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H Withdrawal Soon/Chronic Pain & Health Problems/We Can Do It!

Hey guys-
well here's day 5, still taking lope, and I was wondering if any of you guys have experience coming off methadone using it. I want to taper off so I have some time off all opiates before I refill. Maybe my meds will work better by taking a break. I've got two weeks before I refill.
I am doing ok- thanks to gabapentin and lope and vitamins. Still have the moods and anxiety and the "stretchiness" I call it, and lack of real sleep, although ambien helps. Lots of back and hand pain. It's the worst. Ibuprofen doesn't help much. At least I have my comfort meds. Hope everyone is doing ok.
You getting any rest ABW? I hope you're getting by ok.
Also LA, I want to mention melatonin might help as well as the valerian.
Oh yes, wait a minute Mr Dopeman.... Way-a-a-ait Mr Dopeman,

Mr Dopeman, look and see,
Is there a baggie in your stash for me?

I been waiting for such a long time...
The sooner the better! Ffs lol

Of course no response.
Just. One. To soften this

Blah. Back is killing me so bad.

This blows. I just wanna press pause for a sec...

Edit..they will be around about an hour and half from now. So seven hours I guess? Lol. Please no. Let them be here set seven like they said. Ugh. Not enough to reset . But an hour of being able to stand longer than five minuteswhile struggling even at that. Ugh. I'm sorry.
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Hey friend how are you feeling? Whats Melatonin? Have you tried it before? Im gonna look it up right now ..I just watched Drugstore Cowboy for the first time and man what a great freaking movie!
I never tried Dilauid i tried Roxi 30s about 5 times ...i just was drunk one time and my buddy whipped out tar and we smoked in his car and i threw up and i FUCKING LOVED IT..i slept so good that night...lol I remember going with my gf to Ross and me throwing up in the parking lot hahah mannnnn.. (i used to drink a lot ...i hate drinking now)..i used to go to a Suboxone doctor and got prescribed 8Mg subs a day which was cool until i failed 3 drug tests soo my doc cut me off....i went to a NA meeting today and man i loved todays meeting..i walk out feeling soo good...i was thinking of getting ahold of Seroquel i hear nothing but good stuff about it and i once took half and knocked out like a baby when i was dopesick around Christmas..any thoughts on Seroquel? Good or bad idea please...and let me know how you are doing today .. Thank you for the support ..this small gesture really helps idk why.
Oh yes, wait a minute Mr Dopeman.... Way-a-a-ait Mr Dopeman,

Mr Dopeman, look and see,
Is there a baggie in your stash for me?

I been waiting for such a long time...
The sooner the better! Ffs lol

Of course no response.
Just. One. To soften this

Blah. Back is killing me so bad.

This blows. I just wanna press pause for a sec...

Edit..they will be around about an hour and half from now. So seven hours I guess? Lol. Please no. Let them be here set seven like they said. Ugh. Not enough to reset . But an hour of being able to stand longer than five minuteswhile struggling even at that. Ugh. I'm sorry.

No need to apologize, there are thousands and maybe millions of people that can attest to how hard it is to walk away. Forgive yourself and keep fighting.
Thank you gmlifer. Truly. God this is hard. Physically harder than mentally for me usually though I've had some kicks where my attitude was so bad out was even worse lol.

Ilk respond to everyone in abit. I gotta rest a few. Just a short drive and feeding the animals dinner, I'm wiped out.Xoxo
Hey LA-I tried melatonin a couple times- it's an otc supplement- it did help me get to sleep, but not super strong like taking a sleeper. Dilaudid has always been a favorite, used to bang it when I was doing dope but now my dr prescribes it for pain. Wish I didn't need it. Seroquel I never did care for, made me stumble around like I'd drank way too much, so I never took it too much. Just didn't like the way it made me feel. Glad you had a good day.
Ugh. I didn't think I took that much last night but I slept and feel ok so far. Praying I didn't do more than press pause. Then again, I've taken extreme doses of vitamin c and dlpa which I'm going to go ahead and say aren't placebo for me at all.

How is everyone else?

Melatonin didn't help me but it's helped a lot of others I know. Seroquel, I have no experience with. Trazodone did help knock me put at first but it seems hit or miss, and if I don't eat with it doesn't seem to help much. Edit...to clarify, sry first it made me drowsy and helped me fall and stay asleep. I often find that even though out no longer seems to make me drowsy, once I do fall asleep, I'm better able to sleep through my husbands out of control, off the wall snoring.

