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Girlfriend wants to re-enact her molestation/ rape

as the dissenting supreme court judge Suter I respectful dissent and say you should go ahead and do it.

she's an adult and knows what's she's doing. as you said she's a therapist and thus even has an idea about these things. You should plan though for the utter breakdown and emotional outburst (probably violent psychotic level extreme). I would have on hand some Valium.

Though I don't think it'll do much good.

I've been in a very similar situation, culturally as well etc (without knowing it) and it wasn't the reenactment that brought things to a head. it was a much larger life event (having a kid) that really result in reconciliation and forgiveness. heavy shit and all but you don't always need to run to a therapist (how ironic) when you have to deal with shit in your life. send me a PM if you want to talk about it.
errrrr wrong-o --she SEES a therapist. Not is one. If she still wants to act this out she should go and see another therapist because this one is obviously not guiding her to healthy therapeutic grounds.
Crikey. I was raped when I was 17 and I couldn't really handle it. I would tell all my sex partners about it. One of them once turned what I'd told her into a sex game and eventually that changed the way I thought the experience.
^ It's kind of weird, but all my past GF were all rape.molestation victims... Hell I am too. most people are anyways. It's never bothered my because was not forceful or scarring in any way and I don't put any sort of bullshit value on sexual gratification.
But for most of my partners never reenacting but being very forcefully taken by me was part of the agenda. and slowly their desires to engage in such extreme behavior ceased. This goes beyond my GF's and to anyone who was a victim of a sexual assult who has come out to me. Re-enactment is a way of internalizing trauma. Because they ask for it they take control of the situation and by repeatedly doing so kind of get a mastery of those emotions specific to the encounter or can make them relativisticly benign. My opinion is that she is on the right path because she is not engaging in risky behavior like laying naked in the men's bathroom of a truck stop and is asking you, her personal partner to be in the situation.

All of that said, since it obviously makes you uncomfortable I say you should not do it. I don't think you can engage yourself enough in it for it to be helpful to her at all.
You would do it if you loved her?

That statement alone would cause me to consider leaving.
^ lol where the fuck did that come from!??!

You would do it if you loved her?

That statement alone would cause me to consider leaving.

I hear ya = fucked up aint it.

^ It's kind of weird, but all my past GF were all rape.molestation victims... Hell I am too. most people are anyways. It's never bothered my because was not forceful or scarring in any way and I don't put any sort of bullshit value on sexual gratification.

All of that said, since it obviously makes you uncomfortable I say you should not do it. I don't think you can engage yourself enough in it for it to be helpful to her at all.

This last set of statements is not necessarily true either - to play devils advocate (coz I actually agree with you) - pushing your boundaries is a good thing a lot of the time.
^ lol where the fuck did that come from!??!

I hear ya = fucked up aint it.


This last set of statements is not necessarily true either - to play devils advocate (coz I actually agree with you) - pushing your boundaries is a good thing a lot of the time.

It's like 1/4 girls are sexually abused by someone before they reach 18 and 1/6 males. continue into adult hood more people are sexually asulted in some manner. So most is an overstatement bust still. A LOT of people are.

Well that is nice for pushing their collective boundaries I agree. But in this situation OP's GF is seeking and wants someone to reenact her molestation, and they would need to have the mastery of the situation and steadfastly the air of dominance. Cuz once that gate is opened she will need someone to continue fulfilling the role until she gets over it and if he cannot do it, she will seek someone else.
But also since op is a vanilla soft serve in bed I don't think we should suggest he corrupt himself.

as the great chris rock once said.
Women cannot go backwards in lifestyle men cannot go backwards sexually.

See her shrink go with her or something to see the srinks opnion.
SADLY and as sick as it could sound for some this is a solution or something they have tried...

I was raped ( by sevreal ppl and different times of my life ) Not one of the times I had this reaction but I know some do and will, all it did was ruin my sexually and I still have issues with sex every day. Though to react it would probaly kill me tbh...

IF YOU do, DO this it can go very nicely or very badly. It's all up to you, she was to react this because she wants to take control this time.