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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

Gibz: Go on, you know you want to! You're right I do, boo! <3

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fuck the lounge just ignore it, dont post there, dont read it, and your life will be much happier.

For real, BL has a load of other subforums to check out and do whatever in. The Lounge isn't my thing and I don't think I've posted in it since I was a teenager.

Had a shit night but am feeling markedly better now cos I just discovered all the music I thought I'd lost on my old laptop was uploaded to my Google Music account ages ago, so I'm downloading it all now AND it's kept the file and folder organisation system I had them in when I uploaded them so yeah that's fucking awesome, like 11 000 songs on there to grab. Goodbye bandwidth tho.
Gah, I have nightmares about the Lounge.
Interestingly, I also had a recurrent nightmare surrounding my finding Raas' funny earlier this week. I must confess I simply love sarcasm, as I do religious humour and BL.

Also, I may or may not have edited something.
The power of the Mod-Stick is beholden (to behold?).

=D <3
One was the lounge yes n another was SLR n I was given a really nasty message too as well as an infraction. I was really upset as one, I looked up to this person n thought they liked me n two, I didnt deserve an infraction for sending two reports since i came back. I didn't think staff were allowed to be abusive n yet I felt did the right thing (as instructed by various staff members if this happens) - I reported it n I was infracted. I don't suppose anything happened to the mod for abusing me. Now I've an extra point n a nasty msg saying I'll be perm banned if "my behaviour comtinues" i was under the impression I was doing ok but if they want rid they will find a way to do so, I assume I'll keep being infracted over petulant stuff with harsh msgs until im gone again.

Tell me is there any point in sorting my behaviour when staff have already made their minds up? I cant report posts while every member can which means im vulnerable to abuse as I'm too scared to report it encase i get a harsh msg from someone else (n infracted) who prob now hates me.


Evey, Please double check your messages. I honestly think that you may have misunderstood them as I can see no (IMHO) nasty messages sent to you (I have just checked back for the full year).

It's a bit of a crazy notion to think that 'staff' have already made their mind up about you (and a bit of an insult to the staff, myself included, that chat with you on a daily basis). Again I will say that you are fully entitled to report a thread, a post, a user and your report will be treated the same way as anyone else would be.

Is there any point in sorting your behavior ? You tell me hon. If you want to be part of the site and community then you have to follow a set of rules (love them or hate them) - if these rules are too much for you to follow (your choice entirely) then fuck it/them/ us and simply leave the site.

I did warn you about posting in TL, it's not the same as anywhere else.

I know the lounge members can be a bit OTT but surely the mods are not allowed to, are they, be abusive to members? It generally upset me n i was punished for trying to do the right thing. I can't win.


Yes of course they are and are just as open to take abusive messages back - there is a fine line though between humor and abuse and where the report post function should be given a second thought before hitting ?
The Lounge is a land where dick-pics gain a voice.


there are dick pics ...
Yes of course they are and are just as open to take abusive messages back - there is a fine line though between humor and abuse and where the report post function should be given a second thought before hitting ?

As ever, Bear speaks sense.
I am all for humour and 'banter' but one must know where the line is. That report button is a great way of letting us wiv wandz know there is an issue, and it will help with rapid resolution for obvious reasons.

Evey, Please double check your messages. I honestly think that you may have misunderstood them as I can see no (IMHO) nasty messages sent to you (I have just checked back for the full year).

It's a bit of a crazy notion to think that 'staff' have already made their mind up about you (and a bit of an insult to the staff, myself included, that chat with you on a daily basis). Again I will say that you are fully entitled to report a thread, a post, a user and your report will be treated the same way as anyone else would be.

Is there any point in sorting your behavior ? You tell me hon. If you want to be part of the site and community then you have to follow a set of rules (love them or hate them) - if these rules are too much for you to follow (your choice entirely) then fuck it/them/ us and simply leave the site.

I did warn you about posting in TL, it's not the same as anywhere else.


I did receive a nasty msg off a smod n if you think I'm lying then ask SHM, englandz, snolly etc whom i have showed it to, along with the link to the reported post in question(from mod). And I was upset over it for days as i looked up to this person, had a lot of respect n THOUGHT we got on, I now know he hates me n wants me gone. I'm not allowed to print infraction msg so ask them of course staff are going to defend each other. I'm aware you can read infractions so see for yourself.