Methodone I have no first hand experience with.

Hope everyone else is doing ok so far today. Much love xoxox
God, please, give me that courage that I used to have before I became so physically worn out from literally constant, wide-ranging, bizarre symptoms, and life-altering pain levels, and so mentally worn out from being surrounded by assholes, some in disguise, but many not and just family so hard to completely avoid....please, God. I know I haveto do this. On my own. I know. Please, open my eyes, make me think of something in a different way, I keep trying to change and shift and tweak my perspective and point of view until it clicks for me, I have to get out of this marriage.

I'm so scared. I'm already....there's so much stress to cope with. Off drugs, my health will be WORSE, and I think I'm just terrified that I can't cope with the constant pain preventing sleep and most types of work, AND the abuse he dishes out. I could ABSOLUTELY cope with ONE of those things. If I were healthy you bet, ABSO-FUCKING-LUTLEY I would have left before it ever got physical even. I'm not one of those people who takes abuse and feels like it's my fault or like I deserve it or anything. THAT'S not the problem. Or, if he weren't abusive and I just had my health to battle, I would bet my life either way that if ONE of those things weren't so awful, I'd be in a comfortable position in life right now.

Together, it's just so fucking much to cope with and bear. I'm so exhausted, down to my bones, down to my very soul .

People who don't have chronic painful illnesses ( https://www.edhs.info/symptoms ) almost never comprehend the impact on EVERYTHING - from working, to sleeping, to basic everyday tasks like cleaning or even showering on very bad days when I don't particularly want to fall and crack my skull open because I'm so weak, in pain, and POTS ( http://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/page.php?ID=30 ) is making me on the verge of fainting constantly and every move makes my vision go black and I have to hold onto, something while it passes so I don't fall or faint.

It's something so hard to explain. And pain isn't "just pain" that you can "just push through" when it's decades of no sleep and now you catch every illness that goes around on top, and it lasts longer and is more severe and even at times you almost die from, in my case, pneumonia. Let me say, I DID PUSH THROUGH FOR YEARS until it got to a level that I couldn't just push anymore. And I know I pushed harder than most do or would. I'm fucking strong like that. Or, I was. I still am but so much is simultaneously happening and its just overwhelming.

In my case, too, even everyday tasks cause dislocations over and over and over to joints and it's insanely painful, and the more years wear on the more I literally wear out.

It's incredible.....those same "just push thru it" people are always the ones crying and moaning like little bitches when they have a sprained ankle for a couple weeks Lmao. "Oh it hurts, I can't work, I can't stand in the shower easily, it's waking me up" then they recover and forget - THAT NEVER STOPS FOR ME, at least two joints are subluxed or dislocated at any given time, and is also waaay more severe and multi-systemic. From nutrition absorption issues, to dislocations, torn ligaments and tendons all of which the more it happens the weaker I get, POTS which alone can be debilitating, all sorts of spinal issues that made one technician ten years ago exclaim, upon seeing my xray - not even an mri which is much more detailed but a mere xray - "Oh my God!!! Did you get in a bad car wreck???? Your spine is crazy!"

I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry for complaining

I feel so trapped. Its like no matter what I do I'm not sure I can physically handle it.

I really, really need a tremendous dose of courage and faith - in life, in myself. Actually do have faith in myself., as I'm the type who'd drag my body with broken legs for as many miles as I had to for help. It's my body and its limits. Very real limits. It's that having faith in life when I've been kicked and kicked and kicked while down even though I keep a positive and hopeful attitude is getting hard. I'm so worn out.

I know what I need to do. Quit. Start abusiness. Hope it's enough as I truly need flexibility due to my heath, it'd be far better than working for someone whose. I don't want or need to be a millions, if I became one I'd live humbly and help others, I can promise you that. Never been materialistic. Only sentimental. And while trying my hand at self employment, build up my medical records again as I've not for years now, in case I have to resort to filing for disability.

I know exactly exactly exactly what I need to do.

Please, God, pleaser, give me some courage. And some of the hope that is getting so hard to hold onto, even though others depend on my optimistic and hopeful outlook. I'm the friend that can inspire, lift spirits, give hope, make a friend see something from another perspective that makes it click for them . For me to be running low on faith and hope is not "me".

Please just give me courage .

I used to be so fearless. So proud of my self sufficiency, despite hard circumstances. Great work ethic. Fair. Hard worker, above and beyond is my baseline work.

I'm so beat down....

