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Good alternative script for anxiety/racing mind instead of a benzo


Oct 7, 2018
Currently on Clonazapam/Klonopin ( a mere .5 3x a day) and will be taken off by my primary, reason being that I'm also taking oxycodone ( a mere 5mg 2x a day) and she says its a high risk to OD.

Whats a good alternative that's not a benzo? My problem is I am racey and also get anxious at times, things are always going way too fast in my world. Taking the k-pin (valium worked too) it slowed me down where I can feel "normal"...and actually function yet have a clear head. I guess that's a ADD/ADHD thing too but I've never gone through the hoops of being "medically diagnosed" for that. I just need something my doc would script that isn't a benzo that would slow me down yet still think clear. K-pins were perfect in that sense, for me. This sucks. I have 2 months more then she's stopping my k-pin and referred me to a shrink.

Open to all suggestions. EXCEPT :

Kratom :gives me bad headaches
And I don't want Adderal/Ridalin aka METH.

I tried herbal stuff with zero luck. (kava, valerian, etc)
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine, Largactil) works VERY well for anxiety for me. It works just as well as a benzo, but it's non-addictive. You don't get any of the pleasant/recreational feeling you get with a benzo like feeling all warm and lovely, but it will eliminate that anxiety!
I take Propranolol (low dose, 20mg) for anxiety. It doesn't really do much for mental anxiety, but greatly helps with physical symptoms of anxiety.
Currently on Clonazapam/Klonopin ( a mere .5 3x a day) and will be taken off by my primary, reason being that I'm also taking oxycodone ( a mere 5mg 2x a day) and she says its a high risk to OD.

Whats a good alternative that's not a benzo? My problem is I am racey and also get anxious at times, things are always going way too fast in my world. Taking the k-pin (valium worked too) it slowed me down where I can feel "normal"...and actually function yet have a clear head. I guess that's a ADD/ADHD thing too but I've never gone through the hoops of being "medically diagnosed" for that. I just need something my doc would script that isn't a benzo that would slow me down yet still think clear. K-pins were perfect in that sense, for me. This sucks. I have 2 months more then she's stopping my k-pin and referred me to a shrink.

Open to all suggestions. EXCEPT :

Kratom :gives me bad headaches
And I don't want Adderal/Ridalin aka METH.

I tried herbal stuff with zero luck. (kava, valerian, etc)

That’s a bullshit reason, considering you’re on such low doses of both. Trying to reason with some doctors is like trying to reason with a turnip - pointless.

Hopefully you have better luck with the psychiatrist. Not sure how you feel about SSRIs/SNRIs, but I’d say there’s a 99% chance that’s what will be suggested to you. Personally, I’d keep my distance… but some people swear by them.

Google beta-blockers (propranolol, atenolol, etc…). As ninjapirateroberts mentioned, They really do help the physical symptoms of anxiety, but they won’t stop your head from spinning.

Clonidine has been a HUGE help for me. It’s a BP med, but it’s helped me with withdrawal, restlessness, sleep, and anxiety. It can also be used for ADHD, as it really does calm the mind and body down.

I have no experience with Chlorpromazine, but I’d definitely have a look at that too.

And you never know, you may luck into getting a psychiatrist that will listen to you. I always like to be prepared when I see any doctor. Be honest and open to him/her about what your expectations are. Advocate for yourself!

Sorry for the long post 😅. Hope everything works out.
Clonidine works great for me. I'm prescribed clonzepam but if I get anxiety I will take 0.1mg of clonidine before taking more benzos and it works.
That’s a bullshit reason, considering you’re on such low doses of both. Trying to reason with some doctors is like trying to reason with a turnip - pointless.

Hopefully you have better luck with the psychiatrist. Not sure how you feel about SSRIs/SNRIs, but I’d say there’s a 99% chance that’s what will be suggested to you. Personally, I’d keep my distance… but some people swear by them.

Google beta-blockers (propranolol, atenolol, etc…). As ninjapirateroberts mentioned, They really do help the physical symptoms of anxiety, but they won’t stop your head from spinning.

Clonidine has been a HUGE help for me. It’s a BP med, but it’s helped me with withdrawal, restlessness, sleep, and anxiety. It can also be used for ADHD, as it really does calm the mind and body down.

I have no experience with Chlorpromazine, but I’d definitely have a look at that too.

And you never know, you may luck into getting a psychiatrist that will listen to you. I always like to be prepared when I see any doctor. Be honest and open to him/her about what your expectations are. Advocate for yourself!

Sorry for the long post 😅. Hope everything works out.
Such a great response and ditto's my feelings about this individual's experience with American medicine now. I had to look long and hard for a psychiatrist that would listen to me, and prescribe with a well educated and open mind. Mine too however, took my Clonazepam and has lowered me to just 1.0 mg Lorazepam. Major difference in efficacy. I'm off my SSRIs and SNRIs however, and now on an MAOI, Selegiline. Vast improvement in mood. The best and most important piece in your post: ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF!
Currently on Clonazapam/Klonopin ( a mere .5 3x a day) and will be taken off by my primary, reason being that I'm also taking oxycodone ( a mere 5mg 2x a day) and she says its a high risk to OD.

