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Gibz CCIII - Semi-permabibberinz

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I've finally finished my 3 g 3-FPM started Wednesday.

If you can't sleep try doing something else until you feel tired or you'll just toss n turn al night. Maybe you dosed to highly or too many perhaps? Not sure as never tried it.

Lurkers I see you come chat tous :)

Ahh seroquel taken no sleep. Then I got to sleep and woke up with the worst pain ever in my back, 2 x dhc and 2 ibruprofens haven't done much for it. Fucking typical. Almost wondering whether to just rack a line and do something but sleep would be best.
Try and rest bro. You will enjoy the meth better rested and refreshed rather than keeping the binge going. The longer you go the less positive effects and more negative effects you will get. Thats the nature of sleep deprivation
Yeah, even resting without sleeping is better than trying to push through IME.
Lie down, close your eyes. At least let your body take a break.
I can remember the days of finishing work at 4pm on a Friday and then doing speed and E all weekend & if I was lucky I'd get a few hours sleep on Sunday night before it was back to work on Monday. I certainly couldn't do that anymore not that I'd want to anymore.
When i did shit like that i would look like a wreck on monday and tuesday.
But if i did it now, i'd probably be incapable of leaving the house on monday or tuesday...
When i did shit like that i would look like a wreck on monday and tuesday.
But if i did it now, i'd probably be incapable of leaving the house on monday or tuesday...

Yes I probably did look a wreck and come Tuesday I'd be on an awful comedown from the E. I wouldn't dare try it these days as even just a few drinks more than usual has me feeling like death the following day.
Awh Shara that sounds tough n seems a bit harsh of your family. Families are meant to stick together. Sorry about your Mam - that's sad :( Good luck with the business adventure n everything you wish to achieve in life <3


Ahh cheers Evey - life huh - the fk tho with here.Am i bruce willis in the 6th sense, no to many keen on chatting to me - fucking spent ages on the christmas card http://postimg.org/image/y8rr8j8af/
Yeah the people i used to chat with in the aus forum are all gone too. Time to meet new crew i guess
yup major issues with my old forum, used to be a rave forum, then the moved to indie so there was like 3/400 homeless wreck heads,

they got hoovered up by a wine bar cunt who promised us techno - few hours, i'm ear out:-/

They wanted variable intrest rate chat not 3 day meth bignes with a dancer

I tackled it furious this morning - cos I kept a lot of work on there, we travelogouges - between shine n hudson put in 14 year people tend to love me or hate me - unfortunately i was a bit out numbered
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Why did they change from a rave forum to and indie one? Makes no sense if the people that were there were ravers?
Owner dropped the brand - the shine brand was rave, he got new live gig premises - http://forum.hudsonbelfast.com/post/11472/

I get tooooo raging in the mornings

So regretted going for the jugular quite so quick

Plus if I get fucked of |I try an thing from a different perspective

But this guy, troll, used to live with my gf thro uni - an had such a blatant thing for her was embarrasing

he spat this

He is without doubt the stupidest cunt I have ever come across. I lean what new venture have his delusions come up with now? Releasing the drivel he writes on here as a book of some kind? I mean this man fails at every grandiose claim he makes. Anabsolute joke of a human being. Nathan for Christ's sake go get some serious mental health assistance. And stop claiming to be on this and that medication. If you were you wouldn't be acting like this. And you do not own copyright to the things you post on a public forum. You absolute cunttard.
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So yea, thought about it an cracked out on modafinil, I wasn't much craic - at all - so new approach

You know I was thinking about this today and I was a bit of an asshole.

It's one of those annoying things you know you have to tackle - being a member of this board/shine for over 14 years to login one day to find your wiped out. Name gone, posts gone. I wasn't in a row with anyone, I hardly logged on. Thinking about this i'm not certain Michael or Matthew who are not bad guys, would make the decision to obliterate a consistent source of banter. Maybe it was a business decision. You know why - Is not my problem. Coming of benzos is no picnic - and there's a condition called PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome) I had it rough today so I channelled my efforts into fresh
strokes and got my blue peter on arts and crafts dude not pointless life draining affairs.
I posted your Hudson Christmas card on your FB page. Enjoy it. It took a long time to make.

Now I have a larger apology to make, not to all, as they have proven themselves consistent low ballers and players for 14 years, or whenever they blew in.

