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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Good alternative script for anxiety/racing mind instead of a benzo

Wow, first off, thanks for all the responses with suggestions and help...totally appreciate it. I agree with what a few others said, that my primary doctors reason for cutting me off is total bullcrap. I'm taking super low doses and don't abuse them. I think I'll see a shrink and hope they will realize I am NOT a high risk to OD due to my low dosages. Over the years I've been through the mill trying different stuff and I dont want to try any "new" stuff either. K pins are only ones that worked! So this is pissing me off and I'm already stressing out just having to deal with it. I also worry if the shrink turns me down and I go to another doc I'll get red flagged for "doctor shopping"....fukn hell....can't win. I think the best shrink would be an older doc with an ol skool' attitude and maybe one who runs a private practice.. we shall see.. Thanks All!
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Currently on Clonazapam/Klonopin ( a mere .5 3x a day) and will be taken off by my primary, reason being that I'm also taking oxycodone ( a mere 5mg 2x a day) and she says its a high risk to OD.

Whats a good alternative that's not a benzo? My problem is I am racey and also get anxious at times, things are always going way too fast in my world. Taking the k-pin (valium worked too) it slowed me down where I can feel "normal"...and actually function yet have a clear head. I guess that's a ADD/ADHD thing too but I've never gone through the hoops of being "medically diagnosed" for that. I just need something my doc would script that isn't a benzo that would slow me down yet still think clear. K-pins were perfect in that sense, for me. This sucks. I have 2 months more then she's stopping my k-pin and referred me to a shrink.

Open to all suggestions. EXCEPT :

Kratom :gives me bad headaches
And I don't want Adderal/Ridalin aka METH.

I tried herbal stuff with zero luck. (kava, valerian, etc)
She is a quack, no way that could cause an overdose.
Well there's a few things that help with anxiety that aren't Benzos. There's medications such as Chlorpromazine, Quetiapine, Olanzapine and Clozapine. And said you have racing thoughts. That sounds kind of like a manic symptom to me. You might need a mood stabilizer as well. Such as Lithium or something else.
Those are psche meds. Are you schizophrenic? Those are anti psychotic meds. Thorazine, seroqual, zyprexia and clozapine are all for schizophrenia. Lithium is for bi polar
Wow, first off, thanks for all the responses with suggestions and help...totally appreciate it. I agree with what a few others said, that my primary doctors reason for cutting me off is total bullcrap. I'm taking super low doses and don't abuse them. I think I'll see a shrink and hope they will realize I am NOT a high risk to OD due to my low dosages. Over the years I've been through the mill trying different stuff and I dont want to try any "new" stuff either. K pins are only ones that worked! So this is pissing me off and I'm already stressing out just having to deal with it. I also worry if the shrink turns me down and I go to another doc I'll get red flagged for "doctor shopping"....fukn hell....can't win. I think the best shrink would be an older doc with an ol skool' attitude and maybe one who runs a private practice.. we shall see.. Thanks All!

I completely understand that you’re beyond frustrated and stressed out. Mind if I ask how long you’ve been on both meds? More importantly, how long have you been prescribed any benzo?

So, in my opinion/experience, “doctor shopping” and “finding a psychiatrist that fits your needs” are two very different things.

Your mental health comes first. If you don’t mesh well with your psychiatrist/psychologist, you’re likely to be less inclined to open up to them .. which only hurts you.

You mentioned finding a private psychiatrist, which leads me to believe you either have good insurance, or at least the funds to be able to go this route. If that’s the case, do this.
So many people get “stuck” with a doctor they don’t work well with because they have no other option (and likely waited anywhere from 6-12 months for their first appt).

Go in prepared - meaning do your homework on all of the meds that have been suggested to you.
You don’t have to accept a med just because a doctor suggests it.

Use your common sense and listen to gut feelings. I wouldn’t go too hard on trying to convince any doctor to script me a benzo right off the bat… that’s rarely well received lol But at the same time, advocate, advocate, advocate. It may very well be something he/she will look at with you once they get to know you.

All hope is not lost yet!
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Those are all anti psychotics
At low doses drugs like seroqual are used for insomnia and sometimes anxiety. For sleep they give you 100mg or under. For psychotic disorders the dose is usually close to 1000mg or higher
At low doses drugs like seroqual are used for insomnia and sometimes anxiety. For sleep they give you 100mg or under. For psychotic disorders the dose is usually close to 1000mg or higher

Yeah, agreed about the seroquel. The less the better in term of sleep.
If you don't have a schzio type disorder or bi polar condition, you shouldn't take those meds

I also agree with this lol

1.5mg of clonazepam works for the OP.

Suggesting meds like olanzapine for this person would likely cause FAR more harm than any sliver of “good”.
Actually the maximum dose for Seroquel is 800mg.

At low doses drugs like seroqual are used for insomnia and sometimes anxiety. For sleep they give you 100mg or under. For psychotic disorders the dose is usually close to 1000mg or higher
That's news to me because in one of the books I read about Psychotropic Medications it says 800mg is the maximum dose. Well you learn something new every day.