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Gibberings CXCIV: Come on, mods. Let's go wild with this.

the search function is busted looking for the big and dandy 2c-e thread took me 5 pages of looking to find so i would say its a little messed up
the search function is busted looking for the big and dandy 2c-e thread took me 5 pages of looking to find so i would say its a little messed up

I find the PD Index to be much handier for finding long-running PD threads - so useful I include it in my sig despite not modding PD in years. Well worth bookmarking if you read and/or post over in PD.

now, i will admit that my first search produced a huge number of hits so i used a little common sense:


- i limited the search to titles only

- i narrowed the search to only the pd forum, and child forums of pd

- i sorted the results by last posting date

voila - 4th result.

sure, after one attempt to find your thread i could have created a post telling everybody how much the search sucks. or i could have used the same amount of energy, applied a little common sense and found the thread i was looking for a few seconds later.

i get it - some people want to be spoon-fed everything and like to have a moan when that doesn't happen. but two minutes spent familiarising oneself with the features of the search engine saves a lot of complaining and drama, doesn't it?

maybe this is a case of "PICNIC" and maybe it's not the search engine that's "a little messed u"? :)

this the result i got when searching for it

look its like this no matter what you do and having to do all that is a bit much for you to turn round and say its not faulty if you cant just put in the big and dandy 2c-e thread and get that as a result without trailing through 5 pages of crap to get what your looking for or doing what you just did ok its not brain surgery to do what you did but really its not faulty come on its knackered lol
I just put that into Google and got this as the top link.

I know that isnt really a response to why the BL search engine isnt working as you would want, I just never use it, Google generally works fine is I need to find anything.

I know other staff have mentioned it isnt great, I assume it just generates a DB search so I don't know why it's not meeting expectations
...having to do all that...
all that? changing a couple of options on the search page, to better define your search, is really such a huge burden? 3 or 4 extra seconds...

it sounds, to me, as if you don't want to learn how to better use the tool to improve your experience. sounds like you'd rather it didn't work so you can continue to complain :(
...without trailing through 5 pages of crap...
i've already demonstrated how you can narrow your search to avoid that.

yeah i know its no biggie just a bit of a pain in the ass at times :)

Like Alasdair said I suspect refining the way you use it may help, it can only be creating a database query so I suspect it's the UI that isnt all that intuitive rather than any genuine problem.

Believe me FG compared to some of the aging legacy shite I have to work around for a living it's more than usable.....OS2 Warp anyone ;)
Thank you, Alasdair for being honest with me n for giving me your opinion. Yes I understand that the two are s
Different n I apologise for my incorrect accusation.

I'm also sorry for being quite defensive in here to the rest of you however, I do know that the slightest thing I say that wrong appears to get most of the forum against me so I feel defensive to begin with.

Anyway that's all I want to say n ask can we please move on from it. My reasoning for calling PB **** is not just because it doesn't keep the contence private but for many reasons.

Evening, Allein, I hope you're having a nice evening.

Edit: Alasdair - thank you for the help you've given Foolsy as that may also benefit me too. Maybe I was too quick in my criticism of the search engine, however, suggest to senior staff that maybe a small instruction manual may help reduce a lot of complaints. Yes? No?

Maybe I was too quick in my criticism of the search engine, however, suggest to senior staff that maybe a small instruction manual may help reduce a lot of complaints. Yes? No?

Have you considered writing one yourself ? I'm not taking the piss in anyway but if you think something needs doing and you think you know what it is then draft something up. I've written more manuals and procedures in my life than I care to remember so I'm buggered if I'm doing it :D I doubt any of the user guides ans such were written because someone was asked to do so, people will just have seen a need and pitched in.

For a draft I would have thought screen shots and text in something like MS Word or similar would be really helpful even if someone else produced the finished article.
I'm not very good at doing things like that but thanks for the suggestion. Right back to Noddyland. Night sll :)

Woman in hammock dies while masturbating and is in an advanced state of decay the stuff i find on this damn site :)
Anyone know why my phone won't let me see NSFW stuff? I NEED to see this woman who died wanking...