But to the floaters - 2015 was not a good year overall. I returned from OZ with a chip shop on my shoulder and found i'd be doing twice the work for 1/4 the cash - no-one likes that.

Especially when you have to leave 10's of solid mates and re-adjust to this frankly maladjusted society. To compound the issue, I took ownership of half a kilo of modafinil. I was working for Power NI I did not need US marine special op's and international space station astronaut drugs to do my job.

(Power NI who i resigned from, received an excellent reference, and dropped the ladder thing). The ladder I should've pursued. Now all Power NI ladders a strapped to the roof rather than rattling about buckling badly over the hills of Cabra. but if my campaign saves just one tendon that's ankle payoff - just a note, I'm really tied, my rhymes will miss, puns peril and allegories almost. If I was an NBA team i'd be the New Orleans Pelicans.

It's a shame there is no image hosting capacity - but it's not so important. The last 9 months I pushed the concept of utter whab to limits I had no control over' Chinese brain medicine gripped me firmly by the balls and not once did my CCCP stature waver - I left a very wealthy client waiting while I muddled through evening arrangements with a gangly tuppenny nudger nut 'So sorry had to take that call' were installing on Tuesday. Horseshit flew out of my mouth with gay abandon. I did ok at work no better or worse - I was buzzkillington, yes I could long divide all your aunties and uncles ages by the area available for installation while 3d rendering the abode - but jokes, banter that was for the birds. My tolerance grew and my arrogance with it - Ironically it was a lack of self-confidence that mutated from a moment of no self control when I punched my line manager 10days after receiving sponsorship. But that's the typical self-destructive appetite the unfettered boozehound has. Shit happens. I could be ginger (but no seriously we'll get to that in a minute) worse things happen to better people anything of that was wrote swiftly undermined itself by the third bottle.

I blame poker - I don't blame anything or anyone - as Mandella said resentment is like me drinking a cup of poison and hoping you will die. But that was really my first divorce from reality, numbers are not important but someone once told me i was drinking a magnum of bollinger like 3 leets of the lighting. People tend to like me very much or quite the opposite - but i'm writing here yea, I recognise I was that, yes - I was a dick.
The imagination morphed into the cognitive - and it's all these cognitive types that circle - all or most of the dreamers, screamers, 35,000ft creamers beat it.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing - take 2/300 disenfranchised ravers and sandwich them into a gastropubs forum - you think i'll start to spit how i like my eggs benedict or how I spent 3 nights doing Meth with a stripper I briefly fell in love with in the ropey end of Melbourne's Chinatown - and you loved it - It was Murrary called me box office as a bar grew up on social media. You guys changed.

I'm more Dalai lama than infantile drama these days - However i NEED every story. Thanks Alegend, you found the aboriginal clinic tale + others - (so ironic hae tonzer calling it melt Wax Fingrs calling great descriptive writing - see you can please everybody and if you can, your Noel Edmunds and you have to live with the guilt your Saturday Night challenge left a man dead.

but Tanya and Bonnie why are you holding them - they are no use to you now - they were very helpful in the beginning but i'm doing something time specific - I did you a favour, surely you can accommodate such a megure request and surely it would be easier than the entire site going down and a business built on social media for week over christmas, nothing to do with me! But people don't like the way you treat veterans who need to move on - let's not kill the kids. Don't be sad now it's over, just be grateful that it happened.

And Shane - shit, i've been meaning to talk to you, I remember who you are now! And I don't mean the reptilian scuttle bug who lusted after my girlfriend. You were that Antwerp 3 yr old who tipped a pan of boiling water over himself - Klaus Meinhauff, remember, he performed the world's first full face graft. I mean we all had top clap there was TV cameras, but come on, even you knew right - back to the black board with that one lol - amirite! How you've managed to stay a virgin after all that publicity is admirable - waiting for the one. What a guy. And what about that water huh? Who would think a scalded - it's ok if i say that? A scalded pretty rough draft, u'd agree, real back of a fag box shit would leave you with so many spots, boils and warts. Tough draft - u know there is no way id go out smoked a bowl with a dancer if i'd to have to apply that amount of cortisone each day! Hey is it true it leaves you impotent - ahh like you'd give a fuck.

Peace bro
Yeah i read the whole thread on their website. Sounds like your stories are still there you just have to dig them out. Shame you cant search by username
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