Whats a good alternative that's not a benzo? My problem is I am racey and also get anxious at times, things are always going way too fast in my world. Taking the k-pin (valium worked too) it slowed me down where I can feel "normal"...and actually function yet have a clear head. I guess that's a ADD/ADHD thing too but I've never gone through the hoops of being "medically diagnosed" for that. I just need something my doc would script that isn't a benzo that would slow me down yet still think clear. K-pins were perfect in that sense, for me. This sucks. I have 2 months more then she's stopping my k-pin and referred me to a shrink.

Open to all suggestions. EXCEPT :

Kratom :gives me bad headaches
And I don't want Adderal/Ridalin aka METH.

I tried herbal stuff with zero luck. (kava, valerian, etc)
I am writing to let you know you are not alone in this search. The clamp down in usa and elsewhere, on benzo's is everywhere. I was on clonazepam 1 mg, 3x a day. Then my old pcp retired. So after 10 years being prescribed like that, my new psych is clamping down, citing the risk of early onset dementia. Instead, I am now on Lorazepam, only .5 mg, 2x day. I've been at hospital 2x with panic attacks. I too search for adequate prescribable, replacement and / or augmentation. (with the same limitations and statements you made: no Kratom, Adderal, and herbal stuff doesn't work. I wish you well in your search. So far I'm thinking Clonidine.
Well there's a few things that help with anxiety that aren't Benzos. There's medications such as Chlorpromazine, Quetiapine, Olanzapine and Clozapine. And said you have racing thoughts. That sounds kind of like a manic symptom to me. You might need a mood stabilizer as well. Such as Lithium or something else.
Currently on Clonazapam/Klonopin ( a mere .5 3x a day) and will be taken off by my primary, reason being that I'm also taking oxycodone ( a mere 5mg 2x a day) and she says its a high risk to OD.

Whats a good alternative that's not a benzo? My problem is I am racey and also get anxious at times, things are always going way too fast in my world. Taking the k-pin (valium worked too) it slowed me down where I can feel "normal"...and actually function yet have a clear head. I guess that's a ADD/ADHD thing too but I've never gone through the hoops of being "medically diagnosed" for that. I just need something my doc would script that isn't a benzo that would slow me down yet still think clear. K-pins were perfect in that sense, for me. This sucks. I have 2 months more then she's stopping my k-pin and referred me to a shrink.

Open to all suggestions. EXCEPT :

Kratom :gives me bad headaches
And I don't want Adderal/Ridalin aka METH.

I tried herbal stuff with zero luck. (kava, valerian, etc)
Current first line treatment for generalized anxiety is SSRIs, in particular escitalopram is incredibly effective at reducing anxiety with minimal side effects but it can take a while to see the effect and during initiation you may be sleepy. I would definitely ask a physician on their thoughts of starting a newer generation SSRI

Also I think your primary is being way too conservative with how easy she thinks it is to OD on that combo, especially in a tolerant patient using such low doses
Well, when it comes to SSRIs for anxiety I would more likely recommend Paroxetine, but that's just my opinion.
Paroxetine has a greater risk for side effects due to being less selective for the serotonin transporter, escitalopram is what physicians just coming out of residency in the US will most likely prescribe for GAD
Well I'm just saying that because I had a bad experience with Celexa. It made me hallucinate and I wound up in the hospital after taking it. And Escitalopram is closely related to Celexa, but I guess everyone's different.
Celexa is citalopram while lexapro is escitalopram. Escitalopram, similar to esketamine, is the S isomer of citalopram which is more selective for the serotonin transporter where the R isomer was a large cause of adverse reactions to the racemic mixture citalopram.

The higher selectivity of escitalopram is one of the biggest reasons that it is preferred and the dosage is even lower due to the S isomer being the driver of the beneficial effects of racemic citalopram
do you eat really good?

do you drink a lot of caffeine?

do you smoke cigs?

idk but i think it's a cop out to blame it on a mental condition and then just take something for it everyday, which just leads to more problems - dig deeper for the source/sources of it all and it may very well just be something "environmental" - like a nutrient imbalance - could be your gut too not absorbing the nutrients you need etc.

probably not a bad idea to see a shrink....i wouldn't shun that idea....they do script k-pins
Clonidine works great for me. I'm prescribed clonzepam but if I get anxiety I will take 0.1mg of clonidine before taking more benzos and it works.

Me as well! I’ve been prescribed benzos for almost 20 years (not necessarily a great thing.. but it helps). First it was alprazolam and temazepam, then clonazepam, and now I’m currently prescribed 20mg diazepam. I’m also prescribed 0.4mg of Clonidine. I rarely take anymore than 0.2mg.

I also go for the Clonidine first when I feel extremely anxious. I swear by it.