It's strange because I actually logically understand that I DO have more in me than I think. I guess my notions and dearest held beliefs and my body and patience and hippie have been stfu severely tested, constantly, incessantly, severely, for so fucking long now, that I just "can't".

I just need that courage I used to have in excess.

Please, God, I understand that *I_ have to do the work and am not asking you to do it for me. Just, please, shift my view enough to where I go for it, before I'm forced into worse circumstances.

Sorry for the long boo hoo crap. I really am. I just had to get that out if the pit of my stomach, into words, publicly, to hold myself accountable.

Because even though my struggles have really been severe and particularly hard to overcome, I know deep down I can

I know it.


I hope you guys are hanging in there today. Bless you all. With much love xoxox

Edit: will fix typos later, I'm terrible, I use Swype and never double check, sorry lol :/
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The only solution, since I literally know exactly what I need to do, is just suck it up and GET COURAGEOUS NO MATTER HOW WORN THE HELL OUT I AM.

I'm off to get a few things done, out of the way, so I'm in the clear to kick FOR GOOD the next few days, and get the acute part done while he works during the week, as although ideally I would kick on the weekend due to my schedule of having most of my physical tasks to do on Friday (thus, kicking acutely sat-mon would give me the best chance at being able to still do the physical tasks Ido each Friday), I just. Can't. Do. It. On the weekend when he's home, drunk 24/7, baiting and abusive, etc. It's too much. Health problems including pain + withdrawal is already just about more than I can literally bear on its own. Him being there, up at most hours and drunkandbeing a douche, i kknow now it's time to try another way. I never succeeded during the weekend while he's home,.

So, iI'm going to, today & ttomorrow, do the crap iu usually do on Friday, get thatooutta the way, and kick either weds-fri or worst case, Thurs-sat, but hopefully not, acutely at least, and BE DONE.

I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE. If I think it's hard NOW - and it really, really is - it can only get worse.

It will only be harder to do this the longer I put it off due to fear of pain and what I WON'T be able to do while in it.

I have got to find the last crumb of courage deep within me, buried, rotting, and utilize it NOW. NOW NOW NOW.

Wish me luck.

It's up to me and I know this.

I can do this.

I will do this.

And once I'm out, once I've overcome every near impossible obstacle, and I can actually say " I did it!" I will give my moral support to others who, like me, just need to find their courage. Sometimes all it takes is someone to make you feel not alone.

I know I'm not alone. I've got great friends and support from those who *get it* here, my best friend is awesome, and I've got plenty of loved ones watching over me from above, did I mention I'm inmmourning right now to top it all off ? But.... I can do this

I can already taste how proud of myself I will be for quitting which is the first step in my plan for leaving this joke of a marriage.

I got this.

Deep breath.

Off to do tasks so I'm in the clear to kick.

Ok. :) Head on straight. Head on I will face this. I won't cry and be terrified any more. I can't afford to.

I feel better already

Be well guys. My love to you. Xoxo

Edit: yesterday, while driving and crying and talking out loud to the person I'm mourning (suicide by gun, was who I should have always been with, but I digress....) I swear they sent this song to me. If you guys don't believe that's cool. I'm not one to tell others how to believe or not believe.

But though I'm not a fan of this artist in general, I know my C sent me this sing to talk some sense into me. Enjoy :)

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Love this guy.

Gonna watch this on repeat. Motivational af :)
Edit: corrected link. (Sometimes the former link lingers when I go to watch the next thing, don't know why, so the link is pod the thing I watched BEFORE)

RICHARD GRANNON The One Belief Change You Need To Blast Through ALL Procrastination?

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That's awesome ABW. Stay strong, you have a huge task in front of you but day by day you will get through it.
Thank you muchly, gmlifer, I appreciate it:)

I hope you're doing well and that your day is great Xo
Thank you muchly, gmlifer, I appreciate it:)

I hope you're doing well and that your day is great Xo

I've had better but it certainly isn't bad by any means.

Are you still using right now? How are you holding up? I'm sorry your husband treats you the way he does, has he always been that way?
Glad your day is at least not the worst ;) How are you feeling?

Currently using, yes. Was hoping to start wd today so the worst/acute part would be approx Weds-Fri, avoiding the weekendwhen he's home drinking and either abusive or annoying.

