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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Gibberings ver. CCXIX - "what's new, c*nty chops?"


Mar 13, 2018
Previous Thread

helen pluckfose

conditions that are increasingly self diagnosed, like autism and adhd.

Helen FuckNose.

The amount of people I see who tell me they have autism or ADHD, depression, PTSD is a growing, inaccurate state of the world.

The look of disgust they give you when you ask when they were diagnosed and they retort it’s a self diagnosis.

Sorry to burst your bubble little princess, it doesn’t work like that.
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The look of disgust they give you when you ask when they were diagnosed and they retort it’s a self diagnosis.

Sorry to burst your bubble little princess, it doesn’t work like that.
no, YOU are a white man from a colonial power. don't you know your 'science' on which your 'medical profession' is based is predicated on the racist/colonial/patriarchal concepts of reason and rationality (i'm not even shitting you, it literally said SJWs argue this in the book, how offensive is that? and ignorant? if you want to read about some none white colonial science check Horizons by James Poskett. but i'm just a woman so obviously wouldn't know about any of this....) and as such is simply not important compared to my lived experience of 25 billion marginalised identities. not believing me is violence and you will be reported and sent for re education.
They’re easy to spot thankfully. Usually black thick framed glasses, some kind of dog collar, some sort of whacky rainbow hair, heavy eye/makeup, slight goth/hipster fashion sense.

Oh, and the smell. Dear lord please invest in some soap and deodorant.
AAAAAh that fuzzy headed buzz of DHC and Soma just kicking in. Nice!!!

Crushing it and dissolving it in carbonated water, and necking it very swiftly seems the best way I've found so far to get a quick rush to the head. Works much better than plugging for me. It feels just like an opiate champagne and that cant be a bad thing!

When it comes on slowly and vaguely it can be difficult to feel it, but there is no doubt with this ROA. Safe to say I have finally found the pleasures of DHC. It took some persistence to find a way of taking it that allowed it to work for me. Persistence is not something I am short of lol.

Maybe I could try plugging the solution with carbonated water next time!? Now there's an idea!
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fuck me guys now science threads get deleted without mod input because certain users disagree with them ideologically
@chinup what the actual fuckin fuck? I've not been around for awhile so am well out of the loop. Did you jump or were you pushed?

I hate having time off because everytime I come back its all gone to shit.

To cap it all, fuckin Karpackie is now £1.69 a can! :mad:
Woop woop! They've
@chinup what the actual fuckin fuck? I've not been around for awhile so am well out of the loop. Did you jump or were you pushed?

I hate having time off because everytime I come back its all gone to shit.

To cap it all, fuckin Karpackie is now £1.69 a can! :mad:
It's gone to shit imo. It was a but of both re jumped vs pushed.

Imagine your teenage daughter wants to do something to herself that will leave her sterile with brittle bones, a lower iq, and a higher risk of alzeimers,. Now imagine you expressed your concerns about the medical consequences of her choices on bl and had it removed not once but 3 times. At which iteration would you stop believing bl gave a shirt about harm reduction?
Now imagine you expressed your concerns about the medical consequences of her choices on bl and had it removed not once but 3 times.
Your post was removed due to the transphobia it contained, not the science or the topic.
You are welcome to repost it without the transphobic title, as we have told you repeatedly.
Have a good night.
ironically, it comes from postmodernism which was originally conceived as extreme skepticism about everything. but somehow it got twisted as it got applied to things like race, gender, and disability. and now you will get hounded out of your job for holding rational beliefs

It has nothing to do with postmodernism from a factual point of view, you can make sense of it as an outgrowth of postmodernism but as a phenomenon it has far, far more to do with a generation growing up on social media than something that spilled out of post-modern theory on college campuses. The causative links are just not there.

(cf Brett Weinstien re race

What happened to Bret and his wife was unfortunate and I continued to have sympathy for him for a long time after that. However over the years as he's exploited that event to build himself a media career he's proved himself to be an absolute moron time and time again - last thing I heard he was blaming Uvalde on the police being so afraid that if a white cop accidentality shot a Hispanic teacher while taking out the child murderer they would be called racist so under this terrible fear they just sat there. This is Bret Weinstein thought. More importantly despite what some people assert on this very forum there is no epidemic of Bret Weinstein type cases, the data does not agree that even in academia which is the supposed ground zero for this that a statistically significant number of people are losing jobs in this way.

its not possible for individuals in the same marginalised categories to have different experiences. so basically people want to collect as many marginalised pigeonholes as possible because it makes their word count for more.

hence, white, heterosexual, western people feel like they need to collect identites you can identify into, such as gender, or conditions that are increasingly self diagnosed, like autism and adhd.

There is a kernel of truth to this but I think it's much less common than you may perceive, it's quite common in the areas we pay the most attention to as it's really only prevalent among the children of well off to wealthy parents in the urban areas of North America and South East England. Even in quite close wealthy Western cultures like Spain it's far less common with the same demographic. Far more common with most demographics are people like me. I scored right on the line when I was tested for Autism when I was 18 - I class myself as neurotypical. I tease my hair up, wear eyeliner and when I was younger wore skirts all the time. I class myself as a cis man. Perhaps in 30 years if this really takes off to a large degree with a lower socio-economic bracket there will be a society wide problem of people collecting identities for oppression but I think it's just as likely that most of the people guilty of this behaviour will grow out of it and cringe when they think back to it.
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A professional pretty much told me he thinks I'm autistic but there's no evidence and it's really hard to get a diagnosis of autism - maybe have a better chance going private idk. Only info I know is I've been told it's EXTREMELY difficult to get an autism diagnosis so can empathize to an extent with people who 'self-diagnose' but I wouldn't say to someone I defo have it I don't think untill I got a diagnoses but that won't happen because the psychiatrist barely see's me and when he does it's quickly in and out

amount of people I see who tell me they have autism

Also wtf is happening @chinup's been temp banned 😵 tried tagging u I finally went to the Bhuddist centre it was awesome. It's a level 1 course once a week atm. I totally forgot I would be taking my shoes off but thankfully my socks were new and my feet weren't stinking 😂
Hope things are going ok with u
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That's too funny @blondin 😀😂
And can sort of relate was trying my best not to fall asleep last night cause I'm on heavy duty painkillers just now. Edit just realised I don't know how to spell Bhuddism
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God bless the free market, now I can become a real Aghori via the Queen's corpse.

Imagine your teenage daughter wants to do something to herself that will leave her sterile with brittle bones, a lower iq, and a higher risk of alzeimers
Her issue & Karma to work through IMHO.
Not my shit & I sure aint gonna pick it up or wipe her backside.
The issue with Trans people is they sell their "issues" too short, I wanna see Trans-species people.
When I see someone who says they are a dog & has paws made out of their hands, eats dog food from a bowl or even someone who feels they are a Whale & has a blow hole attached & goes to live in the sea I will listen to them.
