***Global Bluelight Party***

I am down to help out any way I can... Im in CT and have some connections that may be of help... I also know of a building ( capacity---- 5000 + )This may be a possibility... Also I dont know if anyone has heard ( some of you must ) There is a millenium party/ rave that is gonna be linked via satalite throughout what I believe is upto 7 US cities.....Boston, NYC, and other major US cities ....if anyone wants info on this E mail me at [email protected].
Later everyone !!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking it HAS to be the States just because of drug aquisition. One problem will be that people from the native country will have to assist the internationals with buying beans. If we were in Europe, Skydancer would have to help all of us EEEEKKK!!
I GUESS we could just buy from strangers, but I'd be really weird about doing that in a foreign country - and there's obviously no way I would EVER risk bringing anything in from home.
Am I making sense? It kind of kills the idea of us all taking what we have BEFORE we reach the venue. I could just imagine me landing at an airport in Fla/Ga/Canada/Amsterdam/wherever and going "shit, gotta meet the bluelighters in 1/2 an hour. Have to buy beans first. How the F**K do I do that???"
Hmmmmm, I can't really see a solution to that, except that having it in the states would mean less people would have that problem. And I guess the rest of us would work it our somehow.
Bluenighters Ulight!...err.. something Sounds like a fantastic idea! I'd love a chance to meet all of you beautiful people!
ok here is my .02 and some food for thought for all of you.
1. The confrence thing I think is the best idea. It is not a rave becuase it will probably not be as big as a rave. Hence the roll call has 220 so I would say we might ahve about 400 to 500 on here ( I think I am being generous with this count too) What wee need to find is a large conference style resort. And I just so happen to know of one in FL. The only problem is that is a bit out of the way, but that might be a good thing hence less likely to be busted or to be payed much attention.
Now the place I am thinking of is a Conference resort in Cent FL, it is about 1 hour form Orlando or tampa, now hold onlet me finish. this place is a large resort with condos that can hold up to 2000 people. it is on 5 square miles of land, and has a very large ballroom/conference room. What we need to do is get a promoter on board with us to plan this, we can get DJ's and have it decoratede and a phat light system and sound system. As far as it being far away, this place I am thinking of, I have worked there before and they handle large groups like this all the time, usually arange some type of bussing from Orlando to the site.(tour buses not school buses LOL). When I worked there they had a groupd there that was recovering drug addicts. there were probably 1000 of them and they kept us up all hours of the nite. So for an all nite rave it would be good. Like I said it is secluded from the everyday life, basically it is its own little city. And when I mean it is out in the middle of no where it is like orange groves for miles and miles, but Like I said I think this is a good thing.
Well that is my thoughts for now and I am sure i will think of more later.
But if not this idea I personally would love to go to Amsterdam, hell I would make it a week vacation thing LOL
As far as time, anytime from about may to aug is ideal for FL since that is the slow time and places like the one I mentioned are just starving for large groups so they might not mind the idea of a rave typ thing but then we dont even need to call it that, More like a Bluelight conference.
Well anywho....Peace....RuRu
Why does it have to be a separate party? Can it be a rider to other events where we, bluelighters can have our own camp.
Pride aside, we can show others our numbers, creativeness, PLURy-ness, and what-have-you.
If the event does not need to be on new year, I would recommend some sort of a yearly ritual, something similar of going back to Mecca year after year: The Burning Man in the West Coast of the U.S. of A. (Labor Day weekend.) ;-)
Read more info on it, and you all will see why this event is THE perfect fit for bluelighter:
1. different camps, (creative arts, techchies, weridoes :pP etc..)
2. natural setting (greatest plain of the desert),
3. appreaciattion of music, (Many generations of music lovers will be there. Show the older hippies the newer generation X .. err.. E ... er.. you get the ideas)
4. nearly bust-proof. (need to ask? read more on burning man and you will know. DEA and wutever usualay don't bother with this event. ;-)
5. There are more reasons. Read on, Find out more and tell yourselfthat .. for one time in your life, YOU want to go to this event. :p
Main site is http://www.burningman.com
Use other search engines for other articles, experiences of the ultimate test : Burning Man. :)
Ok, if you guys want to find out where everyone is at, I put a form up. Just handle, location, optional email, and space for comments.
