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  • EADD Moderators: Pissed_and_messed | Shinji Ikari

๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Social ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Gibberings ver. CCXIX - "what's new, c*nty chops?"

Pete 556 / Ganjcat wants to become a Codeine bottle.

There is a kernel of truth to this but I think it's much less common than you may perceive,
it was a precis of a book and as such i said nothing about my perceptions.

as it happens, in between going dahn t'mine and working 16 hours a day in a cotton mill, some of us up north find time to participate in the oppression Olympics. not that my anecdotal observations mean shit in comparison to the very well researched book i was talking about, so if you have an objection, please provide citations.
She probably offended some whiney little snowflake who thinks they have a monopoly on mental health issues... ;)
i said nono words in their safe space.

you know when you're very drunk and on your way out of somewhere and you give someone a piece of your mind? you know how sometimes you wake up and are like 'oh shit what did i say'? but then other times you are like 'i went too easy on them' well in this case it was the latter.
Is ChinUp another victim of the 'transphobic' shit?

Stop cancelling people you Nazi cunts.
i'm a victim in having signed up to give my time under the impression that a broad standard of fairness was agreed via the BLUA and would be adhered to. that's not the case.

the person who gets special treatment is trans so automatically i'm transphobic because its not possible to dislike a trans person for any reason but that. i happen to hold gender critical beliefs. its hard not to when you've seen how starkly samples divide themselves on the basis of sex in pre clinical research for certain diseases, or when your amygdala clocks a male from 100 m because you have such severe ptsd that every man is a threat and your brain needs to know that before you've even consciously clocked them.
it was a precis of a book and as such i said nothing about my perceptions.

as it happens, in between going dahn t'mine and working 16 hours a day in a cotton mill, some of us up north find time to participate in the oppression Olympics. not that my anecdotal observations mean shit in comparison to the very well researched book i was talking about, so if you have an objection, please provide citations.

i said nono words in their safe space.

you know when you're very drunk and on your way out of somewhere and you give someone a piece of your mind? you know how sometimes you wake up and are like 'oh shit what did i say'? but then other times you are like 'i went too easy on them' well in this case it was the latter.

i'm a victim in having signed up to give my time under the impression that a broad standard of fairness was agreed via the BLUA and would be adhered to. that's not the case.

the person who gets special treatment is trans so automatically i'm transphobic because its not possible to dislike a trans person for any reason but that. i happen to hold gender critical beliefs. its hard not to when you've seen how starkly samples divide themselves on the basis of sex in pre clinical research for certain diseases, or when your amygdala clocks a male from 100 m because you have such severe ptsd that every man is a threat and your brain needs to know that before you've even consciously clocked them.

I'm really glad to see you back mate - although I am to much of a pussy to not try and sit on the fence - I genuinely don't know the ins and outs of whatever happened the other day and am in no position to criticise what must have been, one hopes, a difficult decision by whoever made it but I am really outraged to see a Moderator treated in that manner. I don't care how inappropriate your comments were taken as - everyone on here is naturally going to use the forum to vent to their virtual friends about complex topics and go on a tear during a crises - in most cases its managed and contained and especially considering the fundamental communication and understanding between moderators regarding each others needs as well as the regular members, banning a colleague, just does not compute as something one does or should ever need to do. You don't just go from being regarded as an active Senior Moderator to a ban without what can only be a massive break down of trust, open communication, empathy and support from those supposed to make sure something like this disgrace never happens.

I am genuinely glad to see you back though mate - the forum is a better place with you and I hope you can just enjoy the superb members with your feet up.

My man Ax is going to need some help tho isn't it? I wonder if its worth seeing if I could give him a hand just until Christmas like make sure he settles in - that way I dont have to worry about getting sucked into any long term dramas and I have a focus. Then again I also realise that this sort of suggestion may be condescending to him and the last thing the forum would want is me prodding around again.
Is ChinUp another victim of the 'transphobic' shit?

