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Gibz CCIII - Semi-permabibberinz

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^ that's a great sound from just 2 guys. thanks for sharing :)
I've always liked the blues, but couldn't get my head round the American folk/country thing. Then I 'discovered' Neil Young and the Grateful Dead, and its all slotted into place now.
i discovered neil young and the dead pretty late in life. i was lucky enough to see neil young live (with the original line-up of crazy horse) a few years ago. pretty magical.

It is great isn't it alasdair.

I was gonna put a description in but thought 2 dudes jamming in subway didn't do it much justice! :)
The reference to 2 people jamming in a subway somehow made me think of my grandparent's marriage - they lived in train stations for 4 weeks busking the money required to get them to Gretna Green to be married (and at 16 and 17 years old, no less). My grandfather was always a brilliant pianist, t'was a shame he could only carry a guitar with him, especially given he'd never played guitar before in his life.
He learned as they went just so they could finally make it official.

Heartwarming, really.
Hi Sprout, hope your a bit more at peace.Some times - well my folks - if they feel things are beyond their comfort zone/concept of understanding there is no predicting what will happen.

After i spent 52 days getting well - I wasn't allowed one night in the family home. My Mum, who's terminal said 'we as a family need to step back from you' fuck that hurt, after extended treatment. (they thought I had manipulated the psych into not having to read 5 poison pen letters to an audience of strangers, I'd made up the 'not therapeutic' and didn't believe that she wouldn't allowed it'

Thankfully they both made their own appointment and I was exonerated on that front. It'll never go away sadly. best I/anyone can do is their best.

I was for leaving but don't thing I could of lived with the guilt of my mum passing (shes terminal) without - i dunno, somthing.

well 15 days in, mates goe to get me a chicken dinner from the soup kitchen, he's done time but he's a good person.

These 15 days have been essential for me - I have a plan where to live, I can start my first business (my buisness partnr is a web designer and he's green lighted the project - though again, I've a lot to prove to him) incredibly no benzos for 6 days, need some now but will try 2mg of flubpam. And if it works, that's my dose. Fuck he even came round an tidied up! this whole trip has been very David Lynch, met a girl, lost a girl. Realised that I really really hate the tories - ah you know. havn't had a wank bar skype wank in a month - nuts of thunder. Which I will need as I just got big time suckerr punched - I have to deal with that now, show humility but stand my ground.

Meanwile I made eadd a christmas card to chill - http://postimg.org/image/y8rr8j8af/ Wonder how I could just have the image rather than the ur?
Awh Shara that sounds tough n seems a bit harsh of your family. Families are meant to stick together. Sorry about your Mam - that's sad :( Good luck with the business adventure n everything you wish to achieve in life <3

Gosh, I'm gutted Gibberings is closed... Eadd isn't right without "official" gibberings, it's a historic and a cultural thread.

Sad on you cunts who had it closed :!:p:|

And I don't mean Ali.

what can I say...I had my hair done, bought a Roku and some early xmas drugs. I'm boring ;) Btw my going to grey is now working, more bleach highlights and a silver toner - Grey ftw %)

So it should be I've spend hundreds on it so far!
Couldn't they merge this with the closed Gibz? Or re-name this Gibz?


There's would be no point in that - its there as a reminder, a mark of misbehaviour :(

Anyway, why don't you have me on ignore? I never put anyone on ignore, but I know it's a favourite tactic of yours :p

Got my nails done too btw. Only a french polish I don't do trashy colours...
K, you always look gorgeous. Pics or it never happened. I wanna see these nails of yours! Glamming up for Christmas <3
I don't have anyone on ignore lol everyone's been lovely n we've had a nice vibe going in here over past few days. Lets hope it lasts <3

K, you always look gorgeous. Pics or it never happened. I wanna see these nails of yours! Glamming up for Christmas <3

The nails are nothing, just work attire fodder. The hair is something else though with that silver grey toner =D I'm well pleased with it. My gorgeous hairdresser styled it ala Marilyn Munroe too. That girl is worth her tip every time. Here's hoping I can keep it like that and not just stick it up in a bun :!

Talking of gorgeous, how's you lovely creature? <3 Are you still working the plum / red?
Kate I imagine your hair n nails are lovely. A lot of ppl are going for grey lately. Butbecause ppl for years have spends loads trying to hide it. Grey hair styles actually look nice. A lady was having grey with white tips, last time Iwas in saloon.

Bet you look a picture. I need to chat to you btw.

Naw, I need to re-dye but I was pink for a bit. Mama Sham bought me two different shades of pink for my birthday. I think I may be ready for round two. They only last so long before they start to fade sadly.
Kate is legit B-E-A-U-tiful (full on Ace Ventura voice) and is a silver wolf (foxes can get tae fuck)!

<3 <3 <3
^ 1 sook, 2 sooks, 3...

Hi Kate! I won't join in and massage your ego any further in case you go all diva on our Euroean drug bottoms ;)
Kate's too serious for massages, yo' ass gettin' caned booiiii. ;)

Gimme fifty quid and a bit o' Meff and I'll oblige xoxo

(A question for the rest of you demi/-f*gs: do you not find some humour in fukkin' about with the straights? ;) )
Sid, you obviously don't know Kate that well, any compliments are by far well deserved. A better woman you will never meet. That I can assure you. Gorgeous inside and out.
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