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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

Gibz CCIII - Semi-permabibberinz

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Sid, A lot of us have echoed what Raasy has said, but as Evey has clearly stated - she is a grown adult and does not need or want us to show that we care for her wellbeing. It is her decision and her's alone so we should simply respect her decision and let this matter go or were just going to be in this cycle of advising what is best, it being ignored and the subsequent fall out.

If Evey wants to take any drug she is free to do so. We can only point out the risks involved, then how to take the substance safely, we cannot tell a person how to live their lives.

Not having a go at you Sid but we should not be almost bullying a person to not take drugs on a forum of people who take drugs.


How am I "almost bullying her" by saying Raas was more or less right about all this?

Aren't we here to encourage Harm Reduction? Not get people into more drugs while using less responsibly. That is not what we are here for yet what the mods approach has done.

I'm not apologising and haven't apologised to Evey because I didn't do anything wrong to her. I posted links in a thread when I should have left it.
The only thing I am guilty of is my somewhat harsh wording at times.

Nobody is asking her not to take drugs Bear. It's the fact the site is just introducing her to new ones and she's not listening to any of the HR members who are worth listening to have given her, Sprout is a good example.

I've come to the conclusion nothing can be done about it all now, if it had been stopped early yes. Now it would be cruel as Evey has as much right to EADD as you or I provided she's playing nicely which she has been.

The mods on the other hand have a lot to answer for in all this. If they can't see that and take accountability and criticism for their mess why are they in charge here. I was a mod on another forum and over there you would never see this complete denial and lack of willingness we have here to discuss anything. That's why we can't move on successfully. They're not strong enough characters themselves to take accountability and admit where they went wrong, ask the community what they think. What we have here is a self serving and self protecting dictatorship.

They keep saying to me if your not happy (like its only me who's not happy eh?) apply for a mod position. Only you can be sure if I do apply despite my broad knowledge of drugs and fine eye for detail with little care for the bullshit, there is no way I would get in. I've got infractions.

What this place needs is someone straight shooting like SHM running it. What we currently have is just dithering coupled with a lack of any attempt to preserve the once great community we had.
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Sam???? Hang on, no can't have been Sam who impersonatdd me - he's extremely good friends with MDB n the person who impersonated me made false allegations about MDB so no can't have been him.

Sid I'm still waiting for apology for pasting my PM n I feel that you should apologise to Scotchy for trying to get him sacked.

Anyway Can we please move on on. Raas is loving all this. This is is what he does all the time n we've fallen for it.

What's everyone planned for today?

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Okay Sid, What's the other option? Ban her because she wants to take drugs. Well, then we'd have to ban pretty much everyone on BL. We can only do so much to help others.

If she were banned she's still gonna read BL but won't be allowed to comment on how it's affected her and to have a conversation about the do's and don'ts . So you're happy for her to lurk with no HR advice when she has questions. SERIOUSLY!?!?! My GAWD!!!
Can you not read what I typed in the past 2 replies? I said I think that would be unfair now, the time for that has passed.

What you could do is stop getting angry out posts with lots of caps in them that ultimately come to nothing, and start thinking. Why did you even apply to be a mod when you can't bare to be held accountable for your cock ups?

Yes it is absolutely no doubt you guys should have ended the mysery months ago. Instead you persisted like you knew best, when in fact it's panned out exactly how the rest of us predicted it would. And the forum has lost 75% of its regulars in the process.

Part time crackhead
Bob Funkhouse

Those are all people who left long after the deaths, and because of what YOU the people who were so sure you knew best, have left us with. I hope you honestly realise what we had here before it was all left in the hands of weaklings who didn't understand that for a community to work it has to be about its key members and the greater good. You've more or less lost everyone that was worth having.

/last post in gibberings.
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Hypothetical. What if we are talking about a 16 yr old, who is naive about drugs, is obviously having trouble in her studies because they are on this site? Do you just accept that people can make their own decisions, good or bad, and encourage them?

No offence to evey but she is extremely naive and has personal issues that far exceed drug addiction. She is not the first train wreck I have had the unfortunate pleasure to witness here on bluelight, but it seems that only the staff can not see the lack of harm reduction their actions are having.
How is everyone else doing? Looking forward to Christmas?