Stop cancelling people you Nazi cunts.
She's not being cancelled, she actually just stepped down completely voluntary after spending months on a vendetta against someone she had perceived as receiving staff favoritism. We actually went out of our way to ignore a ton of behavior on her part to try and keep her on staff but she acted super spiteful, ignored any appeals to reason, and talked a bunch of shit over the past few days, insulting multiple staff members. Unfortunately it appears whatever beliefs she holds regarding trans issues and her incorrect perception of staff here outweigh her concern about the harm reduction mission generally.

If we're going to be telling stories on here, we might as well tell the whole story.
I'm really glad to see you back mate - although I am to much of a pussy to not try and sit on the fence - I genuinely don't know the ins and outs of whatever happened the other day and am in no position to criticise what must have been, one hopes, a difficult decision by whoever made it but I am really outraged to see a Moderator treated in that manner. I don't care how inappropriate your comments were taken as - everyone on here is naturally going to use the forum to vent to their virtual friends about complex topics and go on a tear during a crises - in most cases its managed and contained and especially considering the fundamental communication and understanding between moderators regarding each others needs as well as the regular members, banning a colleague, just does not compute as something one does or should ever need to do. You don't just go from being regarded as an active Senior Moderator to a ban without what can only be a massive break down of trust, open communication, empathy and support from those supposed to make sure something like this disgrace never happens.

I am genuinely glad to see you back though mate - the forum is a better place with you and I hope you can just enjoy the superb members with your feet up.

My man Ax is going to need some help tho isn't it? I wonder if its worth seeing if I could give him a hand just until Christmas like make sure he settles in - that way I dont have to worry about getting sucked into any long term dramas and I have a focus. Then again I also realise that this sort of suggestion may be condescending to him and the last thing the forum would want is me prodding around again.
Speaking of that, if you'd like to make the sequel to this thread, you're more than welcome to, we've gone over the thread limit at this point. I figure who better than the person who made this one. Just lmk if you'd like to, link the old thread of course, and then I can lock down this one. I also asked axe but he might not get to it in time. If you'd like to mod for a short time, just let us know we are recruiting in many forums.
She's not being cancelled, she actually just stepped down completely voluntary after spending months on a vendetta against someone she had perceived as receiving staff favoritism. We actually went out of our way to ignore a ton of behavior on her part to try and keep her on staff but she acted super spiteful, ignored any appeals to reason,
what appeals to reason? all you did was give me a point and refuse to even comment on the favouritism. tbh if you'd have said what you just did, i.e. acknowledged my issue even if its not in accord with my perception (and i asked you to do this on facebook before i stepped down and you ignored it), that woulda gone a long way. anyway, think what you like its been plain to see for many forum members for months. anyway its good to know what you really think now, it confirms that i made the right decision.

i've screenshotted your post so don't try to take back the evidence that you throw people under the bus the second they are no longer of use to you.

and talked a bunch of shit over the past few days, insulting multiple staff members.
while i was banned?

and, sorry what are you doing here? do we really have a leg to stand on if you're gonna post inflammatory shit like this?

If we're going to be telling stories on here, we might as well tell the whole story.
most people in this thread have seen the email i initially sent to admin. many staff members have also and are obviously privy to what went down. don't spin whatever bullshit you're doing to try and make it look like you guys haven't fucked up big time.

actually do, i don't care. the truth will out and BL will suffer as long as you're in denial. i stepped down because without meaningful leadership a mission is nothing. instead you mostly have someone younger than my drug problem acting unilaterally with the odd random input from whichever other admin bothered to log in that day.
what appeals to reason? all you did was give me a point and refuse to even comment on the favouritism. tbh if you'd have said what you just did, i.e. acknowledged my issue even if its not in accord with my perception (and i asked you to do this on facebook before i stepped down and you ignored it), that woulda gone a long way. anyway, think what you like its been plain to see for many forum members for months. anyway its good to know what you really think now, it confirms that i made the right decision.

