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Going out Now is different to back in the day (obv)

91 to 04 was it for me&mdma - i stopped in 04 as the effects were becoming too far from what they should have been! and the times I have tried since just reconfirm why i stopped... i feel for the newbies.......they really missed the boat!

also, is there anyone else out there that actually don't mind the standalone pip/pip derivatives? i for one have respect for them and am happy to consume ...the new gen of pips pack a huge punch - some for 12+ hours!
I started taking pills in 01 and the quality has obviuosly declined dramatically since then. Its kinda funny cause the first time I had a shitty pill was Jan 05 (pink zorro-ketamine). Pretty much everytime I had pills before then they were either high MDMA or med MDMA. Sometimes you would need 2 or 3 to get where you wanted to be but at least the pills had MDMA in them.

I think the scene has changed alot because of the decline in pill qaulity. It wasn't uncommon to go to a club and have 80% of the punters all munged out on the same pills. Everyone had the same vibe.

Nowdays everyone is smashed on all sorts, the worst being booze IMO.

I'd love to have a club where you had your pills tested at the door and if wasn't MDxx you weren't aloud in, hahaha. I guess that all we can do is keep testing your pills, avoid the shit, and maybe a resurgance of qaulity MDMA might happen again as history has shown in the past.
And I'd disagree about K being replaced by G, in fact I'd say if anything K is more prominant than ever, it seems to be going mainstream, I've had plenty of people who normally stick to pills talk about doing K, even those who don't normally associate with the more underground scene where K is usually found.

We may be seeing a resurgence in the prevalence of K, however, we will never see a return to its widespread availability and 'cheap as chips' prices prior to the rescheduling around mid 2005. The general punter may be more aware of it these days but prior to its rescheduling it was everywhere, albeit more 'underground', and associated with a niche market. :)
We may be seeing a resurgence in the prevalence of K, however, we will never see a return to its widespread availability and 'cheap as chips' prices prior to the rescheduling around mid 2005. The general punter may be more aware of it these days but prior to its rescheduling it was everywhere, albeit more 'underground', and associated with a niche market. :)

Don't 'widespread availability/being everywhere' and 'underground/associated with a niche market' kind of contradict one another? :p
No, not at all!!

It was everywhere within a specific demographic. It was widely available within these circles but it wasn't mainstream per se.

Just because something is underground doesn't mean it can't be limited, or even widely available within that market. Just like any market it ebbs and flows. The specificity of the comment was fairly obvious but I will endeavour to simplify it for you in the future. :)
I understand what you're saying, no need to to be all rude and passive aggressive, I just don't agree with you. I think a drug 'going mainstream' goes hand in hand with both increased supply and demand, as opposed to previously when it was limited to a fairly small underground scene. To someone who was inside that scene sure it would seem more available, but to the public at large that isn't the case.
..and some of us would say thats not back in the day.. 1988 pills were strong (if you even knew what mdma was and could get them) and the RAT partys were ..well lots of fun. Quality dropped off in the mid 90's briefly then returned and dropped again around 2004

ahh back in the day

hopefully this trend continues and so quality will pick up again VERY SOON :X <3
Going out hasn't changed, you grow older, the scene in your eyes changes and everything looks different... It's still the same drug fucked city it always was...

And pills haven't dropped in popularity at all, with more of the younger crowd coming into the hardstyle scene they don't care what they're eating as long as they get a buzz... How do you know anything different if you've only ever had pipes and speed bombs....

Given that i spend a fair amount of time in different circles (both the "underground" and the "mainstream" inclusive) if anything I've noticed a massive increase in the mainstream crowd eating disco's like candy thinking they're just a harmless high, speed seems to have remained steady but K has also taken off in popularity every third person you talk to "fucken loves Keta!"

People change... The scene stays the same... Maybe less love but just as many people there for the music and just as many people only there to get drug fucked or start shit... And just as many coked up roid fiend muzza's looking for a blue....
No, not at all!!

It was everywhere within a specific demographic. It was widely available within these circles but it wasn't mainstream per se.

Just because something is underground doesn't mean it can't be limited, or even widely available within that market. Just like any market it ebbs and flows. The specificity of the comment was fairly obvious but I will endeavour to simplify it for you in the future. :)

Baaaa... wrong.

K was everywhere in both Aus and NZ. And anyone who wanted it could get it.

