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Going out Now is different to back in the day (obv)

That's debatable. But regardless of my personal musical taste, I have a question for you: Do you know anyone who goes to hardstyle events and doesn't take speed/meth?

hahahahah... yeah.
i can think of two people. my friend's little bro, and his fiance'
both go out regularly, mostly to phd. drink nothing but water and/or red bull and shuffle the night away.
it's just a choice they've made, at xqlusive, i said if they wanted they could have one of my leftover white mercs and they turned me down. which... well.. good on em.

the clean ones are few and far between.

i like my hardstyle.. but i much prefer trance and dark psy.

is there anyone into psy and darkpsy that isn't a complete and utter fiend i wonder?
I used to know a girl in my Brisbane circle of friends before I moved, who was as much into hardstyle as anyone, but could dance the night away on 3-4 Smirnoff Blacks. Never touched anything illegal. I also knew a girl who didn't drink at all, but loved shuffling. The latter kind of looked down on drug use, though...

And I knew a few "smarter" dealers who always hit the clubs on weekends completely sober, not even electing to drink, with their personal safety as their utmost importance. I don't know if they used during the week or not in more private settings.
as Redleader was saying, my friends/suppliers that i get from, when i go out on saturday nights, when they go out each time they're mostly sober, admittedly they pretty much run the club, and have the security onside in case of any trouble.

out of all the times i've seen them out at the club, probably twice i've seen them using their own merch. outside of the club... they do use midweek, but not very much.

while it is about the money for them, they have a code of ethics about them, that they wont sell shit to the punters, because they've been doing it for years there, and why ruin your business over a quick buck.

they're absolutely lovely people. it's a shame more dealers aren't like them.
i've seen a massive resurgence of k lately in my sydney clubbing circles, widley available and very good quality... i keep hearing people say that k comes in waves though? like it'll be everywhere for a while then just disappear for a bit? why is this?
If it's good quality ketamine, chances are that it's coming from the same source if you trace it a few steps back. There was a big theft, something came in from overseas, a cook rose up and made a bunch at once, or something similar. But with drugs that are distributed in a tree-structure like this (typically the rarer ones), yes they're going to come in waves. Whereas with something like E or speed/meth, the distribution processes is so complex, chaotic and such that all of these variables kind of even out the field - both across time and location. The Supply and Demand Model and other economic theories can be applied to popular drugs and their distribution, but with less popular ones, there won't always be a supply to rise up and meet the demand. So you cannot really forecast what's going to be around and when, or what it will cost at a given time - it's just pure randomness. Unless you know someone really, really special :)
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People have been saying this since about 10 minutes after the second dance event held, ever. If the scene was really getting worse every time someone said it was, it would be so far past dead by now that it we'd be receiving invites to the funeral.

I think this sums up this debate pretty solidly.

I myself think it comes down to peoples pride. Everyone will think that their glory days on the scene were better than the years following it.
For example, if a kid walked up to you and said "Hey buddy, going out now is better than what it was when you were doing it", of course you are going to say "No way man, it was better back in my time".
Why would you admit that the next generation are having more fun than you? You wouldn't, it's simple.
Times change, people change, doesn't mean it's for the worse.
I had a night of contrasts last night.

The love is still to be found in Melbourne. I went to a psy event in the city. The atmosphere was great, everyone very friendly, very chatty - met some really cool people. The bouncers were friendly, free water was given out etc. I think little touchs like this make for a more agreeable attitude amongst the punters. I agree with everyone who says the love is still alive in the psy scene.

However, I saw some quite disgusting behaviour on the streets of melbourne last night. Whilst we walking past lonsdale or la trobe st (I forget which one). One of the night clubs, just openned up its doors and all of the clubbers poured out into the street. There were about 5 seperate brawls going, with quite a few people looking to start some more.

I saw a bunch of men harrassing a homeless woman. I saw a guy throw a bottle at someones head on swanston st.

I think melbourne has gotten more dangerous. I think alcohol is partly to blame, but I also think antagonistic bouncers and a lack of taxis late at night contribute to it too. Most all, people seem to be going out with the attitude that you match aggression, with more extreme aggression, and that annoyances or misunderstandings are best settled with fists or a bottle over the head.
I donno bout the scene here much as ive only been here for 2 years but where i lived before its getting a lot worse. I can surely say its because of the lack of quality drugs. Most people then turn to alcohol and violence. Most people are also angry, i mean come on who wouldnt be angry if u got a piperazine pill instead of what u wanted.

Sure the generation changes but ive noticed that i had alot more fun back in the old days than now even if i have quality drugs with a good friends its still not the same. The older we get the more newer generations come along and they dont follow in our footsteps and party like we did instead there out to look for trouble and be fuckheads.
I went out recently and yeah there was tones of fights and people looking for trouble but i did get talking to alot of people and they all mentioned what they were on and ect. and the main thing was "yeah pills are good they just leave you with a shakey feeling the next day and no sleep" and i swear who ever is pumping the blue mercs must be raking it in everyone i talked to was on them and they are those damn pipe pills

from what I saw everyone buzzed up on pipes and off there nut not in a good way more of a skitzofrenic angry way
I think melbourne has gotten more dangerous. I think alcohol is partly to blame, but I also think antagonistic bouncers and a lack of taxis late at night contribute to it too. Most all, people seem to be going out with the attitude that you match aggression, with more extreme aggression, and that annoyances or misunderstandings are best settled with fists or a bottle over the head.

Very good point. I've had to wait in taxi queues for 90+ minutes before, which is not a good experience when you're crashing. I think this acts as a trigger for a lot of the anger. I'm not a violent person, but some of the things people have tried to pull concerning getting cabs faster than people waiting the proper way would make me cross my limits if I were.

I lived about a 75 minute walk from the Valley in Brisbane, and sometimes I opted to walking home, because I knew I'd get there faster :\
Last night in melb i had to stand on the side of the road flailing a hundred dollar bill to get a cab
Very good point. I've had to wait in taxi queues for 90+ minutes before, which is not a good experience when you're crashing. I think this acts as a trigger for a lot of the anger. I'm not a violent person, but some of the things people have tried to pull concerning getting cabs faster than people waiting the proper way would make me cross my limits if I were.

I lived about a 75 minute walk from the Valley in Brisbane, and sometimes I opted to walking home, because I knew I'd get there faster :\

Ever tried walking 5 mins from a club and callin a cab? Always works for me, fuk waiting in line for hours freezin my ass off coming down hardcore. On the fone just say u want to go here or there make up a suburb thats 40min away and all the taxis will be rushing to pick u up then say sorry the plan changed just wanna go down the road which is 15 min away hahaha both of them tricks worked for me all the time:)
Yeah fuck sitting around in a line waiting for one, just walk up the road and give one a call
I did, but only right before I moved from Brisbane. I could get kinda close via bus, but was not near any of the train lines.

As for the calling, ya I tried it twice and both times my taxis either were stolen or never showed/found me. To be honest, toward the end of my partying days, I always ended up goin hard from 9 until 1 or so and then just going home earlier to avoid the queues. Nothing become more depressing to me than a few thousand scattered and angry people roaming the streets at 5am (even if I was still on cloud 9, I hated it). Even just the thought of that coming up soon would always kill my mood by 3 or 4. Going hard early ended up working best for me.
If you're rolling hard enough, then 11pm music can sound a lot better than if you're sober at that time :) Sure, not like rolling at 2am, but it's a tempting tradeoff!