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H Withdrawal Soon/Chronic Pain & Health Problems/We Can Do It!

Ah, it's just a baby shower for someone I felt I should throw it for.
I anticipate buying almost everything but even then there'll be a lot of errands, errands I'm not used to doing. Add to that potentially being smack dab in WD and we've got a shitty situation. I really need to get into a better head space, first.

Hope you're doing well, Bono and ABW ❤️❤️ Take it easy
I hope you are having a better night guys, and I'm an introvert to, I know :/

Bliss, Make checklists, that helps me. Plus feels good to check things off, literally with a pen.

Bono, you are so sweet, I know you are struggling too, how are YOU, love? I see you offering love to everyone :)

I'll check in.

Much love for now,
Take good care of yourselves
You're right, ABW.
I am going to make a list, and especially since I'm going to be alone this week, I think my plans were a bit ambitious.

So, I'm thinking in different terms re: the WD pause. I was screwed this past month because I never tapered so when I got my monthlies i had to take so many for things to work. Avg 160-220mg. So I went through faster than ever.
So I took that same bottle of perk and am going to be tapering them. Today would've had between 70-90mg. Tomorrow needs tod be less.

How is everyone else doing? You guys must be starting to feel so much better! Sure hope so.
Sending love and hugs ,
I need sleep so I'll check back in a while.
How's every one this morn? ABW-I too am extremely introverted, gotten worse since staying home, I always prefer being by myself, but lately I get more and more anxious going out. Don't know why. I am hanging in there, Bliss, good luck with the plan, you can do it!! Bono
I had 2 doses today. Since the first one was so late and I had no bad symptoms I was thinking I might be physically in the clear.

Unfortunately... At this time , i have nausea, I'm hot and just feel like crap. I'm hoping it's just a minor bump in the road, and I'm taking a fistful of Imodium to hopefully feel better.
I only have one dose left.

I already feel the suckiness of this week ahead . I miss my spouse. Need to figure out how many hours left and get a countdown going. Very lame, I know. So glad this doesn't happen often. I absolutely hate it. Only looking forward to the fact that after he's done, they won't be hitting him up for awhile. Let somebody else do it

Edited to add: 90 hours. ??
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I'm glad you can work with the immodium, Bliss, hope you ok? ABW hope your day was ok? Not much going on, working towards another day, wishes to all, bono.
Hey guys, just wanted to stop in and let ya'll know I'm still alive and kicking. Had some minimal use issues since the last post on here. I got messed up pretty bad from some prednisone that I was taking for my sinus issues I was battling last week. It completely threw me in a manic state. I didn't take them exactly as I was supposed to, which I'm sure was what led to the psychosis I had to endure for about 3 days. It was a true nightmare! I'll try to update my thread a little later. ABW, thank you for the emails!! Receiving them is one of the biggest reasons I came back to check in today.

I'm glad everyone is still pushing on!!!

Much love out to you all!

Chronic pain patient here. Was going to pain Dr but got sick of paying so much money and still not finding relief.. Been on opiate meds for years. Just ran out of my supply and so sick. Feels like worst flu ever. I never thought I would be physically addicted but I am. I want this crazy cycle to end but so afraid of living in chronic pain with no relief...
I hear you pain gain, it's a tough spot.,I'm a cpp as well.

Today I only had CWE codeine and lyrica. It's not too bad but I am deep yawning a lot and my eyes are a faucet.

Are you Day 1 pain gain?
Hi guys, sorry I've been missing. I will post here later on today. For now you are all in my thoughts and I'm sending lots of love.

I don't know what day I'm on but still just lyrica and CWE. Still exhausted . Almost everything eke ok."the voice" is pretty quiet but I yawn and eyes run in the morning

Hope everyone else is doing well
Checking in before I put away groceries, cook, etc! Joy! Lol

I'm tapering subs. I'm just not physically strong enough to go through that level of withdrawal without being frightened for my heart and blood pressure in particular. I get too physically weak. I'm doing the best I can.

Stay strong bliss!!!! You are doing great!

How are you bono?