The form is at http://abygale.qx.net/blueForm.html
I'll keep you all posted as to results.
- aby
(btw, I'm in KY)
You know guys, I think RuRu has hit the nail on the head. We would seriously be only talking about 200 people max. There are 220 people in the roll call with say 400 people who read on a regular basis. What with money, and other commitments, I really don't think it's feasible to expect that we will have any more than 200-300 people there. Which means the suggestion of a 5000+ capacity warehouse is really out of the question.
The ocnference idea is one I think we should go with. What reason would narcs and the DEA have to bust a hotel where there are a collection of international visitors here for a conference on harm reduction and awareness of the international drug issue? I've been to many many work conferences which are full of very interesting speakers and activities during the day, with great parties at night. There are DJ's amongst us, and the hotel could assist in organising things like sound systems etc.
Perhaps Dancesafe would be willing to sponsor us? Or the people who make the EZ Test kits?
And Pillcat also made a very valid point....we don't want to rely on one person for our sole source of beans. The US provides many options in this area. I also do NOT want skydancer involved in the organisation of this event. he's done enough for us already.
RuRu...would you be able to call the conference place you're thinking of and make a few initial enquires on cost to hire the place, and cost of accomodation etc etc. Just to start the ball rolling?
miss apple
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 10 November 1999).]
I just want to say that I love all of you!!! Goodness, Flower told me about this global meetup the other night (had a blast Melissa!!!) I am just now reading it and it's if everyone has known what I've been thinking. I am IN no matter WHERE the conference is. However, since I do live in FL, I'm all for RuRu's idea
I'll help out in any way I can (email me
"To err is human...to really f*ck thing up requires a computer" :)
PLUR and HUGz all!! :)
I'm in. Uhhhh I say we go to Australia or the west coast of the US, just because it would be the cheapest for me and I'm a selfish bastard. UMMMMM I'll bring Napkins.
Like I said, Florida's as good a place as any to have this, for several reaaons. Thansk Ruru for bringing this knowledge to light!
The conference part is definitely the best possible way to do this. For one, it would be a legit conference, and the police would have no reason to interfere (unless people would bring in stuff to it and give them a reason). This is a chance for su to actually come together and form new friendships, and discuss everything from harm reduction to the best cd. Whatever. Have you ever tried a meetup at a party or rave? Those I hang with no it doesn't work too well, simply becasue you're out of your senses and nothing would stick.
this way a conference allows us to meet sober and celebrate eavhother and bluelight.
But, that doesn't mean there won't be a party. I think we shoudl roll together, but not at a bluelight sponsered thing. We could scatter with groups we've formed at the conference, or go to a big event where there'll already be people.
For these reasons, Flroida's a good idea. We're the tourist capital of the world, thus a major aiport, second to only Las Vegas in the number of hotel rooms, mega convention space, group rates, a club capital of the world (according to Rolling Stone, Orlando's partially responsible for the underground dance scene, and despite ordinances and such, still is quite strong), theme parks (imagine all of us going there like the brazilians with tshirts and the like!), and many of us live here so there'd be places for afterparties and places to stay if you can't afford to stay in a hotel.
Many of you expressed concern over the rave war here in Florida, but it's not that bad. Every once in a while, they do a raid or raids to make themselves look good and keep everyone honest. It's not like we have raids every day and shit. For any matter, for the official meetup, which would only be 200-400 or so, there'd be no reason to worry. For thos eof you outside the country, we have the freedom to assemble, and as long as nothing illegal was going on inside the official conference itself, we'd be fine.
Let's defintiely get this going. I'm not sure if I'd want the resposnibility of organizing this (I'm finnishing up culinary school afterall), but if it were decided to have this Florida, if we had a committee, I'd be willing to be on it.