i've screenshotted your post so don't try to take back the evidence that you throw people under the bus the second they are no longer of use to you.

while i was banned?

and, sorry what are you doing here? do we really have a leg to stand on if you're gonna post inflammatory shit like this?

most people in this thread have seen the email i initially sent to admin. many staff members have also and are obviously privy to what went down. don't spin whatever bullshit you're doing to try and make it look like you guys haven't fucked up big time.

actually do, i don't care. the truth will out and BL will suffer as long as you're in denial. i stepped down because without meaningful leadership a mission is nothing. instead you mostly have someone younger than my drug problem acting unilaterally with the odd random input from whichever other admin bothered to log in that day.
There is no favoritism. You went on a vendetta, and even after you made an ultimatum to point someone who didn't actually break a rule to stay on staff, well we did that and you made it plainly clear that that is more important to you than Bluelight. That's fine but this trashing us publicly is beneath you imo.

I don't care, screenshot whatever I've said, I haven't said anything I'm not willing to stand by. You are completely avoiding any accountability in this and spinning falsehoods and distorting what really happened. I have tried to be reasonable, but you refuse to see anything from anyone else's POV.

No one else sees things like you do, I'm really sorry.
And if you really decide to take this any further, I'm just going to start dropping points. If you want to make yourself a martyr that's fine, people are going to think what they want to think, the involved parties know what happened and that's what matters. But I'm not rehashing this every day for however long it takes for you to drop it, this drama is not worth anyone's time.
She's not being cancelled,

Did she temp ban herself then?

And if you really decide to take this any further, I'm just going to start dropping points.

Ah, there we go. The American website's adherence to free speech. Wonderful. This is how you lost a load of members on here from around 5 years ago or so. But at least you all kept your custom titles! That's what matters!

the harm reduction mission

Not grandiose at all eh? For a website that's been dying on its arse for years now and attracts about 6 posts a day.

And if you really decide to take this any further, I'm just going to start dropping points
good way to show how fairly points are applied. just ignore the BLUA and go for people saying things you personally don't like.

even by making that threat, you've inadvertently proven the precise issue that got me so annoyed that i ended up here.
Sometimes I think having a political forum is a really bad idea. Every single fucking issue is a hill to die on for people and half the population thinks the other half are evil for holding the opposite position. It sure has poisoned the well in this case. I'm sad that this is where we find ourselves. Both on Bluelight and in the world.

There's a whole big world out there (and in here) that doesn't involve thinking about hot-button issues.
Sometimes I think having a political forum is a really bad idea. Every single fucking issue is a hill to die on for people and half the population thinks the other half are evil for holding the opposite position. It sure has poisoned the well in this case. I'm sad that this is where we find ourselves. Both on Bluelight and in the world.

There's a whole big world out there (and in here) that doesn't involve thinking about hot-button issues.

it's not even that though. the problem occurs when one person's ego grows so large that they simply can never let anything go. many of us disagree all the time in ceps but are still friends and have no problems whatsoever.
it's not even that though. the problem occurs when one person's ego grows so large that they simply can never let anything go. many of us disagree all the time in ceps but are still friends and have no problems whatsoever.
Very good point. I disagree with some Bluelighters like @Mr. Krinkle on almost everything politically, but still manage to get along with them just fine.

Contrast that with people on here who I have far, far fewer political disagreements with, yet still cannot seem to get to remain civil towards myself or others because they insist on using their political beliefs as a shield to excuse them harassing + abusing others and generally being terrible humans.
It's all about cocks and vaginas, some men like woman with vaginas some like men with cocks, some like women previously men with vaginas some like them still with cocks....some women like cocks others vaginas..etc. it's just about vaginas and cocks and at the end of the day we're all cunts anyway.
It's all about cocks and vaginas, some men like woman with vaginas some like men with cocks, some like women previously men with vaginas some like them still with cocks....some women like cocks others vaginas..etc. it's just about vaginas and cocks and at the end of the day we're all cunts anyway.