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Gun, drug texts feature in new Trayvon Martin shooting evidence


Bluelight Crew
Dec 29, 2008
Items taken from Trayvon Martin's cell phone -- including a text-message discussion of drug use and pictures of a gun and marijuana plants -- are among new details released Thursday by attorneys for the neighborhood watch volunteer accused of killing him without provocation 14 months ago.

The evidence, George Zimmerman's attorneys say, paints a different picture of the 17-year-old than the one portrayed by his family and supporters. Lead defense attorney Mark O'Mara says he will try to use the evidence if prosecutors attempt to attack Zimmerman's character during his trial on second-degree murder charges, set to begin next month.

Also Thursday, O'Mara filed motions in court. One asks for sanctions against the state for withholding evidence and for saying it didn't have more evidence when asked. The second requests that his client's trial be delayed.

Much of the new evidence disclosed Thursday in filings by Zimmerman's attorneys comes from Martin's cell phone, including photos showing a semiautomatic pistol and ammunition and small marijuana plants growing in pots.

In other pictures, Martin is pictured making obscene gestures in an apparent self-portrait, as well pictures showing him with friends and in other settings.

The text messages include a conversation from November 2011 in which he appears to say his mother has kicked him out of the house after "da police caught me outta skool."

"So you just turning into a lil hoodlum," the person with whom he is texting says.

"Naw, I'm a gangsta," the text message read.

In other messages, text message exchanges appear to be discussing guns.

"U wanna share a .380 w/ (blacked out)," one text message sent from Martin's phone reads.

The text messaging logs are also peppered with references to marijuana use.

"I got weed nd I get money Friday," a message sent from his phone reads.

"I hid m weed," another text sent from Martin's phone reads. "its wrapped."

The attorney for Martin's family, Benjamin Crump, says the evidence is "irrelevant" and predicted it would never be used at Zimmerman's trial.

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I would say that, if he wrote those text messages, it was okay to kill him. :|
I would say that, if he wrote those text messages, it was okay to kill him. :|

are you serious? what does that have to do with the article? i understand your sarcasm but

obviously martin wasnt the innocent lil kid everyone tried to portray him as
References to weed and guns are so ubiquitous all over American pop-culture, particularly among fans of rap music, it's too be expected....You could have pulled that text and those pics from the phones of millions of American teenagers....Teenagers who aren't prone to violence and criminal behavior!

Lot's of people have fascinations with all kinds of immoral and illicit things that they have no involvement with....

A failed, wanna-be police officer that couldn't get on the force overcompensating for his internalized rage and feelings of inadequacy by harassing and ultimately murdering a child in his own neighborhood while stuck in the paradoxical delusion that he's "protecting the neighborhood"? That's something disturbing that you don't see everyday!
are you serious? what does that have to do with the article? i understand your sarcasm but

obviously martin wasnt the innocent lil kid everyone tried to portray him as

Serious? No.
Sarcastic? Very.
Whether he smoked weed or bragged about owning a gun, I don't see it as reason to kill him, though.
Whether or not he was a "good boy" or naive, he did not deserve to be killed.
Having some gang banger fantasies should not mean you get murdered by a racist vigalante.
Practically nobody can speak objectively about this case. Trayvon wasn't a brutal criminal. Zimmerman wasn't going to Klan rallies on the weekend. This is simply two guys that got into a fistfight over some bullshit. One of them was armed. That's it. It nearly happened to me yesterday while I was running.
This is simply two guys that got into a fistfight over some bullshit. One of them was armed. That's it.
That's not it, though... the armed one KILLED the unarmed one.
That is a vital point.
I'm sure this character assassination of a murdered teenager will really help Zimmerman's case 8)
That's not it, though... the armed one KILLED the unarmed one.
That is a vital point.

I believe a killing as a result of a fistfight should be treated differently than, say, a standard murder. Once two people initiate a fistfight, there is a tacit agreement that death may result. The question then is: do we need to see murder charges associated with every fatal conflict?

Zimmerman was pretty battered:


I think he has a credible self-defense claim.
I don't believe the boy deserved to die for sure but I don't think it was necessarily a racist act. I think it was an over reaction that got out of hand. I don't understand why race is such an important factor in this case for a lot of people.
Serious? No.
Sarcastic? Very.
Whether he smoked weed or bragged about owning a gun, I don't see it as reason to kill him, though.
Whether or not he was a "good boy" or naive, he did not deserve to be killed.

no one is saying he deserved to be killed... im tired of the bullshit, this kid was no good boy the media has tried to portray him as by printing his five year old picture in every news article. zimmerman was probably racially prejudiced, but when martin was on top of him beating his ass into a pulp shooting him was justified
I tend to agree that it wasn't just "murder".

