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~Girly thread~

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I don't know. I've been thinking a lot about making some changes to my lifestyle, you know, Spring Fever kind of stuff. I stopped eating meat about a year ago. We try to buy as much organic food as we can. And gradually, our home is becoming more natural (cleaning products and such). It just makes sense that I should carry over that same philosophy of 'natural is better' to things I put on my body. Little by little, I guess. I'm definitely open to suggestions.
My derm also had me switch to Ivory snow detergent, and told me to avoid fabric softener at all costs, because that's often something people are allergic or sensitve too, although I really don't think that would have anything to do with your eyelids. For static stuff you can just buy static spray, although it is kinda annoying sometimes.
Hey Dani-le you'd probably want to go see a professional about that. If you have it on your scalp then a shampoo like denorex or t-gel would possibly help. If it's rather mild then you can also use a hydrocortisone cream, but those are only to be used for short periods of time. Other things you're going to need a prescription for.
I prefer the Biore wipes to any of the others. Don't know why exactly, they just make my face feel cleaner.

Also, I just started using the bareMinerals multi-tasking mineral in Clear Radiance. Soooo much better than any of the blushes or pinky bronzers I've used. It makes my face look so... well... radiant, without adding a lot of color, which usually I have enough of on my own.
I'm totally giving the jergens natural glow lotion a thumbs up. You don't really notice the color for a few days, so you don't notice any minor mistakes like you do with instant full-on self-tanners. However I definitely do look a bit darker than I did. Make sure you exfoliate first though, cause I did have a couple of spots on my feet where the rough skin kinda showed more tanning, but that was easy to correct. It does have that self-tanner smell though, once you've got it on, but it's not bad, and it didn't irritate my super sensitive skin.
For mineral makeup, I love www.aromaleigh.com and www.bewellstaywell.com (the latter site also has mascara, which is super hard to find 'natural'). I love the eyeshadows from aromaleigh, and I *finally* found the perfect shade of blush at bewellstaywell (earth's beauty brand - shade: rosewood). I have really, really blue-ish skin so nearly all blushes and lipsticks are too pinkish/reddish/orangish/brownish for me, and make me look dead and/or clownish. I basically have to wear very mauve shades...and this blush rocks. You can't even tell I'm wearing it! Very finy texture too.
I also have hair recommendation, it's a spray that gives your hair body and shape, as well as cutting down on frizz and putting back nutrients. It's available at health food stores and it's called Giovanni's Vitapro Fusion Leave-In . It makes me hair feel great and if I ever try to curl it, it holds a curl much better -- even just braiding it or playing with it will make it hold its shape. But it's not sticky or stiff (I never use hairspray or gel).
FYI, the body shop's products are NOT 'all natural' -- nearly all of them contain synthetic preservatives linked to a variety of health problems, as well as other synthetic chemicals of questionable safety. It's just marketing on their part, trying to be 'natural'. And it fucking pisses me off, I tell you. :X

Not that all products with parabens are evil (although I won't use them anymore), it's just LYING to say 'oh this is all natural' when it is far from it. And then people are lulled into a false sense of safety...
LOL, it's not your fault. I mean they market their stuff as being 'all natural' so you are just repeating that. It just hit a sore spot for me that I thought I'd mention.

I used to love a lot of their stuff too. :\
It might be slightly more natural than *some* brands, but on the whole, I don't feel they have any right whatsoever to call themselves natural, either relatively or absolutely speaking.

For example, they might have more natural ingredients than vaseline intensive care, but not than aveeno.

It *IS* cool that they don't do animal testing, props for that.
Another lying brand is Aveda, again, FAR from all natural (though probably a bit better than the body shop)....also they will call their ingredients different things in order to hide their true identities....EVIL!

I got some new Kiss My Face stuff to replace my Philosophy products
KMF products have some yucky stuff and common irritants in them. As I've been saying in my past few posts, they are like these other companies that claim to be 'natural' but aren't.

The parabens are a common source of irritation, and KMF contains parabens. In general, any chemically sounding names should alert you to the presence of potential irritation.

The site I posted earlier, www.bewestaywell.com has a ton of face care products. I also just recently got some stuff from www.allnaturalcosmetics.com . Both of these places offer samples (usually around $1-2) for most of their products, so you can make sure before you invest.

Good luck with your implementation of truly natural and organic products in your life...it's difficult at first but IME well worth it. :)
I have a question for you ladies, regarding blackheads.

My skin used to be absolutely flawless until about 3 years ago, when I started getting a few zits. a week and blackheads on my nose. Currently I use a 10% glycolic gel on all my problem spots (essentially T-zone and temples) and that seems to prevent most of the zits/minimizes any that pop up. HOWEVER, nothing will get rid of my blackheads! :X

I have tried the biore strips (they don't do jackshit), haven't tried the metal tool thing but I doubt it would help, as I have extremely tiny pores -- it is impossible to pop 99% of the zits I get, and 99.99999% of the blackheads.

They drive me nuts, they aren't hugely visible but *I* hate seeing them. Any ideas? Salicylic acid does nothing for me and I can't use benzoyl peroxide or I get a contact dermatitis.
Question for anyone who has been on accutane -- did it get rid of your blackheads?
fairnymph said:

KMF products have some yucky stuff and common irritants in them. As I've been saying in my past few posts, they are like these other companies that claim to be 'natural' but aren't.

The parabens are a common source of irritation, and KMF contains parabens. In general, any chemically sounding names should alert you to the presence of potential irritation.

I know, but I consider them a step, albeit a small one, in the right direction. And with KMF products, it depends a lot on what you get how good (or not so good, as the case may be) it really is. I was relieved to see the ingredients on the back of the bottle of face wash, which were completely natural and certified organic, until I got to Decyl Glucoside and Xanthan Gum. But, considering the ingredients list for a lot of stuff I've used in the past, just those two, I consider an improvement. I'm amassing quite a list of sources when I'm ready to move on to something else. Thanks for the help!
Decyl Glucoside and Xanthan Gum.
These actually aren't that bad. DG is a very gentle cleanser, one that I like personally. Xanthan gum is really just a plant gum, used as thickener. I haven't looked at their face washes (I have a great one I like already), but I know nearly everything else I looked at had parabens in it.
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