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Good Pills UK /Ireland 2011

anyone know of q dances around northern ireland atm aload of talk about them but havent seen them myself

Yep I got one but from a different source than normal... It was actually quite difficult hunting them down. Havnt consumed yet but will do this weekend
Finished off July - Now lets see what August has in store (Hopefully more of the same) :)
A bag of 12 smells gorgeous, yet to try - very profesional solid press and looks decent. Only heard good things about them :)
August starting off nicely :) - Not exactly new pills but tested by one of the regulars of the site so worth adding
Hmm - for me 'back in the day' was 1988/89 :D - if you have only been in the game for about 8/9 years then you started when the scene had been dead and buried for a few years. I honestly think that the scene took a massive nose dive in about 2000 / 01 when piperazines started to come about in pressed pills.

The last year has probably been the best in about 5 years for the number of decent pills around the place - I would love to think that this is down to users becoming more aware of what they are taking.

At the end of the day its about profit - why should a dealer run the risk of being arrested for selling MDMA pills when they can make the same return for selling a legal high (piperazine) pill.

Easy bearlove- remember you mentioning a little while back that you had tried the recent elephants from holland. Was just wondering how these compared to the legendary doves, rhubarb and custards etc from your era? As in my (admittedly relativley short) history of pill use Ive never found anything that comes close.
When you think it was all pretty new 20 years ago so the raves (setting) were all very different which really added to the experience.

I loved the Elephants, ticked all the boxes for me and just the one had me going strong - Ill give it another 20 years and see if I remember the elephants with such fond memories that I have with the Doves etc.
purple two-step lightning bolts, blue adidas, headphones & blue ladies!
Thanks - I'm still waiting for a decent report on the Lightning bolts to show up so I can add to the list. I haven't heard of the other ones you mention so if you can make a report that would be great :)
dear friends the true ecstasy , no longer exists...

I Had seen on pillreports,the "q-dance" That were really good ...but according to my extensive experience with ecstasy, I can say that these "q dance" are very very weak...I do not understand why on pillreports...they say that they are strong...This mean that the writer does not understand a fucking of ecstasy..

I have tried all types of ecstasy, but since 2003 I can not find anything more powerful and love like 1996-97-98-99-2000-2001 and 2002...
^Keep looking as they are most definitely out there! When the Qdances first came out they were strong pills, unfortunately they were either quickly copied or the presser changed the mix to a weaker pill.

Yes there are still a lot of piperazine / fake pills on the market but if your armed with a test kit and a bit of knowledge, true ecstasy is there to be found.
^Keep looking as they are most definitely out there! When the Qdances first came out they were strong pills, unfortunately they were either quickly copied or the presser changed the mix to a weaker pill.

Yes there are still a lot of piperazine / fake pills on the market but if your armed with a test kit and a bit of knowledge, true ecstasy is there to be found.

6 years is that I try and try, but can not find anything stronger...and when I find something good with Marquis purple / black, the buzz lasts me 15 minutes :(
these "q dance" from the color of the Marquis looked promising , and instead it was all over in 15 minutes , and was a very light buzz... I do not know more , where to look for :(
If you check the last few months at the start of this thread most of the real (MDMA) pills are listed - the Qdances were around 120/150mgs MDMA when they first came out so they should have done the trick. If your on medication or have have a tolerance through using other substances then that will effect the experience.

The newer Tri-Force, Maple Leafs, Elephants etc are all stronger again :)

Going from the reports on Pillreports and the comments in the European discussion threads most areas have them now - London - Manchester - Leeds - Newcastle - Scotland etc.

Good luck :)