This "evidence" might be used to detail some about the character of Martin. The gun was probably illegally obtained, or at least, Trayvon wasn't old enough to purchase one himself/become licensed I don't think- at 17. I'm not sure about gun laws though... And this as described isn't evidence of possession.

Still... even if a security guard is being a dbag... It's probably good to cooperate. Don't fight a guy employed with a gun. The kid should have known, if he was doing nothing wrong, whatever wrong being done would most likely be righted.

Zimmerman may have had an itch... and may have gone about things wrong... But Trayvon wasn't an angel.

Unless Zimmerman's wounds were self inflicted... I might say I would have pulled the trigger too. A punch to the face just right could end in death, so essentially Trayvon already fired multiple shots, and "missed". So in that sense, he got what was coming.
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Looks like little more than a bloody nose...

I agree with slim. Marijuana and household guns aside, the real issue portrays an armed man killing an unarmed kid.
He's walking home minding his own business, drinking Arizona Iced tea, and then some wanna be cop maniac confronts him and starts harassing him, in his own neighborhood! Fuck Zimmerman! You don't pull out a gun in a fist-fight!

Zimmerman was the instigator...the wanna be hero! If he was capable of minding his own fucking business, none of this would have happened!

It wasn't like two people having an argument about something real, it was Zimmerman running around like a fuckin nut-job harassing people living in the neighborhood! Fuck him, he deserves life in prison!

Edit: If I was walking home from the store back to my apartment complex and some guy ran up to me and said "What are you doing here?! don't leave the cops are coming!"...I would tell him to fuck off! If he laid hands on me and tried to stop me from walking away?! You bet your fucking ass I'd crank him right in the face!

so if I'm minding my own business, someone harasses me for no reason and then puts their hands on me and we end up in a fist-fight, he's justified in shooting and killing me? Because that's exactly what happened!!

It's the police's job to stop suspicious persons, and if the police stopped me, I'd politely answer their questions, give them my ID and then walk home afterward!

He had no right to question and try to detain Trayvon Martin! If he thought he was suspicious, he should have called the police and them do THEIR job! It's not HIS place as just a normal dude to police the neighborhood!

I know the type....and I hope he gets everything he has comin to him!
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For harassing people? Lots of rentacops do that. Trayvon shouldn't have had an issue with being momentarily questioned, as the evidence seems to point to. You don't punch a guy employed with a weapon... Or use any kind of violence with him. If you do, you know what you can possibly expect.

Zimmerman may have been being a giant turd, but I doubt he was in the beginning being violent. He probably saw enough value in keeping his job. Trayvon regardless made the wrong choice in fighting back this harassment with violence.

He already had a gun (Zimmerman). He didn't "bring a gun to a fist fight". If I was getting clobbered I might use a gun too. Like I said, one of those punches could result in death if landed just right.

It may be a sad situation but the kid clearly had testosterone.

In the future, all rentacops (and cops) should have to record things always, via some small button camera or something. Hat cam. Don't see how the job is really legal otherwise. Honor code? That's why cops call back up sometimes. Cover their ass.

Maybe in some years they will all have self surveillance. Drones. People too. Not to go off the issue.. But it could either prevent something like this or take some questions away.
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You have the right to walk up to someone and attempt to question them, but if you're not a police officer, and you have no evidence of wrong-doing, you have no right to try and detain someone physically! I'm surprised any BLer would be they type to stick up for Zimmerman for killing this kid, it's unbelievable!

Seems like Zimmerman tried to be a tough guy and ran into a kid who was little bit tougher! If he tried to detain Trayvon martin and lay hands on him, the kid had every right to beat the fuck out of him! Zimmerman had no justification to use lethal force! He's not even a real police officer!
If Zimmerman was wrong to begin with, which is very likely, it would have eventually been sorted out had Trayvon not reacted violently. Perhaps not then, but he basically like I said, got what was coming to him for attacking someone who had a gun, and who was on the job.

Had he not reacted violently, and at worst the harassment continued, a case could have been built against Zimmerman.

Regardless of all of these possible wrongs of Zimmerman, that have been proposed, and whatnot, Trayvon and anyone is wrong to think that you solve an issue with any cop or security (with a gun likely), with violence. It won't work out in your favor. That's the end.
No, that's not the end! do you think Zimmerman should just be allowed to walk for this?! If he had just stayed in his car, nobody would have gotten killed! His life was not in danger.