But I wasn't able to finish everything, still have the rest of the groceries to get, some laundry, cleaning, and vacuuming to do. So that while I'm lying around pretending my period is just exceptionally bad (not a stretch, it's pretty painful), the house is clean, there's food prepared, and he has clean clothes. I guess when he got married, he was Men-In-Black'ed and had his memory wiped of how to cook, do laundry, and clean o_O

So, tomorrow it begins. I feel pretty solid and good about this. I truly do know exactly what steps I need to take from here once I've quit.

It was a matter of, I don't know if courage is *exactly* correct.... Close certainly. I guess I've just become so, so, so, so worn down between health, him, other crap, and these severe tests of my survival, safety , finances, love, family, etc etc over so many years now. I've generally remained very optimistic, hopeful, determined even through hell, and have made some really monumental efforts to improve things, and have felt like my efforts have mostly been rewarded with more surreal hells. I guess everyone has their limit, no matter how generally positive you are. And his constant negativity, for me , was I guess the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

Perhaps a bit of my perfectionism keeping me still at times, too, although I've gotten that under way better control than it used to be.

Just needed the courage to truly believe, that if I stopped, it *could* actually be worth it . That I *could* take steps to either work for myself, or file for disability and be approved (will begin seeing doctors again to build my Med records up while trying self employment, in case it doesn't pan out. I'd love to avoid being on disability but tbh if I can't find a way to work for myself, that's my only option at this point. Last job I had, I almost died from pneumonia, and was in so much pain a bundle a day of ECP wasn't covering it worth a crap).

I think I finally found my courage, my hope .

Interacting with him, it clicked for real that I seriously can't take this anymore. Plus, out will only get worse and harder if I continue to not face this head on.

I don't want me, or worse, my dog, to end up on the street, or to be separated from her because I couldn't get it together and get its a stable, peaceful little space to call our own. I love her so very, very much and though he's not cruel to her, I can't stomach it, that she's exposed to this tension.

Well that was certainly a lot more than I intended to write, sorry for the novel lol

I'm here for you, you know, if you'd like to share your story and struggles either here or via PMs.

I am going to succeed this time. I got this :) The physical pain can't be worse than having no dignity and being treated like scum and feeling guilty that my sweet, loyal, loving dog who's not getting any younger doesn't have a peaceful home

I'm here for you. Whatever your struggles and goals are you can do it . :)

Be well. Be liberated. Sending you lots of love and strength


Edit: you asked has he always been this way. We dated as teens and I kid you not, NOT A SINGLE TIME can I recall him even being RUDE to me, let alone abusive. Reconnected years down the line, he sure went out of his way to trick me, as my jerk-in-disguise radar is generally pretty damn strong. Wow. I can't even believe how fooled I was. I was in a vulnerable state at that time which I'm sure contributed. But compared to how he used to be.... He's a stranger to me. It's like a switch flipped in him. Fueled by alcohol, I'm sure.
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Maybe he just needs a good ol southern ass whippin lol.

I think in order for you to be successful this time you are going to have to figure out some way to at least curb some of the physical pain. Do any over the counter meds help at all? Have you tried kratom?
Hey ABW, just wanted to stop in and say hello. Crazy to look back at our posts from over a year ago and we're still at it. At least we're still at the trying to quit "at it". Much love to all of you in this struggle. My heart goes out to each of you as I know how hard this mess is. I'm going to be 33 in less than a month and really want to have it kicked by then. It's a goal I keep chipping at. My doc is moving to TX next month, so next week will be my last refill with him. I'm going to not work to find another doc unless I fall on my face completely. I'll be updating my old thread once I'm more in the red zone. I only have enough to get me through tomorrow anyhow and the refill is for next Thurs (8 days from today).

Hey SK!!! Well. Here we are. Lol

Oy. Will try to write on here in a bit, his snoring allowed for almost no sleep and I have a throbbing headache. Still going to go for it.

So glad to see you, SK :) Stick around, we will simultaneously get through it :)

LA, I'm sure you'll sleep better and going to a doctor for subs is certainly a better idea than relapsing. Be patient with yourself. This didn't happen overnight and won't resolve overnight .

Maybe I'll go into details later but suffice it to say there's really no other suitable place for me to sleep here, and even if I could sleep in the living room, no lie, his snoring is SO LOUD I can hear it loudly in there, too. Ugh. Trust me, if I could sleep elsewhere to solve that I'd be all over it lol
Things not going quite as planned, trying to stay positive and get this done . I sure wish the dreary weather would clear up , always gives me so much more pain. Hurry the eff up, Spring, seriously. The weather is still crap here.

SK, how you hanging in there hon?