Sure, I'd love to go to Amsterdam, or Ibiza, hell, Sydney would be amazing too. I just don't know if that would be feasible.
Okay, I have to veto Orlando, Florida for the sake of our foreign friends. The mindless consumerism, multitude of billboards, and nonstop neon of that place is second to only Las Vegas, Nevada in emarassing the living shit out of me for being an American. True, it is home to God and his lackey (Money and Mickey Mouse), and there are several amusement parks to go to, but I'm fearful of the awful taste it would leave in the mouths of our non-American brothers and sisters. Of course, now that I think about it, it DOES represent the American mentality...
Actually, I don't really care. I just enjoy bashing Orlando whenever possible (my grandmother lives between Haines City and Winter Haven, so I've seen the progression of Orlando from the 1970's to now...frightful...frightful!
I have to suggest DENVER or St. Louis. St. Louis has some great clubs - cops don't care about anything there, and it is right in the middle of the U.S. - short trip for all! :)
Hey guys! I think this would be so much fun. Im in LA and I think Amsterdem is about the best place seeing as we are planning this so openly. I got to see first hand how a party can get out of control with the la zenfest/angelik deal. Man what a nightmare. And people just save!!! Cmon - amsterdam would be one of the cheapest locations. I think that we would atleast have 200 people. For everyone person that goes, im sure that they will bring atleast one friend, and so on.So what do you think- road trip to amsterdam?!

stay tight:)
I think this is a great idea. I'm from NY and i'm not sure how great thatw ould work here buut, whatever you decide is cool, except it would have to be in the us, me or my friends i don't will have the money for europe..but we will see, hope this works

one problem with amsterdam or anywhere other than the US of A....i don't particularily feel like smuggling stuff onto a plane then over the border through customs...anyone else agree?
by the way...if you need a Massachusetts coordinator... you can figure on me =)
Florida Would be a great Place to have this (considering I live in Ft. Pierce). And I could probally also get a few local Dj's to spin for you.
I'm vetoeing Orlando on the grounds that Mr. Sticky just said. It is an embarassment. Disney and Universal are like a big tumour up there...Again, keep it in South Florida...we have some damned fine DJs, the big international ones don't mind coming here, and I've noticed a large European contingent that loves to visit a lot
Oh and the bean issue is not a problem here. Plus it's warm, and there's the beach too

I must say that vetoing orlando is a good idea. I don't feel the nessecity to justify my feeling just yet (
), but RuRu's idea about that convention resort is a good one. (RuRu, you are pretty bright for being an EVIL E doer hehehe). Anywho, just wanted the thread to go back to the top hehehe
"To err is human...to really f*ck thing up requires a computer" :)
PLUR and HUGz all!! :)
AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.> Save your money! This event isn't for another 10 months. Just put $25 in a f'in shoe box everytime you get a bit of money.
2.> Don't tell me you really believe that you need to smuggle drugs into A-dam. That's not true at all. Where the heck do you think most of the E comes from. Don't worry about buying rolls. In fact w/ the number of people going we could get it for about 3-4$ a roll.
3.> I agree that Skydancer should not have to do anything, BUT has anyone even got any input on this from him? We don't know where he stands on this issue. Maybe he does want to help out or maybe he doesn't. I don't know.
4.> No matter what anyone says on this thread can convince me that the cops anywhere in the US are OK. OK? In A-dam they are not going to bother soft drug users. I don't know how many times I have to say this.
5.>Paranoia IS one of my traits and it really likes to kick in at big parties and the like. I would feel much more comfortable and safe (i.e. no gangs, no fuckin psychos, no a-hole cops) in A-dam.
Again people it wouldn't be a prob to save a little money everytime you get some. Tell your parents, even when you do have money, that you need some money put it in your GLOBAL BLUELIGHT PARTY FUND. There are ways to overcome the "small stuff" reasons that people are coming up w/ not to go to Europe.
Just my opinion.