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H Withdrawal Soon/Chronic Pain & Health Problems/We Can Do It!

Bliss, so sorry; can't remember if you're taking neurontin or Lyrica at all. I went through withdrawals this past weekend, and neurontin helped. Sunday night I took benedryl, neurontin AND a Xanax...
Here we go again!

Another day one! Not feeling much yet. Has a tiny but thus morning. Took a small dose of xanax to calm my nerves and will use sparingly for a few days.

Heres hoping I can make it this time!

Best of luck to everyone else going through withdrawals.

The worst physical part is right around the corner from me, now. I'm feeling fairly confident and have a good feeling but I may be singing a different tune shortly lol.


Be well. Peace. Xo

Edit: stocked up on loperamide, diphenhydramine, a few claritin as I kmow some say diph can increase rls. Have some traz. Ibuprofen. Naproxen. Lidocaine patches. Seven and 1/4 bars of xanax. DL-Phenylalanine. I find that gives me a bit of energy. For when xanax runs out, if I feel the need to taper somehow, I have phenibut, which I've had this tub for a few years now, and never feel the need to abused as I don't get that high off ofg out. I doubt I'll use it, if I do it won't be much. So grateful I could get a few benzos as oh my goodness they help with the skin crawling, anxiety which I'm already naturally probe too though I've been working hard on fearlessness. I'm optimistic. I have a few oxy pulls in case my blood pressure gets frightening which it has in the past. Going to not need those. The drama, time, waiting, money, etc, I've has enough. It's a pain in the as.
I'm worried as I suffer from legit adin that gets very bad. But, I'm gonna giver ir a try.
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Day one has been postponed. Jesus. I wish I had even just a little bit of help from those around me . The pain .....I wanted to put a gun to my head. How am I going to get through this?

I have to.....


God have mercy on me....
Thanks hon. Day one should be Sunday or Monday latest. Excited but scared, lots of health conditions. My body is not good at handling this.

If I'm able to come here while sick I will post. Hopefully some others going through it will as well and we can cheer one another on. Stay strong!

I am one of those CPP's that has been on meds for probably 30+ years and I'm really starting to hate it. My current docs halved my meds when I started there and it's remained the same ever since. I don't really get the relief I need but it has to be better than nothing, right? I typically take more than I'm allotted throughout the month and come up short. I hate it so much! But what the heck is someone in my shoes to do? I need it but sometimes it feels like this running out early (and needing them too) is taking years away from my life. In other words, it's very tough physically! I'm seriously at a loss and not really sure what the answer is. I know this is not really an answerable question but thanks for letting me vent!
Im about to go CT as well real soon either this week or the weekend ill start.
Ive failed 4 times this year, 6 times last year, and a few the year before that i keep promising myself ill be done this christmas, this birthday, this new years, and it never ends up falling throguh :(
I see youve been tryingsince last year on this thread , id like to join you guys in the process consider me tagging along
Hey Beach & Gorilla! Nice to have you here :)

I totally get the running out early because you aren't given enough to actually control your pain enough to improve your quality of life thing....withdrawal every damn month unless you supplement from the streets....ugh that was awful, I've been there.

And yes, I've been trying for a long time to get and stay off . It's so hard. The pain is real and severe.

I have GOT TO LEAVE THIS MARRIAGE, however, and this constant budgeting, rebudgeting to see what I can afford, worrying about getting sick, planning things around do I have enough to be well and to control the pain so I can participate, waiting for delivery, waiting in lots (this is just how it is, when you turn to the streets, I'm not really complaining that I have to wait - of course I do lol, that's how it is! What I mean is, the time it takes up, I could be doiing more productive things, things that would get me put of this marriage), etc etc etc Enough already. I've had enough

Not that I want to be in pain either. Sucks either way. But perhaps I need to learn to say,"I'm sorry, I can't do that." And if people can't accept that I'm limited physically, why do I need them in my life stressing me out ? My best friend, has MS and totally understands. There ARE people - chronic pain or not - who do understand. Those are the people you need in your life.

Looks like my wd will begin either tonight or by tomorrow.

Please absolutely feel free to come here and vent, come here and withdraw together, keep each other company and motivated, our eye on the prize. WE CANFUCKINGDO THIS, YOU GUYS. WWe've all been through hell, rright? Then we can do this, too.