Do you think reporting two msgs within a month is "abusing the system?" Staff keep stuff secret from us then act shocked when we get paranoid or jump to conclusions.

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Evey, please be aware that if anyone was to be gone from the forum, they would be. We can quite easily arrange it, but we don't and will always strive to do everything we can before it comes to that. As lovely as EADD is ( <3 ), we are populated by people. As such, wires can get crossed, posts misread and thermonuclear wars started - we simply ask that posts crossing the line are reported, preferably with a contextual explanation, and private correspondence kept so.

The notion that staff are going to defend each other is a tough one - I like to consider EADD my home-forum and the staff as a team, we simply want discussion to continue in a mostly positive manner and have volunteered our time (I honestly wouldn't spend it anywhere else) to wielding a stick in order to keep the forum going. No one is perfect and staff can, and will, make mistakes - we have systems in place to correct such occurrences as promptly as possible. Please report anything you deem out of line by staff and we will address the issue.

As ever, my PM box is open if needed. That is to any and all users of the forum; I'll do my best to help, I just need you to ask first. :)

Evey, please be aware that if anyone was to be gone from the forum, they would be. We can quite easily arrange it, but we don't and will always strive to do everything we can before it comes to that. As lovely as EADD is ( <3 ), we are populated by people. As such, wires can get crossed, posts misread and thermonuclear wars started - we simply ask that posts crossing the line are reported, preferably with a contextual explanation, and private correspondence kept so.

The notion that staff are going to defend each other is a tough one - I like to consider EADD my home-forum and the staff as a team, we simply want discussion to continue in a mostly positive manner and have volunteered our time (I honestly wouldn't spend it anywhere else) to wielding a stick in order to keep the forum going. No one is perfect and staff can, and will, make mistakes - we have systems in place to correct such occurrences as promptly as possible. Please report anything you deem out of line by staff and we will address the issue.

As ever, my PM box is open if needed. That is to any and all users of the forum; I'll do my best to help, I just need you to ask first. :)


Are you saying i deserve that infraction then with such a nasty msg when i have been behaving here? How would anyone feel if they made the effort to improve yet only the negative was notice?

For real, BL has a load of other subforums to check out and do whatever in. The Lounge isn't my thing and I don't think I've posted in it since I was a teenager.

Had a shit night but am feeling markedly better now cos I just discovered all the music I thought I'd lost on my old laptop was uploaded to my Google Music account ages ago, so I'm downloading it all now AND it's kept the file and folder organisation system I had them in when I uploaded them so yeah that's fucking awesome, like 11 000 songs on there to grab. Goodbye bandwidth tho.

nice one, my music collection is atotal disorganised mess. thats one more thing to add to the list of things to do sometime soon, organise and catalogue it all.

I had a random unexpected visitor turn up today and it has totally thrown me out of my focus, now i feel like ive lost productivity time and just aimlessly internetting. and its already starting to get dark, crikey!
Are you saying i deserve that infraction then with such a nasty msg when i have been behaving here? How would anyone feel if they made the effort to improve yet only the negative was notice?

Not at all. I do not know the intimate details so cannot really opine freely. As I said, reports and PM's are the life-blood of Modding. :)

I did receive a nasty msg off a smod n if you think I'm lying then ask SHM, englandz, snolly etc whom i have showed it to, along with the link to the reported post in question(from mod). And I was upset over it for days as i looked up to this person, had a lot of respect n THOUGHT we got on, I now know he hates me n wants me gone. I'm not allowed to print infraction msg so ask them of course staff are going to defend each other. I'm aware you can read infractions so see for yourself.

Do you think reporting two msgs within a month is "abusing the system?" Staff keep stuff secret from us then act shocked when we get paranoid or jump to conclusions.

Taking a break.


Evey, I have not implied or suggested that you are lying and I'm actually trying to help you here. Honestly Evey - if your going to be 'upset for days' over a comment on a forum then you really need to have a think if online chat is for you.

I can pull up all your infraction messages, I can pull up every single post you have made, and every warning you have received, and your full history on the site- why though? We are simply discussing your ability to use the report function and I stand by what I have stated - you are entitled to use the report function the same way that any other user is.

