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Gibz: Go on, you know you want to! You're right I do, boo! <3

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I completely understand.

I'm constantly told how nice I am. Caring etc yadda yadda, I can't stand people! Christmas sends me up the wall because there are so many people in the shops and they're so rude! I don't like being around large groups of strangers. The net is okay because you only let the ones you like in. You can simply ignore the people you don't care for. Sham had to keep me company on the phone last year when I did my Christmas shopping trip as It was just too much. I don't have a fear or phobia of large groups of people they just piss me off. People tend to not like it when I get angry.
there are dick pics ...

Why does this have to be at the top of my page because every time I look at it I giggle like an idiot! It causes mental images!
I completely understand.

I'm constantly told how nice I am. Caring etc yadda yadda, I can't stand people! Christmas sends me up the wall because there are so many people in the shops and they're so rude! I don't like being around large groups of strangers. The net is okay because you only let the ones you like in. You can simply ignore the people you don't care for. Sham had to keep me company on the phone last year when I did my Christmas shopping trip as It was just too much. I don't have a fear or phobia of large groups of people they just piss me off. People tend to not like it when I get angry.

Yea I hear ya. Shopping frustrates me to death. No matter where I stand some needs passing. Ugh! Being round groups of people drains my energy as soon as I'm alone I've bags of energy.

I had a best friend as a teenager but I'd felt uncomfortable n shy infront of her friends. I'd be jealous of her friends n obsess over the fact they were going to take her off me. I couldn't understand what was wrong with our friendship n why she needed them. I've no friends because I rowed with them all n pushed them away. They were always "busy" yet had time for others so I'd tell them how i felt n they'd accuse me of being "angry" i still feel I was right as how they treated me was wrong. With the net you cam have people round you all the time; no intimidation, no worrying about losing them n bitter disappointment because there's someone to talk to 24/7. I also get comtrol of my world rather than others controlling me.

Fairly apprehensive about trying out this 1P-LSD tonight, at a venue potentially rammed full of drunken people.

Oh well, only one way to find out.
...of course staff are going to defend each other.
that's just not the case, evey. forum staff are not immune to consequences of their actions. in my time, i've seen moderators and even an admin or two removed from staff for behavior unbecoming of a bluelight staff member.

when people have problems (with other bluelighters or with bluelight staff), there's a procedure: How to Make Comments, Suggestions and Complaints.

the procedure works well, when people use it. unfortunately, a lot of people decide, for one reason or another, that the procedure is not for them. that they're special or should be an exception to the rules for some reason. when they decide to approach a disagreement publicly in the forums, or via less than civil private messaging, the thing tends to fall apart pretty quickly.

i've said it before and i'll say it again, i think you spend way too much time worrying about what other people are thinking, saying and doing... did you ever read 'the four agreements'?

have a great weekend, everybody. i am going to this:


what are you doing?

Ali I tried doing things "the bluelight way" n received an infraction for doing so. Please forgive me if I no longer have faith as I'll prob wake up banned n told I've abused that feature too.

Thanks for advice anyway n hope you enjoy your weekend. Anyways probs with smods means contacting admins n I'm scared of them.

(Edit last two sentences were meant reversely but phone is ****).

The four agreements. I keep a copy of that in my handbag that Mugz gave to me. That's a very special book to me simply because he loved it so much and gave it to me when he was visiting. I like to keep it close.
There's my darling!

No! You don't want to see it! my mind has been melted! I spent a lot of time saying WHAAAAAA! That was some crazy ass shit!

We can always snuggle up for a star wars marathon. My only rule is that a duvet fortress is created for said event!

Oh I do like that idea! =D
Fancy a call, m'dear?

Evey, thank you - we do try. Or at least I do, Sadie's just sweet. :p

HAHA Gimmie a min. Got another phone call to another BL'er that needs made. From the sounds of it it won't be long. You'd better like OK GO!

Love you my lil Sprout!
HAHA Gimmie a min. Got another phone call to another BL'er that needs made. From the sounds of it it won't be long. You'd better like OK GO!

Love you my lil Sprout!

Aha, I'll be waiting here by the phone... ;)

Also, early apologies for Tweaked-Out Sprout.

I don't know, I wouldn't put it past Sekio to put me in my place. ;)

I kid, obviously. All our staff are incredible and I'm proud to be given the opportunity to be one. :)

when you start assuming things will happen and criticise people for things that haven't happened yet, you're playing games :(
yeah, vaya, ebola? and sekio are really scary :)


No i am not this the way I am. And yes they are scary.

Raas n I have debated this topic since we became friends. He doesn't take the net seriously - i do. I care for my friendships the same as I would in real life because there's real people at the other side of the screen. They matter.


Hey. Could you please not refer to me in your posts like that. I have never suggested people on the net don't matter. I said to you that real life people (friends, family etc) take greater priority over those on the net, as these people are more significant. The net is more impersonal and frivolous in nature. That doesn't mean you can treat people badly or with any less respect. It just means you shouldn't place expectations on someone you are not so personally linked with.
My first MegaThread is up. =D
Still waiting on that phone call. 8)

Evey, I have not implied or suggested that you are lying and I'm actually trying to help you here. Honestly Evey - if your going to be 'upset for days' over a comment on a forum then you really need to have a think if online chat is for you.

This Evey I don't think anyone's out to get you Bear's advice here is right. You have been upset for a while now, there is posts here from yesterday morning this has been going on.
Bear, Sadie and co do have your back and are trying to help but ultimately it's down to you. Don't let one person upset you and ruin your day.
Jesus fucking Christ, why has this gibberings thread turned into a evey pity fest? Again. And you wonder why a few people were pushing for you to be banned? Stop being such a fucking miserable emotional drain on everyone. If you cop an infraction suck it up and modify the stuff you choose to share here. Let's be honest here, you are socially awkward. That doesn't mean you don't belong, but you have to realise when people are being two faced and condescending. The fact you were rubbed out indefinitely should surely be a heads up that you can't continue to be disruptive.

Like it or not snitches get stitches. Especially if you are a fucking adult. the report button is only your opinion being forced onto other members. Self moderation of the group is a much more harmonious than running to the teacher every time you have a disagreement. Sometimes people will have differing ideas on a subject and will be brutally honest if they think you disrupting the flow of the place.
So its ok for other members to moan but not me? Ban me then if I'm such an issue.

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No, he is a whinging cunt too who should suck it up and move on. He is upset about a forum discussing politics for fuck sake! I can't think of anything more pathetic.
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