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Guilt over using Drugs with Minors

The other night I had a party for a few friends over at my student digs. One of these friends brought 2 underage kids round unknown to me. These kids had been supplied acid tabs and we proceeded to smoke. Midway through the evening they revealed that they were underage (15+16). I resolved not to pickup any more weed or to provide any more weed. However I didnt have the courage or the sense to prevent them from rolling more joints. I allowed the 15 year old to procure the spliffs and I participated in the smoking.
Im consumed by guilt by the whole affair. Its left me reeling. How guilty should I feel. I know that there can be no exoneration only learning and eventual redemption through doing the right thing should any similar encounters arise.

What?? What are you guilty about? I've been smoking weed since I was 12, never hid it from my parents. There's like no stigma in half of the families in this country man. There's nothing wrong with providing drugs to younger teens, especially if they're known pure drugs and you're doing your best to supervise them while they're high.

Never looked at it from that angle. You are right. All the same though mate is there really an excuse for me smoking with them.People seem to be confusing the actual narcotics in play. Only weed was available. No alcohol and no harder drugs.

I think its the father in me currently driving me mad with guilt. I see under 18's as potential nephews younger siblings and even children. For me to facilitate and encouage their drug use constitutes a serious crime. I was in a position of responsibility and I fucked up. My intentions were noble but my actions werent

You do know that the law is wrong, right? Law enforcement and the criminal justice system are total evil, and supporting them in any way makes you evil. That's the only moral lesson to be learned here.

Are you honestly telling me that youd feel quite happy to smoke weed with 14 year olds as an adult?

Yes. In Jamaica, mothers give oral cannabis tinctures to INFANTS on up.

Most 14 year olds smoke weed in the USA/UK, and SOMEBODY has to provide it to them.

But hey, even if it were sex, it's their choice, right? And they're going to do it anyway, right? And who is OP to keep them from having fun?

You know what the age of consent is in Spain? 13 years old. You know what country has some of the most liberal, progressive drug laws on earth too? Spain.

Anyone who thinks having sex with under-18s is wrong is insane.
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let's all play societies guilt trip game...

perhaps you could go to church, confess your sins, and wipe your hands clean? 8)
Having sex with a 13 year old seems a bit inappropriate though.

Why is it inappropriate? It's legal in Vatican City, Spain, it was legal in Alabama until the 1990s... 14 was/is legal in Canada last I checked. It's only legal with the consent of the teenager in these jurisdictions, and not legal for parents or teachers or others in positions of authority to have sex with them.
I agree with Coolio and laugh on this one. The guilt you feel from this can mostly be chalked up to a lot of cultural conditioning. I don't know this for sure of course, maybe you feel that this is intrinsically or inherently a bad thing to do. Or, maybe you're just having a guilt trip because years of having to hide and lie about your own drug use has convinced you that their is something wrong with people who use drugs. Mass media, which by the way is clearly influence by government and the laws it supports, has created an image of the dopey drug user who contributes nothing and causes a lot of heartache for his family. There is an army of mommies and daddies with children who overdosed on drugs are all over the internet, the television, the news, and in special interest groups struggling to make known that drugs are the ultimate evil and will, without a doubt, just lead to addiction, misery, and death; and therefore, should be criminalized and shunned. The government will feed you the same lies. It's just a cultural / legal bias that the generation before us had or still has.

Personally, if there are no restrictions on caffeine, i think they ought to be able to smoke a joint (or, at the very least, eat cannabis if you're worried about potential lung damage).
Drugs are not inherently good or bad. It is the individual's use of said drug that makes it good or bad. This is why, for some people, alcohol can be enjoyed on occasion and at a reasonable frequency, and yet, for others, it is a crippling addiction that kills slowly and ruin lives. People have forgotten that we are not cookie cutters.

Let me know if I'm way off.
Why is it inappropriate? It's legal in Vatican City, Spain, it was legal in Alabama until the 1990s... 14 was/is legal in Canada last I checked. It's only legal with the consent of the teenager in these jurisdictions, and not legal for parents or teachers or others in positions of authority to have sex with them.

Because it's a fucking kid, that probably hasn't even entered puberty. lol dude.

The guilt you feel from this can mostly be chalked up to a lot of cultural conditioning. I don't know this for sure of course, maybe you feel that this is intrinsically or inherently a bad thing to do. Or, maybe you're just having a guilt trip because years of having to hide and lie about your own drug use has convinced you that their is something wrong with people who use drugs. Mass media, which by the way is clearly influence by government and the laws it supports, has created an image of the dopey drug user who contributes nothing and causes a lot of heartache for his family. There is an army of mommies and daddies with children who overdosed on drugs are all over the internet, the television, the news, and in special interest groups struggling to make known that drugs are the ultimate evil and will, without a doubt, just lead to addiction, misery, and death; and therefore, should be criminalized and shunned. The government will feed you the same lies. It's just a cultural / legal bias that the generation before us had or still has.

