• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

~Girly thread~

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fairnymph said:
These actually aren't that bad. DG is a very gentle cleanser, one that I like personally. Xanthan gum is really just a plant gum, used as thickener. I haven't looked at their face washes (I have a great one I like already), but I know nearly everything else I looked at had parabens in it.

Great! I've been looking for specific information about those ingredients and had come up pretty much empty.

Yeah, the shower gels and stuff have some of the standard ingredients you might expect not to find in all-natural products. Nice products, but with a little taste of deception, as you've mentioned. I really like the Obsessively Organic collection of face care they have, though, so far anyway and they seem to be living more up to their name.

And to change the topic a bit, who else shops at Zappos? I adore this site and buy almost all my shoes from it. So much more variety than any of the stores around here and if I do my research, I end up with much better prices. And returns are easier with them than anywhere I've ever shopped, online or otherwise.
They have the best cutesy girlie dress shoes ANYWHERE :D I always have a wish list going on there, but rarely do I get to actually buy them :/
I love that you can search by color, style, size, heel height... or any combination of the four. So, yeah, if you haven't figured it out yet, I highly recommend Zappos. They should pay me for the marketing. :)
I hadn't either. I just checked it out though and despite their giant selection was not able to find a pair of knee-high boots that I liked that was slender enough in the calf. :X
fairnymph said:
I hadn't either. I just checked it out though and despite their giant selection was not able to find a pair of knee-high boots that I liked that was slender enough in the calf. :X

I have the same problem. If your calves are as slim as mine, good luck finding a pair anywhere that fits. My advice is to buy a nice pair that you like otherwise and take it to a cobbler/shoe repair place. Most boots have a seam on the back or side, which makes them relatively easy to alter so that it better fits your calf.

smart-e said:
OMG That shoe sight is amazing. Please say they deliver to Australia free of Charge.....***Drools***

Not sure. But, I know it's free in the US. And they always upgrade your shipping. No shit, I've ordered shoes in the evening when I get home fom work and gotten them the very next day and the shipping was FREE!
Oh, and aunty establishment, I find it funny that you say you have your blackheads professionally removed and all the lady's doing is squeezing them out with her fingernails. What's so professional about that? It absolutely blows my mind that any trained/certified esthetician, presuming she is one, would do something like that. And you're paying her for it?! 8o
My advice is to buy a nice pair that you like otherwise and take it to a cobbler/shoe repair place. Most boots have a seam on the back or side, which makes them relatively easy to alter so that it better fits your calf.
Oooooh...this is a great idea! I didn't think of this or realize it was possible. This is totally what I will do. My calves at the thickest part are about 11" in circumference -- I've never been able to find anything even close to fitting in a style I liked (and I dont' try on pointy shoes).
joanie- i think yer in need of a toner!

they're available at sally's and get rid of nasty yellowness and brassiness


ugh....i have a blackheads ALL OVER my nose. and yes, they're quite small, but i can always see them, of course. i actually have a gift card for a facial...perhaps i should schedule it soon and give an update.
i use l'oreal "sublime bronze" lotion in "deep". it will stay on for quite a while (a week or so) but, you need to keep your skin moisturized and avoid serious exfoliation. i try to reapply every other day, also.i have some blotchiness inside my elbow right now, because that part is moved so often and rubbed a lot.

btw, the smell sucks. i usually put some lotion on after it dries, but it can still be detected.

and let it soak in completely, unless you want tan clothes.

it take between 30-60 minutes to completely dry.
I'm a fan of the Jergens Natural Glow lotion..it's not an instant tan, but develops over the span of a few applications, which makes it more foolproof and also longer lasting because you just use it every day or so. :)
I have had success with the neutrogena foams and sprays. I like the darker one though as the lighter one is too subtle for me.
like i said, your skin naturally flakes off...and with it some color shall go. but, if you apply it fairly regularly, this shouldn't happen. when it happens to me, i just start over. i take a pumice stone to my whole body. fun fun fun. *barf* the whole tub turns tan.

tan in a bottle can be a bit of a hassle, but it's still a lot easier then packing up a cooler, towel, and some entertainment and driving to the beach just to get hot, sweaty, and some skin cancer. it's actually even easier then going to the salon i think. whenever i go, i get that "burnt skin" smell, and my pits stink, so i have to take a shower immediately afterwards.
It's only the very outermost layers of skin, and we're soaking stuff in them all the time with our fragranced lotions and skin smoothing things and whatnot, so it's not too much difference...
^^ I highly reccommend the "Sheer Blonde" line. My roommate and I went from dorm life to an apartment, and the change in water was bad. VERY bad (Think: verging-on-green for my box-dye-job roommie). Using the shampoo and conditioner helped SO much, her hair went blonde again, and mine got un-brassy.

I just discovered this thread, and was skipping through it, and saw the little section where prenatal vitamins were suggested... They're not good to take if you're not pregnant! They can be expensive, and anything excess you ingest that's water soluable you'll just piss out. AND you can get to toxic levels with things like iron, and fat soluable vitaimns (A, D, E and I believe K) which pregnant women need in much higher levels. They make your nails and hair stronger, but so do normal vitamins and certian types of lotions/conditioners!

As for my daily regemine:
I use Dove soaps, I'm in love with the smell of the new cucumber-green bar soap! I have harsh water, and any Dove products leave my skin clear and it counterbalances the drying effect of the water.

