forward, i still find myself taking something just about every weekend!!!!!! There was a short break between 1999-2005 somewhere in there, its soooo hard to remember though ;)

I def cant go as hard as i used to though, it never used to hurt this much or take this much time to recover like it does now... oh boy sometimes it really hurts :/
I've had stages of what some may consider "going hard", but then my idea of going hard may be completely different from what someone else considers going hard. I've had a few weekend benders in a row, but never consistently, and i can say never beyond recreational usage... i've pushed the limit of what is called "recreational" a few times, but have never crossed the line (completely) ;).

Like alot of people have said before me, as i get older, its taking longer and longer for me to recover... case in point, i had a rather large weekend recently, and now i'm sick. When i was younger, the same sized weekend would have been easy to get over...but then, when i was younger, i used to chew and suck on pills. 8o :\

As a dear friend of Mr Samadhi & I used to say:

When your fun becomes your reality, what do you do for fun?

I guess I've gone pretty hard at a few points in my 'career'. I had a 'thing' for meth, a long way back, where I used it to excess whenever I got hold of it, but that wasn't so bad. In terms of my historically going hard, I've had two substances causing issues, codeine & weed. ;)

Weed I've been using on average consistently every day for the past year, and non-consistently for well past that. ;)

Codeine, well probably every day for the past 2 months. I've had periods where I've been using it every day for close on a year or thereabouts, but I try to give myself breaks from it, unless my liver implodes under the pressure. ;)

The things we do in the name of fun. ;)

-plaz out-
samadhi said:
I've had stages of what some may consider "going hard", but then my idea of going hard may be completely different from what someone else considers going hard. I've had a few weekend benders in a row, but never consistently, and i can say never beyond recreational usage... i've pushed the limit of what is called "recreational" a few times, but have never crossed the line (completely) ;).

Pretty much the same as me.

I've had what I'd consider huge weekends for me recently with combinations of coke, crystal meth, and like 2 pills (spread out over the weekend) but I'm sure that pales in comparison to a lot, or even most bluelighters.

Drugs are still more of a holiday for me than a lifestyle.
^ yeah i'm pretty much the same as that too.

i've had stages where i've "gone hard", but only in the context of my life - i'm sure it would still be relatively "soft" compared to the majority of people. i mean i've certainly had benders, big weekends, big nights...the full gamut - i just think that even those periods of mine aren't *that* "hard".

i'm a good girl at heart! :)
Ive never gone hard on drugs. Mainly from lack of opportunity I guess.

Alcohol though .. hee hee .. ohh boy.

I never really drank that much 18-25; after that I got into a 'healthy' 1 or 2 drinks a day pattern
Then I got a work/flat mate from the UK in.
He would binge pretty hard but only on some weekends (pubs close around 11pm there so its the culture).

So when our power combined we became the unstoppable hardcore binge every day guys
We were also working insane hours so all we did was work/sleep/drink for about 8 months straight.
During the week we would (usually) stay home and drink till around 1am; on the weekends we'd go out packing our sunglasses for the next morning.

I've never had so much fun, we were a pair of funny bastards together; by the end I had a six pack just from laughing so much

I dont actually drink when depressed just when I want to party .. so I guess thats a good thing ? :\
i went hard when i first got into it, not that my definition of hard is probably anywhere near anyone else... i went out pretty much every weekend in 2002, and took 1-2 pills. that was quite a lot for me, considering i take about 1/2 when i go out now. but i went to almost every single event and spent all my cash opn partying for about a year. then i guess i just got a bit bored of it, not i only take drugs every few months and go out to rave type things every 3-4 months, unless there is something uberly good on....
I have in the past, but no longer.
I started to goto parties in 1992, after about 12 months of that I decided I really liked speed. I had this in check for a while until I tried injecting it and that's when it all went down hill.
Had a bit of a speed/meth problem for about 11 or so years, it got to the point that I was shooting around half a gram of meth per day for about 12 months. Some days I would have more, some days I would have less. On the days that I was'nt using meth I would be eating dexamphetamine, but I would go through 200 of them in a few days and because I would only get 200 every 21 days I was relying on meth to get me through.
I could afford to use everyday as I HAD (please note HAD) friends that were into the odd bubble every now and then so there was a steady supply of good quality meth all the time.

When I look back on this I am suprised that I am still alive and I would never put myself into this position ever again. It makes me sick just thinking about it :|

I stopped taking ecstasy for about 3 or 4 years after I ate 15 one night. It was disgusting and I realised I was'nt enjoying it anymore, just being an idiot.

Did'nt start drinking until I was 21 or 22 lol

You live and learn :)
went hard on pills and the rest about 2 years ago,
practically every weekend. 2-3 pills every time.
there was also copious amounts of weed being smoked.
went hard on weed last year and took me some time to change.

things stalled for bit 2 years ago, but it was a time in life where nothing is really happening.

in 2002, went to friends place and had oxycontin (morphine derivative) straight for 3 days. i was a terrible mess. everything was fucked up.

now i still enjoy some weed,
weed abusing days :
7g = 3 days MAX

7g = 5 days min
now i think it's a good effort

im happy in way i did all that, it just gives someting to compare to. degrees of being fucked up.
rm2x said:
You live and learn :)

You know what, rm2x? That's all that matters. In any situation, drugs and other addictions, relationships, anything. It's the living and the learning that matters. I could get down about things i've done in the past, but i learned from them and moved on, and you know what? I think that those experiences were integral to me being the woman i am today, who, by the way, i'm pretty fucking proud of. :)