We have to create a better life for ourselves. We have to.

I know I do. My husband outs a very abusive man. If I don't get away from him....I shudder to think of my fate, honestly.

So glad you guys, stopped in, please stay and lets figure this shit out once and for all :)

Much love, empathy, and positivity to you Xoxo
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I'm also a cpp - (rheumatoid arthritis and disc herniations in lumbar and thoracic spine and vascular problems)- day 3 ct off methadone + dilaudid. I do this every month since my doc won't adjust my dose up. I hate living like this, being in pain every single day. This thread has been awesome to read. Gives me strength to get through it. Thanks guys
Hey Socks :)

Nice to have you. Please stick around. My day one should be tomorrow. Not looking forward to the physical pain but GOTTA DO THIS. I used to run out early while a CPP before I turned to the streets for cheaper heroin. Wearing a Cape with the words Gimp Renegade across my chest LOL. Sigh. Gotta tease myself, laugh at myself, so I don't go crazy lol.

I have a connective tissue disorder. Arthritis. Several spinal problems including degeneration, a deformity, hernistion, a tumor growing near my spine within my muscle which messes up my movement further. It's a nightmare. The CTD impacts SO MANY THINGS. I would get looked at like a manipulative list explaining to doctors my wide reaching symptoms. Makes me so angry to think about at times.

It's a shame people in legitimate need aren't getting enough frequently to give them quality of life, only a tease, and then withdrawal half the month unless buying from the street which is enormously risky period, but especially when in legit pain as you don't need that on your records if you ever want legal pain help again....

Stop in and talk with us as often as you like, I know I'd love the company :) Be well. Peace.

I've now had good reviews from two people I trust on CBD oil for pain. One was their knees. The other a back issue. I'll say neither have heath issues at my, or your guys', lever, and the guy with the Back pain reported muscular relief. However, that doesn't mean it won't help nerve or bone pain etc, we would have to try to see. Anyone whose with experience with CBD oil?

I have DL-Phenylalanine and though sine poo poo it, I have noticed subtle effects for the better. I have some for wd and will report on my opinion

Much love!

Off to tidy up house, gather laundry (laundry room closes at 11pm, an hour ago; but my husband works here and lets just say I *might* have a key to get in there and do midnight laundry by myself lol

Last real dose, soon.

Here we go!

I'll post and list my supplies and talk about what's helped me in the past soon, hopefully. Tomorrow latest.

If you're really struggling and not coping well and want the info sooner message me and i'll check now and then and respond.

We got this!
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Hey ABW -
good luck on your day one!
Got thru another day using my lope + gabapentin method. It's not perfect, but it makes ct a hell of a lot easier for me.
I can't go down the road of buying street, I'm an ex-junkie, and can't start chipping after being off the needle for just past 11 years.
I'll just face every day as it comes, and hope for the best. Now if I could just get warmed up- get so cold and nothing warms me back up, I'd be much better.
My partner doesn't know I'm out of meds, so I gotta play it real cool, and try to stay sane.
I wish you a good night and better tomorrow ?
Aww, I'm sorry hon, that you are so cold. Msn I hate that, as I tend toward being unreasonably cold despite pleasant weather.

Do you have a hearing pad or blanket? Or, you could turn on the shower hot water only, close the door, let the room fill with steam, and sit in there, keeping the water running until you're comfortable. Of course, you'll want to towel yourself of before getting out, perhaps have a robe or warm sweats waiting outside the door, or even in the dryer if you can, because once you hit the air outside the bathroom you will be chilly. If you can stand a hot shower will help. If you can't, a hot bath.

I found taking potassium gluconate seemed to help not only with rls, but seemed to even put my body temperature fluctuations somewhat. Mind you my heath is wonky, so perhaps I'm low on potassium. May not help otherwise.

I know you don't want to turn to the street, and I don't know your benzo history but as you likely know that can help calm the central nervous system and even things out in general. Perhaps a trusted friend could obtain them so you don't have to deal directly.

I hear clonidine helps enormously for many. You may try to go to the emergency room if in the USA, say you have a history of high blood pressure and have used clonidine with success in the past and get a script. Likely your blood pressure will be elevated due to withdrawal so that will help your story.

