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Going out Now is different to back in the day (obv)

The good vibe feeling is gone from alot of places.. festivals .. clubs its all so tense now
maybe its just people these days?

but yeah very true that back in the day getting stuff that werent good were just Low in the substance now its 1 in 10 you might get what your expecting and its usually worse things in it.
If it was a crunch on the drug crack down we would see ALL pills disappearing but they arent they are Everywhere. Its the dealers/cooks making more money so if anything the "War On Drugs" has failed ten fold since previous years and the drug suppliers have more control than ever.

i feel sorry for the new generation of club/rave/festival goers the scenes aint what they used to be wouldnt you say??
People have been saying this since about 10 minutes after the second dance event held, ever. If the scene was really getting worse every time someone said it was, it would be so far past dead by now that it we'd be receiving invites to the funeral.
^^ exactly exactly exactly. Since the very beginning people have been saying it was better back in the day.
I blame greed, myself - Over commercialisation both by event promoters and the caldestine drug manufacturers. People trying to use the organisation of raves and similar EDM events as a primary means of income, and the underworld too caught up in making money off the punters, putting whatever they can get their hands on cheapest into pill-shaped form. Too many people I talk to out at random events tell me how it's all about speeedy pills, how they have to go hard, and how they hate that 'smacked out' feeling they get off some pills... :/
^^ exactly exactly exactly. Since the very beginning people have been saying it was better back in the day.

It was better back in the day...

Oh wait, maybe its just because i got old.

The young whippersnappers these days.... with their damn hardstyle music and crackpipes...

When i was young, MDMA was prevalent, trance and psy was all the rage... people smiled and tried to talk to you for no apparant reason... I think that constitutes back in the day for me... the wonder years.
Nothing wrong with hardstyle :p

That's debatable. But regardless of my personal musical taste, I have a question for you: Do you know anyone who goes to hardstyle events and doesn't take speed/meth?
Yes, many. Every scene has it's share of drug abuse, you can't pin it all on one genre or one scene just because you don't enjoy that particular style of music.
Nothing wrong with hardstyle :p

As above said, thats debateable. I wholeheartedly blame the shift in music for the decomposition of the rave/dance scene. Everything went to shit when the kiddies started wearing flat hats and stompin around like they were trying to put holes in the floor.. around the same time ice took off, and the pills lost popularity
That's debatable. But regardless of my personal musical taste, I have a question for you: Do you know anyone who goes to hardstyle events and doesn't take speed/meth?

Yeah I know plenty too.

Progressive/house is my music of choice but I like hardstyle a lot too. Don't go to hardstyle events though, just hardstyle clubs occasionally.
That's bullshit, you're just pissed off because musical tastes have changed and don't align with yours anymore.

The scene isn't decomposing, yes pills are less popular, but as I'm sure anyone on this board can attest, that has less to do with not liking pills and more to do with every second pill being pipes/duds/kbombs. Of course people are going to turn to speed/K/GHB, at least those drugs have a reasonable chance at containing some quantity of the chemical you're paying for.

That said, maybe things are different in Melbourne. In general you guys have a very unfriendly and reckless nightlife, I've never run into so many rude and angry people as I have going out in melbourne and even the largest hardstyle promoters in the world have refused to hold any more shows in your city because of the exhorbitant number of blowouts that occur at all your gigs. Sydney doesn't have a fraction of the violence/OD problems despite having a similar sized scene, and Adelaide/Brisbane both have smaller but much safer and friendlier dance scenes.

Stop blaming the music and maybe take a look at the culture in your own city to find out why your scene sucks.
funny, the issues all seem to centre around hardstlye though. i live in melbourne.

At one time i did enjoy hardstyle, then all these little hardstyle kiddies came onto the scene, and they were the angry arseholes.. this was before the pill quality declined also, around the time that the general reception of hardstyle occured.

Also melbourne's drug scene is far more prevalent and open compared to the other states. This can account for why more OD's happen. I don't blame any drug,

Good riddance to the hardstyle events in melbourne, as far as im concerned the scene can crash and burn. i get the specialist events i want from time to time.. i dont want to party every week.. it's only benefited me - im not complaining, but i do like to remember the days of the candy kid.

stop defending shit music that a 4yo could produce by bashing pots and pans together.
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can see ur point OP

5-6 or so years ago was the shit . well the melb club scene anyway
Perhaps "angry" sounding music attract "angry" people? But a definition of angry music is really going to come down to opinion anyway, so its a bit of a nothing question.

I used to work with a bloke who was in his late teens at the end of the 80s in the UK. He told me that when he was going to raves back then that there was not lots of different "scenes" like there is now. Which imo is one less thing to argue about.

Here in Perth we don't have much of a hardstyle scene compared to the east coast. How ever DnB is very popular. To make a nasty generalisation one could say that at DnB events you are more likely to encounter angry meth addicts than genres such as trance and breaks. Certainly this has been my experience with large DnB events. I have always encountered scary characters.
I dont take pills anymore(well maybe once a year)

but im pleased bluelight is around, I just would not of known piperzines would of been what is now generally gotten on the street, while I have always been carefull with what i take, I have not taken anything in a long time,

I started taking ecstasy in 1997 I only ever had or ever want in the future to consume ecstasy, and it really concerns me(for other people really) that the "market" has been flooded with piperzines...very alarming.

I dont "go out" anymore anyway, but really can appreciate how such a drastic change in the chemical make up of a night out, would of basically ruined...what I went out for anyway.

education(like bluelight is doing) removing the word Ecstasy from these pills.

keep up the good work.
whatever happened to ketamine? seems like juice has replaced K and shard/meth for MDMA. as far as i'm concerned the hardstyle scene is slowly dying, seeing less and less PHD jumpers walking the streets of melbourne as well as the shuffle in clubs
The hardstyle scene is bigger than ever, but the whole PHD kiddie crazian shuffle phase is dying down, which is nice. Too many of that crowd who turned up to parties just to show off their dancing and not to have a good time and enjoy the music. The hard scene is better off without the whole PHD-esque shuffle focused culture. And it allows other hard dance fans who enjoy the music but feel put on edge by the whole PHD/shuffle culture to gravitate over towards the scene.

I think we're going to see Australia's dance scene start to gravitate more and more towards whatever is happening in Europe at the time, so many major european promoters and parties are starting to hold gigs down here, it's a natural next step really. A lot of the local promotion companies seem to be scaling down and the international groups stepping up to the task(eg, the guys who organized pharmacy now work for ID&T, so does the transmission crew iirc, sensation white was a success last year and is returning, sensation black is coming, Defqon is coming with a string of highly successful QDance events, Amnesia did a gig in Melbourne, etc), whether that's a good or bad thing is yet to be seen, though I think in terms of the scale of parties we'll be getting, the quality of acts, it can only mean good things.

And I'd disagree about K being replaced by G, in fact I'd say if anything K is more prominant than ever, it seems to be going mainstream, I've had plenty of people who normally stick to pills talk about doing K, even those who don't normally associate with the more underground scene where K is usually found.
stop defending shit music that a 4yo could produce by bashing pots and pans together.

The same could be said about the punk era MrIbis but i'm not complaining because everything has its place.

My motto...just chill and be happy :D