***Global Bluelight Party***

I agree with stepper69, Amsterdam would be f*cking great! Even though I haven't been to the States (it's definitely on my agenda), I wouldn't feel that comfortable having a Bluelight meet-up over there. At the risk of sounding naive, there seems to be a lot of police raids at raves and clubs. It would be a shame to see it all fall apart, or to have people getting busted because a bunch of cops have nothing better to do than bust a group of harmless, fun-loving Bluelighters.
Anyway, wherever it is I'll be there. WOOHOO!!! I'd better start filling up the piggy bank.
Love Lee
Ok, need to shed some lite on florida and orlando or all of you.....
1st....there have been a few raids here and it has been getting sticky, that is politics and it was near election of vertain city officials, and time to make there annual reports of how things are going.
2nd.....Disney and universla are not tumors in american life (I personally have taken great offense to this, Iknow Ishouldn't, but I personally love the places)
3rd....All those points that have been brought up about the US is exactly why we dont want to attach this to an event already planned, those are the places that get raided, that is why I think the coference thing will be the best way to go. This way it is not publicized forthe masses and it is us and noone else, hence less chance for anytype of police envovlement....
and finally my take on Amsterdam......I personally am all for it....I would love to go and would have no problem saving for it....I know there are some that will and I really feel we will not get the turnout that we would like going there.....better chance for a bigger group here in the states....
Just wanted to try and clear a few misconceptions up.....
Peace to yaz all.....RuRu
Anyone considering doing ANYTHING in Sydney around September 2000 should get their head out of the sand and thing - Olympics

I'd jump at any chance to get as far away from Sydney as possible during that 3 months of turmoil.. - Amsterdam sounds perfect!!
Beans shouldn't be a problem. Some would view it as a business opportunity

[email protected]
Sydney, Australia
Ok this is getting so out of control- let's make one spot for this and it should be in the meetups page because that's what this is! People- Ive said it before- this wont be until july or august- get off your ass and get a job and save!!!! It will be worth it- the best vibe around had to be bluelight!!! so can we agree - please to have this as one post- I will put it in meetups under the official World bluelight party in summer of 00! Hey moderaters: do you wanna lock up these other posts? Am I outa line here? Hope not - we need some organization here dont ya think?!
love all of you I swear

stay tight:)
(Horrifed) Cody! What about sharing the dream? Going for Gold? Advancing Australia Fairly? I've never heard such unpatriotic pish-posh in all my life *sniff*.
Actually, and I'm a teensy bit embarrassed to admit it, but I can't wait for the Olympics! There's nothing I like better than a good dose of global tackiness. Seriously! I'm one of those people who gets teary when the clock strikes midnight on NYE. I know all the words to every "BandAid/Feed the World/Do they know it's Christmas?-type charity schmaltz song ever released. I get all clucky when Oprah has small children on her show for any reason.
And the Olympics!! Oh MAN I can't wait for the great, fat hulking lumps of cheddar that are going to be dripping from everyone's lips during that. I'm HANGING for the ocker/Aussie/battler/boasting/bollocks bullshit that'll be spewing out of every media outlet.
It sounds like I'm kidding, but I'm actually not. I really do LOVE tackiness. It's the best escapism.
Anyway, enough babble. Cagirl, I think maybe you should take this into your own hands. Start by delegating organisers in each region - divide up the States into sections, and then ask for volunteers. Sydney can be looked after by Miss Apple, and probably the rest of Oz too. Europe can look after itself - there's only a handful. That leaves Canada and everyone else is pretty much solo.
Then, I think, YOU decide on a destination. Go through all the replies and YOU decide which one sounds best - we trust you! Once decided, no arguments from any of us - if someone doesn't make a firm decision, then no-one will.
Sorry to sound bossy, I don't mean to, I just think we've had all the suggestions, so someone has to make a few firm decisions, and I think it should be cagirl, as she began the idea. We could go on for ages putting in different suggestions of who should organise the whole thing but, er, we'd be here till Xmas.
Is that OK with tout le monde?