Hopefully I'll have a good chunk of time to check in later after my duties and before I drop from exhaustion. I'm TIRED. (Not taking enough sub to feel that great, you know...)

I love you guys so very much, you are all amazing people. I'm so glad to have met you :) It's so nice to have others who totally get it, and to not be ALONE!

Sending much love,
Chronic pain patient here. Was going to pain Dr but got sick of paying so much money and still not finding relief.. Been on opiate meds for years. Just ran out of my supply and so sick. Feels like worst flu ever. I never thought I would be physically addicted but I am. I want this crazy cycle to end but so afraid of living in chronic pain with no relief...

Post away my dear! We all understand, that's for sure. No need to struggle alone, we are here.

Nice to meet you hon :)

How are all? I am doing, well, let's leave it at that, day 3, here, not feeling too bad at the moment, Bliss, and ABW I am thinking about you guys and hoping all ok ,bono
I have chronic pain and take opiates. I dont understand why you guys are going cold turkey and putting yourself through that knowing full well that you will end up back on opiates eventually because of your pain. Just stay on opiates.

I understand that money and pills run out early. What I do is keep a stockpile of suboxone around (which if you take in low doses can hold you over for a very long time for very cheap) and switch back and forth as needed. I tried as hard as I could to get off pain meds early because I hate how it governs my whole life....but then feeling the pain everyday without the meds...I said fuck that I can't live this way and got back on meds.

If you're gonna be in pain forever and take opiates forever, just stay on them don't put yourself through withdrawls for no reason....unless i'm missing the reason you want to do this?
Bliss, how are you hon? I am so sorry I have not been around. First was busy, then got hit with a bad period (I rather enjoyed the fact that opiates started to make my period disappear, get skipped etc, as mine are painful) since I have cut back by about 80%. Now rocking back and forth trying to dissipate the nausea lol.


Even when I am not on here, I am thinking of everyone and hoping they are ok.

Lots of love,
Anybody around here lately?
I'm going to be dry tomorrow and going back through 5 days of hell.
I don't know why dilly/ hydromorph contin doesn't work for me. I took 120mg in under 24h and never did a thing. Didn't even get sleepy!
Tolerance has gone sky high over the last few months and I cannot go on like this. I never feel good anymore, just less bad.
Effective tomorrow, I will be doing a semi-rapid taper schedule, going down a pill a day (20mg), however for the math to work out, I have to drop around 60-80mg the first day.
According the research papers I've read, that most people can stave off WD by a mere 20% of regular dose, so hoping it'll
Be fine.
Here is my plan at the moment.
Day 1 - 10 (4,3,3)
Day 2- 9 (3,3,3)
Day 3- 8 (3,3,2)
Day 4- 7 (3,2,2)
Day 5- 6 (2,2,2)
Day 6- 5 (2,2,1)
Day 7- 4 (2,1,1)
Day 8- 3 (1,1,1)
Day 9- 2 (1,1)
Day 10- 2 (1,1)
Day 11- 1 (0.5,0.5)
Day 12- 1 (0.5,0.5)
Day 13- 1 (0.5,0.5)
Day 14- 1 (0.5,0.5)
Day 15 1/2 (0.25,0.25)
Day 16 1/2 (0.25,0.25)
Day 17 1/2 (0.25,0.25)
Day 18 1/2 (0.25,0.25)
Day 19 1/4 AM
Day 20 1/4 AM
Day 21 1/4 AM
Day 22 1/4 AM
1 spare for emergency
I've WD many times before but this is the first time I really crunched numbers and made a solid plan. I'm going to try my very best, and hold myself accountable here on this thread. I hate to say it , and am afraid to say it, but if I blow this I might have to look into help getting off, or maintenance therapy. Scared to death of either.
Well, I got through Day 1.
Not too fun.
I'm starting to wonder which is worse, agony of CT WD, or having to listen to the voice during a gradual taper schedule.
One thing stayed consistent, my desire to be off pain meds
Day 2 meds taken per schedule. The rest are locked up.
If they weren't I surely would've taken more.
I'm still questioning whether drawn out taper beats CT. Meh, whenever I CT I wonder why I didn't taper. Lol
Gonna keep to the schedule for now