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Good Pills UK /Ireland 2011

If you can (and your testing) get the Q's !

Yes the VW's and the Diamonds are good but the Q's seem to be the strongest/cleanest (atm)
They Qs are dieing, there is little batch left of them, though a contact I know still has them in.

Look for the Outpressed Purple Hearts, they're the replacement from the same press and they're fucking beautiful. Coming to a source near you soon! :p
They Qs are dieing, there is little batch left of them, though a contact I know still has them in.

Look for the Outpressed Purple Hearts, they're the replacement from the same press and they're fucking beautiful. Coming to a source near you soon! :p

Yeah they are in pretty short supply now :( - If youve already tried these new hearts then get a report up on Pillreports!
Just registered to the site, so hi, been browsing for a while and im glad i have, if it wasnt for this site i would of never of got some of the new pills thats going about.

Ive had the pink diamonds, and the orange Qs, and i have now just got me some purple hearts.

Very impressed with the Qs, best bean ive had for a few years.
Havent tried the hearts yet but will do soon. The pink diamonds were good but no where near as good as the Qs.

So glad 2011 seems to be picking up where 2010 left off.

Happy days
Just registered to the site, so hi, been browsing for a while and im glad i have, if it wasnt for this site i would of never of got some of the new pills thats going about.

Ive had the pink diamonds, and the orange Qs, and i have now just got me some purple hearts.

Very impressed with the Qs, best bean ive had for a few years.
Havent tried the hearts yet but will do soon. The pink diamonds were good but no where near as good as the Qs.

So glad 2011 seems to be picking up where 2010 left off.

Happy days

Hi there and welcome to the site :)

The scene in the UK is going from strength to strenght and I think we have more real pill reported in the last 5 months than we had reported in the whole of last year.

Q's were a nice pill (but Ive heard there is also a dodgy batch or two around now[tbh I dont know how true this is]) I'm hoping to test these new Purple Hearts out at the weekend.
Thanks for the welcome.

Ive only heard about the dodgy ones from here not from my source..

I had given up on pills in the uk for nearly 2 years as everyone i had was a pip, and then i did a little research and found this site which gave me some hope, knowing there were some good pills about, i just had to search.

I tried most of the RCs about but nothing compares to the real deal of a good pill.

Fro what ive been told the purple hearts are from the same makers as the Qs, not sure how true this is but they look very similar in press so im happy.

I do think that the newer good pills ive tried are better than the old good pills back in the day, What do u think? but this could be because of the drought,ive been an avid user for 8 years now, The drought put me off pills alittle.

Just glad people seem to be waking up abit about rubbish pills.
Thanks for the welcome.

Ive only heard about the dodgy ones from here not from my source..

I had given up on pills in the uk for nearly 2 years as everyone i had was a pip, and then i did a little research and found this site which gave me some hope, knowing there were some good pills about, i just had to search.

I tried most of the RCs about but nothing compares to the real deal of a good pill.

Fro what ive been told the purple hearts are from the same makers as the Qs, not sure how true this is but they look very similar in press so im happy.

I do think that the newer good pills ive tried are better than the old good pills back in the day, What do u think? but this could be because of the drought,ive been an avid user for 8 years now, The drought put me off pills alittle.

Just glad people seem to be waking up abit about rubbish pills.

Hmm - for me 'back in the day' was 1988/89 :D - if you have only been in the game for about 8/9 years then you started when the scene had been dead and buried for a few years. I honestly think that the scene took a massive nose dive in about 2000 / 01 when piperazines started to come about in pressed pills.

The last year has probably been the best in about 5 years for the number of decent pills around the place - I would love to think that this is down to users becoming more aware of what they are taking.

At the end of the day its about profit - why should a dealer run the risk of being arrested for selling MDMA pills when they can make the same return for selling a legal high (piperazine) pill.
Hmm - for me 'back in the day' was 1988/89 :D - if you have only been in the game for about 8/9 years then you started when the scene had been dead and buried for a few years. I honestly think that the scene took a massive nose dive in about 2000 / 01 when piperazines started to come about in pressed pills.

The last year has probably been the best in about 5 years for the number of decent pills around the place - I would love to think that this is down to users becoming more aware of what they are taking.

At the end of the day its about profit - why should a dealer run the risk of being arrested for selling MDMA pills when they can make the same return for selling a legal high (piperazine) pill.

Ha ha so back in the day for me was not so back in the day, but for me i started to notce the quality in pills go down in about 2005/2006, but i heard in the 90s thats when they were at the best. Just a shame i never tried any, im guessing that these new pills were like they they used to be.
^thanks, the Diamonds are on the list but I missed the Smiley's.

Added to the list - what a year though ;).
Is there 2 presses of pink diamonds? 1 dealer is selling me some with very pointy bottoms and the other with pretty blunt point.
Could this just be because the dealers pills were rubbing together in the bag or what?
I havnt tried the pointy ones yet but I plan on buying 4 of these to go with the 4 non pointyones for a festival on thursday.
Also the pointier ones have what looks to be a logo on the back but very very faint and I can't make out if its even there.