It was relatively new to the pill scene, and this is why so much dosh was made from K around that time.

For all those worried about the quality of your drugs, it is not going to get any better.

Back in the day there were only a couple of substances used to have a good time. e.g. MJ, X, amphetamine, acid, shrooms, opiates, alcohol.

Routine used to be uppers, downers, sleep.

Now with the plethora of designer drugs at prices that even an 8 year old could afford, why wouldn't you made shitty pills and sell them to the uneducated?

If you want a particular drug you are going to have to get yourself a chemistry degree.
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Baaaa... wrong.

K was everywhere in both Aus and NZ. And anyone who wanted it could get it.

It was relatively new to the pill scene, and this is why so much dosh was made from K around that time.

I’m not disputing the fact that it was widely available, on the contrary, I’m saying it wasn’t widely accepted and used knowingly, therefore, not mainstream. The majority of people who knew about K only knew about it in K bombs and they hated it. If you spoke to people about K you would get the usual response of ‘that shit’ or ‘I’m not using a fucking horse tranquilliser’.

The people who sought out and used 'pure' K were a niche market. I think you'll find the majority of the money made from K wasn't from selling it as is, rather, it was from people pressing it into pills and flogging them off as the real deal which then resulted in nasty surprises and an overall displeasure surrounding the drug. The points raised earlier have highlighted that it’s making a comeback and its popularity is increasing. The difference we’ll see now is that it’s gone more mainstream but due to the rescheduling it will never be as widely available as it was previously.

I used to party it up with the gay boys :D

man the gay scene used to be fun. especially from a straight female perspective. i think anyone who's ever been out with their gay mates can attest to the fact that those guys love to party :p
I’m not disputing the fact that it was widely available, on the contrary, I’m saying it wasn’t widely accepted and used knowingly, therefore, not mainstream. The majority of people who knew about K only knew about it in K bombs and they hated it. If you spoke to people about K you would get the usual response of ‘that shit’ or ‘I’m not using a fucking horse tranquilliser’.

The people who sought out and used 'pure' K were a niche market. I think you'll find the majority of the money made from K wasn't from selling it as is, rather, it was from people pressing it into pills and flogging them off as the real deal which then resulted in nasty surprises and an overall displeasure surrounding the drug. The points raised earlier have highlighted that it’s making a comeback and its popularity is increasing. The difference we’ll see now is that it’s gone more mainstream but due to the rescheduling it will never be as widely available as it was previously.


Perhaps in your circle.. everyone i met in 04' was into the k.. it was a huge party drug, used in all circles, particularly the anti-g krews here in melbourne. I think K is alot less prevalent these days, since the S8 controls were tightened.
iv recently seen it pop up a few times again ,

b4 that was a fair drought imo

spose its who ya kno etc
i live in central vic here, and the clubbing we have is limited. about 5 clubs in town [guess] all small, one big one.

and its always a shit mood. angry etc. not unusual to hear from friends about how such and such got in a fight with some random for bumping into them on the dance floor etc. and few people go out for the music now [most of it is just shit straight from the raido anyway, only 2 small clubs have real mixes, and they dont really have a big crowd.]

im heading to melb this weekend... not sure what mood to expect there...
I have to disagree with a lot said in this thread. sure there a pips but they arent taking over the market (I speak for Brisbane only) clubs I hit up in the valley are full of mdma pills. most of the time there are multiply dealers in clubs (only small time dealers) ie kids getting 50 packs and selling them over the weekend for extra cash. there is still love in the club scene.

Yes you still have too look out for pips but normally a glance on pillreports b4 going out and checking what is around in a few clubs I'm easily able to get decent (todays standard of decent) mdma pills. sure there not 150mg 100% pure mdma pills but whats another few $$ to get another?? i think its fuck all compared to buying $10 drinks all night.

Although a lot of ppl arent aware of pips they know when they are totally sick and fucked on the comedown and they know not to buy them again and obviously tell there friends about there bad experience.

just trying to say mdma is easily obtainable and people are still sharing the love and talking shit happily with strangers.
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There is so much positive energy in the outdoors.

Putting people in a dirty smelly club/warehouse does take a lot away from the experience.

Altho I have to say and I think Psilo will agree a recent warehouse experience was like a mini doof and there was plenty of PLUR about =D