Personally, if there are no restrictions on caffeine, i think they ought to be able to smoke a joint (or, at the very least, eat cannabis if you're worried about potential lung damage).
Drugs are not inherently good or bad. It is the individual's use of said drug that makes it good or bad. This is why, for some people, alcohol can be enjoyed on occasion and at a reasonable frequency, and yet, for others, it is a crippling addiction that kills slowly and ruin lives. People have forgotten that we are not cookie cutters.

Let me know if I'm way off.

My thoughts exactly.
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If those teens had any medical complications from getting high (like LSD [overheating, dehydration, psychotic freakout, etc.]) in your presence and you had to take them to a hospital, you'd be in deep shit.

I respect that the underaged are going to do drugs. I did. There were even adults in on it at the time. I had adults buying me booze, giving me weed, and whatever else. In hindsight, I wish they hadn't. Even though I'm pretty healthy, I have still suffered neurological damage from years of drug use, and those changes might not have been as severe had I not started early.

People are going to say, "You did the right thing because they could easily get those drugs somewhere else, or just do them away from you." That's not true. If the people supplying me with weed ever disappeared when I was 15, I would not have been able to get it anywhere else. Most 15 year olds are just not that connected. They rely on socially developed adults to find them their stuff.

I don't give drugs to the underaged. Yeah, it's their choice to do them, but their brains are not fully developed yet and so I don't believe their choices are totally informed or lucid. When I was 15 I thought I knew everything. Looking back, I was really innocent and should not have done half the things I did, and I wouldn't have if I didn't have adults around who enabled me.
Most 15 year olds are just not that connected.

where im from it is a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to get yarndi than alcohol. kids in high school can get just about anything, hell i had better connects in high school than after i left. high school playgrounds are like the real life silk road. one of our math teachers used to sell to kids in the school car park, i didn't know this until after i had graduated though. don't kid yourself (pun) school kids are extremely resourceful and well connected even if they don't make it out that way.

i also learn't every swear word or cuss under the sun at school...
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Ok... there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with smoking up a 16 year old. I swear to god some people, at that age they are almost adults, older teenagers, not kids. They can smoke weed and drink if they want to.
I started doing that shit at age 13, no big deal.
Don't feel guilty, we were all them 15/16 yr olds at one point. There going to do drugs regardless of your guilt. Just feel happy you gave them a safe-ish surrounding to do them in.
Think of it more as parenting.( not meant fully literal)
I used to be able to buy weed at the age of 16 in a coffeeshop.

I don't see the issue here...
Why is it inappropriate? It's legal in Vatican City, Spain, it was legal in Alabama until the 1990s... 14 was/is legal in Canada last I checked. It's only legal with the consent of the teenager in these jurisdictions, and not legal for parents or teachers or others in positions of authority to have sex with them.

I don't know who told you this, but I used to live in Barcelona and you couldn't be more wrong. Having sex with minors, sharing drugs with them or any other form of minor corruption sends you straight to jail.

I wouldn't know 'bout Canada though, they get milk in bags. =D (sorry rangrz, just joking)
Personally, I started getting high very young, but I won't use with minors. Kids will do what the fuck they want, I only draw the line because of the possible legal implications. Having minors around can even turn a simple night of drinking into yet another charge, and besides, lil young fucks tend to bring drama around anyway. Let the high school kids attend the high school parties, where they belong, but don't beat yourself up about it man.
I don't know who told you this, but I used to live in Barcelona and you couldn't be more wrong. Having sex with minors, sharing drugs with them or any other form of minor corruption sends you straight to jail.

I wouldn't know 'bout Canada though, they get milk in bags. =D (sorry rangrz, just joking)

The age of consent in Spain is 13, as specified by the Spanish Penal Code, Article 181(2).

See: http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Penal/lo10-1995.l2t8.html#c2
hell my coke dealer is a 16 yearold black dude.
I myself am a minor, but I've been in a situation where when smoking with friends, someone much younger came over (a friend of a friend of a friend I think) and they were given some joints. He claimed he was 16, so I didn't feel as bad but I was sure he wasn't. I ended up asking his friends who told me he was 13, after that I refused to give him any more.
OP you're acting like an old fart! Lol when did you start doing drugs? I'm 18 and have smoked with someone as young as 14. Felt weird, but if they can hold their shit, it's cool imo.