Can we please move on? I'm sick to death of being the bloody focus of almost every discussion in Gibz. This isn't fair n makes me feel singled out n I've asked politely several times for an end to this n yet it's allowed to constantly continue. FFS

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How am I "almost bullying her" by saying Raas was more or less right about all this?

Aren't we here to encourage Harm Reduction? Not get people into more drugs while using less responsibly. That is not what we are here for yet what the mods approach has done.

Like I said, I was not having a go at you and the 'we' I mentioned includes myself as I have also said the same things as you, Raas etc. Of course the site is about HR but we all know that telling somebody to just 'Say No' is a big waste of time.

Does participation in a drug forum introduce people to new substances - Yes it does - Does having threads glorifying certain drugs maybe encourage other to try them - yes it does. I have been over this and any of the admins can tell you I have asked the same things about bluelight for exactly the same reasons your mentioning within the last week.

Ultimately though Sid, what a person takes is their own choice - we can only warn of the dangers (we have), then we can advise the safety precautions on the use (we have) after that what more can we do?

You will have to take my word on this Sid, but I am as equally conflicted over this as you.

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Great! Now it's gone back to being quiet again after a few days of calm n decent convo. Well done, raas, you've succeeded in stirring up stuff again. Just flaming great :(

I completely believe you do Bear. :)

How is everyone else doing? Looking forward to Christmas?

Can we please fucking move on? I'm sick to death of being the bloody focus of almost every discussion in Gibz. This isn't fair n makes me feel singled out n I've asked politely several times for an end to this n yet it's allowed to constantly continue. FFS


You can't pick and choose when you want to be centre of attention, your either a central poster or your not. You chose to be, your actions have caused drama and conflict, to progress sometimes things have to be discussed.

How do you feel when your temp banned for a day? It's annoying isn't it. Imagine being a member here for 10 years then the wrong people are left with control and within months everything you loved was gone.

Surely to try and win back the approval of the people who were historically of massive, legendary value as contributors to the site we should try to work through this as a team, each hearing each other out. Appreciating each other's honesty and try and achieve some measure of worthwhile progress?

With regard to the second paragraph of OTW's post. People such as Evey's issues are not significant enough they cause a whole forum to wilt like this.

What the real issue in EADD is the power was put in the hands of people who do not have any leader type qualities or well thought all considered decision making process. like I said I was a mod on a fitness forum, which for our purposes here is a classic example. For me to have credibility and be seen as the right person, I had to know more than most people about fitness. If not people would wonder why I was there, if I was some fat dude who's never exercised much before, why would I be in power?

Well look to EADD, Sadie is a prime example (this is not meant to offend you I'm trying to help people realise what is actually wrong here) of someone who is not the right person for the role she's been given. An American, who doesn't use it know much about drugs, moderating a European Drugs Discussion board? Seems a bit silly doesn't it. A few people were surprised by her appointment as moderator, DS said it at the time it was unexpected. It doesn't look good for the forum, it looks like someone just looking for a place to fit in (I am not meaning to be offensive here, I know Sadie is a top person, but it's not her personality I'm questioning), this is then replicated by lurkers seeing these people who were looking for a place to fit in, and found one, then wanting to do the same. We end up with a forum that's just a gathering for those who don't fit in elsewhere, rather than those who are passionate about the reasons they are here.

I don't get along well with SHM, but I'd pay him money to take the reigns here and save this place from the crutches of people who are not strong enough to rule and be respected without having to loose their cool.

A good forum moderator needs to be knowledgeable on the subject in question, firm, diplomatic but able to break off from getting too sucked into any one members things over the whole forum. A forum is nothing but the sum of its members, and its members need to be encouraged, inspired and happy, and this feeling should be represented and the vibe given off by its staff.

Sorry if this isn't very well worded. I typed it all out and bluelight timed out. I know probably nobody will listen but I tried at least...
Ok sid lets comstantly discuss you shall we?! All you're faults who's you've fallen out with etc would you like it? I bet you wouldn't like it.

I am fed up with comstantly boeing singled out n discussed here. I've asked nicely several times for this abuse to stop.

And you sid n raas are antagonising this AGAIN

PS; i was told how well I acted last time but there's only so much of this I can take.