My vote goes to Amsterdam!!! Much safer and a really great place to visit (I have been to both the USA and A-dam and just think A-dam would be better).
Just my opinion. I haven't been around long so it may not be worth much.
this topic is gettin a little crazy!
(i dont know a lot about computers) but is someone capeable of making a page where there is like a poll. list all of the places that ppl have mentioned- and let the people vote on where the event should be held.. remember to take into consideration travelling, narcs, ya know- the usual :p
I agree with SaraDay a poll/ vote would seem to be the fairest and most democratic method of location selection. I also think it would result in more buy-in than just having one person decide.
I put up a form (got 10 or so responses so far) for you guys to fill in your handle, location, and comments. The form is at
Put your $.02 in and I'll tally it up when it looks like all interested parties have voiced their opinions.
I'm more than slightly offended by those bashing Orlando.
Mr Sticky-Ah, yes, the American mentality is money minded, unfortunately, and though it does rear its ugly head, it doesn nay where. Can you say Los Angeles? I can't think of a palce where money matters more.
I've been to Atlanta and Miami, and they had as many billboards as us, if not more (because of those size and population).
Nonstop neon of the place? This is the common misconception of Orlando that really, REALLY PISSES ME OFF. Everyone thinks all of Orlando looks liek the tourist section. They think it's a theme park every block. No, I don't have a rollercoaster in my back yard or a tshirt shop in my front. MY college is the number one community college in the country, not the number one mini golf course. The only section of O-town that looks like this is I-DRIVE and Kissimmee, the west side of town. Everything else looks liek any normal growing city. Where do you think all of us who work in the theme parks live? Dorms under Disney? I think not.
pod-I'm trying to keep PLUR in mind, but Disney and Universal is far from an embarassment. They employ a very large chunk of our population, and pump millions into our economy. how is that an embarassment? People of all ages come from around the world to enjoy themselves, and we provide quality entertainment for them (I agree, at way too high a price, but people still come and pay the admission fees). Besides, my dad, brother and I work for these "tumors." Universal is providing me with oppotunities not available anywhere else.
Not to diss Miami or Sotuh Beach's scene or anything, Lord knows it's legendary along with Detroit, Chciago and New York, but what are we, huh? Did Rolling Stone do a cover article on your clubs, and ping you as responsible for the explosion of dance music? I think not. Did MTV follow suit for yours? Nope. Heard of AK1200, Friction and Spice, Kimball Collins, Rabbit in the Moon, ICey, Baby Anne and Andy Hughes? They're all from Central Florida (when I say that, I mean O-town and Tampa).
Sasha, Digweed, Keoki, Sandra Collins. All famous int'l DJ's who've spun here within the past couple months. Oakenfold is spinning the 24th after he spins in SoBe the 22nd. So, don't for a second disillusion yourself into believing you have anythign we don't!
Listen, I don't think you're understanding my reasoning behind suggesting Orlando. I'm in strong agreement with Ruru that this should be a conference, not a rave or party. I'm not syaing that there shouldn't be rolling together, but that should be unofficial and afterwards, less chance of getting shut down. They can't shut down a legal, legit conference. They can a rave (might not even give a permit in the frst place). All the conference space here is AWAY from the tourist section of town. Besides, the place Ruru mentioned is an HOUR away from town.
I'd love to have this in Amsterdam, that would be amazing. But, the truth is thsi meetup should be as cheap as possible for as many people. That would help determine where this is. Might be Florida, might not. But what would you ratehr have, a few people flying to where the biggest concentration of bluelgihters is and those of su livign here would help defray the cost, or alot of people having to fly somewhere else, thus decreasing numbers of bluelighters due to cost.
Comeone, use your braisn, use some logic.
Sorry for my rant, neededd to get that thorn out of my side.
Hey Orlando Syndicate (
that's a joke), you've got me totally wrong; I love amusement parks and I've been going to Disney since I was 5 (22 years ago). And tribblEorlfl, I don't view the employment of people as an embarassment, I view what Orlando has turned into as SOMEWHAT embarassing...everything looks like a commercial for something. It's a lot of...fluff. Yeah, that's a good word for it.
Actually, it sounds perfect for Pillcat. I think tacky applies in this case
And Orlando IS the picture in the dictionary for the words, "escapism," and "tourism." Since this is essentially a gathering of people for these purposes, it might be the best place. Hey, I'd even have a free place to stay!
And guys, please don't take offense...I mean, I'm North Carolina, born and bred. We've (along with SC, GA, MS, AR, TN, KY, and LA) been the butt of jokes for years, and it's not something I take seriously. Just understand that it is my nature to ridicule anything I can get my hands on. It certainly isn't a personal attack on any of you and I never meant to insult anyone, just maybe get a few grins.
Maybe in the future I'll choose a particular message icon to imply that I'm in full-jest mode so that people don't infer the wrong meaning.
Again, my apologies for the misunderstanding, but people, we do need to all lighten up a bit! Where we are from doesn't dictate who we are as people. I wasn't attacking Orlando to start a pissing contest, it was just a joke. Feel free to shit on Raleigh, as well. I know it has inadequacies as well as assets, just like EVERY locale. Joke about it, laugh about it, enjoy it. Let go of the territorial defences...because it really doesn't matter.
Okay, I've said my piece and I've lectured far too long, anyway. I hope this clears things up and clues people into the inner workings of my mind.
Just laugh, people; there's enough frustration, anger, and pride, in the world already.
Hey mr sticky, I dont think we were really offened by your comments about orlando or anyone elses. I know I just didnt want people from around the board to get the wqrong idea of Orlando. It is a great plac and yes it is commercial and it is tourism, every place has its money makers

I would like everyone to form there own picture of where they want to go and not get it from opinions of those who do not live here. thats all.
So as far as beoing offened or taking it too seriously I hear you and all Ihave to say is

Lets not forget about this. Dreams are what makes the world go around and with out them nothing would have ever been accomplished or even thought of. So if we all put our E-Brains that have been eXpanded so much toghether we can achieve anything.
"Create Your Own Ecstasy"
Atlanta might be a possibility....no beach, but we don't have the problems with authorities like in FLA (yet). If its in july or august, coastal NC or SC could be a good place. But atlanta would be fairly cheap to fly into I think....
ANyways, I'm happy to organize GA people. rowan
Don't let go, you've got the music in you, one dance left, this world is gonna pull through, don't give up, you've got a reason to live, can't forget you only get what you give.
--New Radicals
hey all thanks so much for your confidence in me- ahhh- such pressure! lets all get that form filled out that's posted above and then
all other emails can go to my [email protected] address--- thanks so much

stay tight:)
by the way that OFFICIAL post is under meetups!
stay tight:)
by the way that OFFICIAL post is under meetups!
stay tight:)