However if you are like me and are not willing to risk any blemish on your medical records alluding to illegal drugs or withdrawal etc, as they label fucking everything as a problem, they might guess you're in withdrawal and note this on your records.

Some OTC things that I use are high sides of vitamin preferably with rose hips or bioflavinoids as it seems more effective, Studies have shown enormous amounts of iv vitamin c have vanished withdrawals though there isn't much on this. Obviously taking it orally is less effective but I find it generally makes me feel better overall. Humans are one of just a handful who don't produce their own vitamin c!

Valerian root may calm anxiety a bit. It helps me but others not so much.

Epsom salt soaks, or if you can find a topical gel or cream may relieve muscle aches.

This is due to magnesium.

Magnesium citrate, sold inexpensively as a laxative (Imodium should counter this, just don't drink more than 1/4 bottle TOPS till you know how out impacts you!) is a natural muscle relaxer, can calm a stressed heart and blood pressure.

I dint know if you snort anything but since I do my throat gets so scratchy in withdrawal I cough and choke till I gag. Throat spray is helpful.

Wrap yourself up in blankets, hon, and wear layers. You know how you sweat under blankets but then take them of and are freezing, sweat making the cold feel worse. If you're in layers that are easy to remove you can help regulate sweating and maybe be more comfortable.

You can take some layers on and off as needed.

Keep your electrolytes balances especially if you either are suffering from liquefied intestines lol, or are sweating lots, or are throwing up, or aren't drinking enough water, or some combination of that.

You can make a simple electrolyte drink with water, some citrus like lemon squeezed in, a dash of salt, a bit of sweetener. Agave or honey or raw sugar is healthier but anything will do in a pinch.

I'm giving DL phenylalanine a go for my wds this time. Have used during times of not being in wd and felt positive effects. Again I'm battling bizarre health things and perhaps I'm deficient in amino acids, so this may not help you but maybe it could. Read up on it. Interesting potential. Many dismiss it but I'll say I felt it helping me. Every and slight pain relief and definite mood lift

I'll be right there suffering with you soon

Hang in three, love, you can make it ! I have faith in you! I'd you slip up no judgement from me. We are here to hold each other up, not tear each other down. Here, and life in general.

Post as much as you like hon. I'm sure others will join in soon :) You aren't alone.

Perhaps tell your partner you think you caught that damn flu your co-worker/friend/clearly illguy at the store had? This way you can get some help and not have to hide everything.

Take care and don't get down on yourself. Pain is no joke.

Later I'll tell you my analogy for chronic pain and torture techniques lol. It's really no joke. I understand and so do many others here. It takes courage to live this way .

Ttys hon. Peace :

Edit: look up heating up in the microwave raw rice in a cloth...I want to say this is a diy make shift heat pack.
Thanks for all the advise. I will try those ideas. This has been a long road I've been going down and who knows where it all ends but here I am. Feel like I should know better, but dammit the pain gets to be too much and so I take extra, knowing damn well that I'll be paying for it later. I see my regular doc for meds and she won't change the dose, says I have to go back to pain management clinic if I want to go up on my dose. The pain clinic is an hour and a half drive away and they treat you like a junkie there, so I'd rather not go back. Oh well, life and the decisions we make.
Take care!
Yes, the decisions we make, tell me about it!

Its very difficult to stay away from something that takes away pain. Pain that interferes with your life, and quality of life. I'm sorry. I hear you about how you get treated art the pain clinic. My experience too, and those dopes didn't even dx me correctly nor do I think they really paid attention to the medical records I brought with me. It's such a shame. Only a handful of docs pout there that truly seem to feel compassion for you and get that your quality of life MATTERS.

I woke up a while ago after delayed onset of sleep due to husband's drunken snoring. I need to get out and don't see how I will until I quit this.

My back is just KILLING ME and its making my legs hurt. Sigh. Several random injuries as well.

Eyes tearing.


I have a tiny amount but an supposedly saving it in case things get frightening as the only symptom that actually frightens me is my heart and blood pressure (i have POTS and mitral valve prolapse and had a bad arrhythmia for a few weeks recently to top it off). I have a decent amount of xanax for three days which are usually the worst of it .

Cannot tell you how much I just want ty get on with the day lol, just do what I have lol. Even if I so a tiny bit it won't be enough and I'm just taking away from the little I have, has planned on having three bags but have one plus a teeny but lol. Screw you, pain lol.