Take a break Evey, and as per our last conversation you are free to PM me at any time.

I see you've been amending my thread title Sprout. I know it was you Boo <3

I think I've just been scarred for life. I've just seen the Christmas special of Star wars. Who needs Psychedelics when you can just watch that. WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I JUST SEEN! Some one hold me please!
I see you've been amending my thread title Sprout. I know it was you Boo <3

I think I've just been scarred for life. I've just seen the Christmas special of Star wars. Who needs Psychedelics when you can just watch that. WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I JUST SEEN! Some one hold me please!

Ahhhhh, the good Lady Sadie appears! =D
I've missed you, Boo, and I literally typed the forum into nothingness for a brief while... ;)

I kinda wanna see that, we need a Star Wars Episode LSD party soon. Either before or after I finally meet you. =D

There's my darling!

No! You don't want to see it! my mind has been melted! I spent a lot of time saying WHAAAAAA! That was some crazy ass shit!

We can always snuggle up for a star wars marathon. My only rule is that a duvet fortress is created for said event!
Evey, I have not implied or suggested that you are lying and I'm actually trying to help you here. Honestly Evey - if your going to be 'upset for days' over a comment on a forum then you really need to have a think if online chat is for you.

I can pull up all your infraction messages, I can pull up every single post you have made, and every warning you have received, and your full history on the site- why though? We are simply discussing your ability to use the report function and I stand by what I have stated - you are entitled to use the report function the same way that any other user is.

Take a break Evey, and as per our last conversation you are free to PM me at any time.


I was not upset for days over a post I was upset over an infraction I felt I did not deserve n because the sender of it, someone whom had helped me n someone I thought was a friend whom I respected n looked up to, was nasty with me n made it clear they want me gone - and implied I had not changed my behaviour when I have since my ban.

Yes I get hurt easily because "people on the net" are REAL people n I have communicated with them n had lengthy conversations with them, so yes I was extremely hurt over it.

If a real friend hurts you would you no longer make other friends because "making friends isn't for you? Why is it different online? If online isn't important then why do we grieve all the losses on Bluelight "they're just Internet people" no they're real people n we've grown close to them through communication.

I can't help how I am. I wish I was hard n nothing bothered me but I'm not im sensetive n emotional which I guess is a flaw in my character.

Raas n I have debated this topic since we became friends. He doesn't take the net seriously - i do. I care for my friendships the same as I would in real life because there's real people at the other side of the screen. They matter. And when someone I care about whom once helped me, turns on me yes that hurts me a lot :( i'm taking antidepressants to stop having these emotions, took various oother stuff from pro plus to codeine n subs but they won't go away unfortunately.

Ahhhhh, the good Lady Sadie appears! =D
I've missed you, Boo, and I literally typed the forum into nothingness for a brief while... ;)

I kinda wanna see that, we need a Star Wars Episode LSD party soon. Either before or after I finally meet you. =D


There's my darling!

No! You don't want to see it! my mind has been melted! I spent a lot of time saying WHAAAAAA! That was some crazy ass shit!

We can always snuggle up for a star wars marathon. My only rule is that a duvet fortress is created for said event!

You two are cute <3

Darlin, anyone that thinks that "it's just the net, they're not 'real' people " needs to have a think about how they conduct themselves. We're all real and feelings can easily get hurt. I understand that you're a sensitive soul and I wouldn't have it any other way. Sensitive and compassion you have in spades.

I don't know the in's and out's of this situation you speak of but I'm sorry you've been hurt. I can only apologize.

And yes, the people you meet online do lead to strong friendships and even relationships. It's one way people get to know one another. You usually get to know the "real" person as there is so much communication. I hope you continue being you as you can be quite lovely.
Thanks Sadie. You don't need to apologize for nowt. You've been ace. I find it imtimidating to get close to people IRL so I do it online. It's like clicking n having a room of people without the intimidation of them being too close n having to become a different person around them. I yearn for company yet push people away it's really hard to explain but online I can get to know people on a level I'mmtoo svared to in real life. In real life i struggle to bother with more than one person at a time, parents used to lecture when younger on how i should "befriend more people" but I was scared to. The net allows me to do that.

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