For shaving I use Bath & Body Works salt scrub (it stings a bit when you shave, but you get silky smooth results) in Moonlight Path. It's salt in scented oil, and it's wonderful just to exfoliate with, also. I don't have a preferred razor brand, as long as it's 3 or more blades, and the head pivots.

I follow up every shower with Lubriderm Intensive lotion (it has a dark red label/cap). I get rough patches on my arms, and it's the only thing I've ever found that smooths my skin. You don't need much at a time--it lasts forever! My face gets Nutrogena Non-Commedegenic (sp?) lotion during the winter, I don't usually use anything during the summer because I use sunscreen before I leave the house. Over-moisturizing makes me blotchy.

I have fine, blonde, wavy, highlighted hair, and in the back it's pretty short--I like to spike it up. I start out with stick wax, almost any brand will do. I usually follow that up with a shot or two of hairspray (my hairdresser likes to pass on the stuff she gets as samples. She's a goddess.) The hairspray helps to hold everything in place without getting too stiff. The front of my hair (which is about jaw-length) gets a little wax to control flyaways, after some stuff I get at CVS called "Hair Goo." It's this green gooey stuff that works beautifully: controls the wave without weighing down.

I never put any dye on my hair that comes from a box. It's so fine I don't dare. Luckily my hairdresser is a friend of my mothers, and I let her go a little crazy on my hair (most of her clients want the same boring blonde highlights, so I let her do what she feels like), so she cuts and colors it for around $30 about once every 6 weeks. Her salon charges like $45 for a haircut and blow dry, and starts at $90 for highlights... without her, I'd die.

My scent is from the Body Shop, called Lemon Tea. I love it, I have the perfume and the oil, but they don't sell it anymore (I don't think) so I use it sparingly.

For makeup, I basically use whatever. I really only wear it for work, where it's a required part of the dress code. My makeup bag never even leaves my car! Some of it is (don't ask me why) the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson line from Wal-Mart. They're these shimmery crayons to use as eyeliner, and they're great for people like me who apply makeup while in the car and can't be too precise. Plus they're blunt enough that I can't take out an eye while merging into traffic. The one mascara I've found that I loved was Clinique... very few clumps, and great coverage, but expensive, and I always dry out my mascara.

I recently discovered something, after years of trying every makeup remover and scrub and mask... I just wash my makeup off with water and a MINUTE amount of Dove bar soap (mostly for the mascara) and I'm blemish free. Even the ever-present-but-barely-noticeable blackheads on the end of my nose have begun to clear up. A few of my girlfriends have tried cutting down on the amount of cleansers for thier faces, and some have had the same results. I think we've been brainwashed into believing we need to wash obsessively, and then we add more things to our routines to counteract the effects of the things we're using... it's a horrible cycle. And expensive.

I never realized Sephora stores were so rare. One moved into the mall in my town a few years ago, and I guess I took it for granted... plus everything is SO expensive in there. I'd rather get MAC from the MAC store in the mall, and Hard Candy and Urban Decay both have counters or displays in Nordstroms (last time I was there). I did get some Sephora-brand eyeshadow once, and it was great... very fine powder with an even texture, but it smudged easily (in the bad way).
FINALLY! sunless tan help!

for all of you girls who use sunless tanner and hate the smell, there is this bitchin' new product!


this product apparently neutralizes the smell of the self-tanner!
find a salon that carries this

dude, i cannot wait to buy this! my boyfriend and i HATE that overpowering yucky rotten pina colada smell of self-tanner!

yeah i just put everything in the washer/dryer, but my bras also come mainly from wal-mart and target, and don't have padding or delicate lace on them...

i did lose one the other day...the underwire got all bent out of shape....it's going to cost a whopping ;) $8.99 to replace it, though, so i don't mind too much
if you're worried about the washer, try throwing them in a mesh lingerie bag. you can pick one up at wal-mart for about 5 bucks. i throw my delicate silky/satiny shirts in there too.
okay girls... keeping things clean....

living in AZ we have an abundance of... dirt, dust and other ickes that get things dirty REALLY fast...

one thing that i cannot keep clean are shoes... i only wear sandals, and during summer i live in foam flip flops, but they get dirty SO quickly... i had one friend tell me to put them in the dishwasher, but im not so sure what i think about that....

also, i bought a white coach bag a week or so ago, and its already looking a little dingy... anyone have any ideas on how to keep these things clean?

also, re bras, i wash mine with everything else in the washer, but i lie them flat to dry....
Jamie: I used proactiv for a while and it worked fairly well on me (as well as anything does) but I've since been using the st ives gentle cleansing wash for acne prone skin. It's a lot cheaper to just buy that (~$3) if you already have a moisturizer you like. Do you tend to rest your face on your hands at all, while you're at your desk or whatever? That can often be a reason for breakouts in that area.

I love this stuff:

Le Couvent des Minimes Honey & Shea
I got the sample size kit when it was on sale, and it just smells so close to real honey...mmmmmmm!
I used to have some zits and Proactiv made me look like a raisin. I peeled and my skin just got dry. Try eating fresh food always! I put a dab of raw honey on my spots. It helps tremendously, dries only the zit out.

I also use Cetaphil to clean my face. When I need astringent of some sort, I cut a lemon open and it cleans beautifully! If you have some rosewater, it's nice to dab on your skin.

I do not use conditioner. I am kind of careful about chemicals. Every morning before I bathe, I massage oil (I use organic extra virgin) into my hair, and when I shampoo it off, my hair is lush without being oily!

Obviously I'm one of those "natural products" people. LOL.
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