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Have you asked me to no longer PM you ? Er, Ok and since were doing this in public, please ignore my pm of this morning. I will not PM you again - please have the same respect for me and do not PM me either.

I am certainly not siding with anyone here (here we go again) - the simple fact that my opinion is the same as somebody else's does not make me siding with them against you. You know what - It's simply not worth it, I'm not getting into it.
So suck it up, block them or leave. That's the three options that will actually change shit. What will never, ever end this interminable bitchwar is both sides bringing shit back up again at every single moment. Don't go for parting shots, don't bitch in public, it'll just make this shit keep coming back worse and worse. It's like picking a scab, stop being so childish and leave it the fuck alone.
Ok sid lets comstantly discuss you shall we?! All you're faults who's you've fallen out with etc would you like it? I bet you wouldn't like it.

And besr is only siding with raas against me because i asked him to no longer pm me which is petty.

I am fed up with comstantly boeing singled out n discussed here. I've asked nicely several times for this abuse to stop.

And you sid n raas are antagonising this AGAIN

PS; i was told how well I acted last time but there's only so much of this I can take.


And with the intelligence of the points I am trying to make in aid of the forum we both clearly love, you can't see this IS NOT about you. You, me and whoever else in their own way by however they acted are all involved ultimately in where this place winds up.

I am trying to honestly have an intelligent discussion, giving what information or any conclusions I do have to the discussion to try and progress. I'm wasting my time though, because this, typically, is when the mods choose to go quiet.

Back to talking about your nails, sweep everything under the carpet and it will all work out just fine I'm sure 8)
Right well can this Evey discussion be stopped then please? Because I'm seeing this constant discussion of me as abuse n harrassment as several times I've "politely" asked for this to cease n express how it makes me feel. I'm sure no other member would like this treatment either if they put themselves in my shoes.

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I am trying to honestly have an intelligent discussion, giving what information or any conclusions I do have to the discussion to try and progress. I'm wasting my time though, because this, typically, is when the mods choose to go quiet.

Nowt wrong in intelligent convo n I actually enjoy your posts but please leave my name out of it. This is EADD not the Evey Discussion forum n I'm sure everyone is bored to tears with it. That's all I'm askkng <3

So suck it up, block them or leave. That's the three options that will actually change shit. What will never, ever end this interminable bitchwar is both sides bringing shit back up again at every single moment. Don't go for parting shots, don't bitch in public, it'll just make this shit keep coming back worse and worse. It's like picking a scab, stop being so childish and leave it the fuck alone.

Fair point. Can you think of a subject we can discuss because I've tried. How are things with you? <3

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So suck it up, block them or leave. That's the three options that will actually change shit. What will never, ever end this interminable bitchwar is both sides bringing shit back up again at every single moment. Don't go for parting shots, don't bitch in public, it'll just make this shit keep coming back worse and worse. It's like picking a scab, stop being so childish and leave it the fuck alone.

Your a member for what 2 weeks and your telling people who have been here 10 years to "suck it up or leave" lol.

I give up you lot are welcome to this place it's not the place I fell in love with either.

For you idiot newbies maybe try searching these names

Parttime crackhead
Captain codshit.

All now expired thanks to mods being more interested in playing child minders than actually running a forum. All we have now is a lot of sad lonely people with no social life who congregate and discuss things in a manner with no intellect or knowledge.
Was looking forward to a bit of banter here this morning , well that's out the window. Think I'll fuck off to whether spoons and banter the piss heads.
Morning happy people.
Was looking forward to a bit of banter here this morning , well that's out the window. Think I'll fuck off to whether spoons and banter the piss heads.
Morning happy people.

Lol you can alwys start banter, please do!

@Sid. So she was warned consistently re 3 FPM (check thread)

She ignored everything.

Then she has a go at Sprout for letting her do it!!!

Sorry but the danger here is not actually to herself but others and the negativity her words do create.

I can see lots of infighting generated by a manipulative mind who ultimately seeks one thing - attention.

That is her drug of choice and that is exactly what she gets from BL. As she personally has stated many a time.

Without all the noise it wouldn't give her the hit she needs.

Take care all I've had the pleasure of chatting with.
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