Well. Here I go!!

God luck everyone!
Alright, let's see. Let's take inventory...

I have:

~(13) 5% lidocaine patches
~(31) 500mg DL Phenylalanine
~more claritin than I could possibly need
~benadryl, aka diphenhydramine, about 20-30 twenty five mg pills
~(22) 50mg trazodone (they don't help so much with sleep, only did first few days I took them - Wtf? - but it's technically an antidepressant so thinking I'll take them and taper of after the acute withdrawal is over to hopefully avoid some of that crippling depression while the brain recenters.
~lots of 1000mg vitamin c with rose hips
~plenty of Imodium aka loperamide
~some naproxen, which makes stomach bleed so will only use sparingly and with food
~throat spray as I'm a snorter
~enough for decent xanax dose each day for three days to counter heart and blood pressure scares
~phenibut if I think I need to taper from the xan but experience tells me I'll be fine likely
~potassium gluconate for rls, seemed to help temp fluctuations too
~acidophilus a probiotic
~valerian root
~an Epsom salt rub, a gel
~dxm aka dexyromethorphan which you shouldn't take with traz just fyi. It has guaif in it too but a higher maximum strength dose of dxm so ratio isn't too bad
~(7) 30mg cymbalta though I doubt I'll use out, don't know much about its usefulness
~no doz caffeine pigs but doubtful ill take any, I have soda and my favorite chai tea, plus have cut way back on caffeine lately.
Heart issues plus withdrawal = no excess caffeine lol
And a few other odds and ends. Can you tell I've done this a few times lol? Didn't have to buy most of it, just had it from other attempts lol.

What's in your arsenal guys?

You got this!

Be well. Peace.

Edit: took small dose of xanax, will wait a bit and take dl phen and vitamin c.
im going thru the same shit as you...im here for you from los angeles ...let me know if you wanna swap withdrawl stories
Hey there, LA! Absolutely, please stick around! I really think that - at least for some, myself usually included unless I'm in a particularly dark place, when I tend to withdraw into myself totally - the support we can give to one another on here is supremely beneficial, mutually helpful. That's what life should truly be about. Putting your hand out so someone else can grab on and not be alone, even if your hand is shaking from withdrawal lol! ;)

I'd love the company and would love to hear more about your circumstances. You said you're going through the sane, are you in withdrawal right now, about to be, are you running out of needs early monthly and this ifs a monthly thing, etc? Let us know! I think this thread has been a really positive and supporting one, I really like the attitude on this thread from everyone. And no, I dint mean don't complain. Lol.... That's what we are doing here, venting our struggles, frustrations, giving each other suggestions to help, giving each other support and cheering one another on :)

Glad you stopped in! Web ave if you are ready and up to it, let us know some details on your situation. You can pm me if you don't wish to share publicly.

Welcome! :)

::rolls out red carpet, which we all can barely walk down without falling lol::

Peace and best off luck. You can did anything :)
Hey there new friend..its 4:43 in the morning and i slept for about 4 hours..im ready to blow my brains out i havent had a normal
8 hour sleep since i was using...i stopped using H on Febuary 3 or 4th i bought 5 of the 8MG subs and some Xanax for my first week i was sleeping fine and i didnt have cravings and the physical withdrawl was severe still but i got thru it and now im dealing with the mental side of it..i know if i go get high i can sleep all night and no have a sweaty back all day and i cam work out and i cam actually enjoy good food...idk man im a mess...im soo depressed rn to be honest and im Barely 23 i shouldnt be this sad man ....at this point if i was to relapse i would prolly just shoot a Gram shot and hopefully not wake up.
I'm sorry you are struggling so much. Do you smoke weed,? Can a director prescribe something to help you sleep? That's tough, I get it, I tend towards insomnia and once I'm clean between my mind and my pain I don't know how I'm going to sleep. Oh and my husband's drunken snoring. Hang in there. Talk to us. Tell us what's preventing sleep. Is it your body, mind, both? Ever try Valerian root? It helps some people. Perhaps you'd need more than a few capsules. You've got so much clean time under your belt. Be careful and stay safe. We're here for you. Your gonna figure something out. Talk it out ok?

Much love and empathy Xoxoxoxo