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Generic Oxycontin in Canada (APO, etc.)

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I talked to my guy yesterday about the different generics that are up in Canada. He has connections all across the northern part of the US and the East coast as well. He's going to look into this, he knew they were coming out. The only problem was is the tight security at the US/Canada border. He knows of other people that have been successful at smuggling and others that have failed miserably. Basically, he said if he could get up with the right people, he can get them here. But it will take time. Thanks again Canada, you may make my day here in a few months! I can't wait.

If I can't get them brought down to this part of the country, I've got people in Detroit that would happily let me go visit Canada with them for a nice road trip. If my first idea don't work out, I'd say I'll be going to Canada in the near future. But since I just found some old-school Opana's that will be around for a little bit, I'll use them up and then work on the generic OC's. I'm glad you Canadians are getting to enjoy the old Oxy buzz. I loved those damn things. There was no better ritual than taking a hose clamp, removing the coating, and shaving up a whole 80 to get my day goiing. I know the US won't follow suit in this endeavor. My only hope is after these Opana's are gone, I can get my hands on the IR Opana's or get the generic OC's from Canada. Either way, my drug connections have went from doing well to fantastic in the last couple of days. Luck like this won't last forever, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

you're in kentucky n you'll go vacation in canada just for the possibility of old school oxys?

why dont you just drive to Jersey or Baltimore for some solid dope?
^ If he wanted to do that he wouldn't have to travel that far at all, there is solid H in Cincinnati and I've heard Louisville as well
Unless he just desires OC with a passion or something though lol
I talked to my guy yesterday about the different generics that are up in Canada. He has connections all across the northern part of the US and the East coast as well. He's going to look into this, he knew they were coming out. The only problem was is the tight security at the US/Canada border. He knows of other people that have been successful at smuggling and others that have failed miserably. Basically, he said if he could get up with the right people, he can get them here. But it will take time. Thanks again Canada, you may make my day here in a few months! I can't wait.

If I can't get them brought down to this part of the country, I've got people in Detroit that would happily let me go visit Canada with them for a nice road trip. If my first idea don't work out, I'd say I'll be going to Canada in the near future. But since I just found some old-school Opana's that will be around for a little bit, I'll use them up and then work on the generic OC's. I'm glad you Canadians are getting to enjoy the old Oxy buzz. I loved those damn things. There was no better ritual than taking a hose clamp, removing the coating, and shaving up a whole 80 to get my day goiing. I know the US won't follow suit in this endeavor. My only hope is after these Opana's are gone, I can get my hands on the IR Opana's or get the generic OC's from Canada. Either way, my drug connections have went from doing well to fantastic in the last couple of days. Luck like this won't last forever, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

dude theres no need for anyone to smuggle them into canada, theyre here... i purchased 3 of them a month ago and they arent being smuggled, they are being PRESCRIBED and FILLED/DISPENSED at Canadian pharmacys.
^^kool so people are seeing these on the streets already, this thread was kinda confusing on whether or not they were alreayd being seen or were soon to hit the market

I've had the new APO generic Oxycontin 80's here in Canada, and they are fucking awesome. Just like the old CDN formula we used to have. And, honestly, out of all the generic companies in Canada, APOTex us the best.
They are same colour as the old CDN 80's, slightly bigger in size perhaps. I took a few pictures off my iPhone 5, but i'm not sure if you can still upload pics or not? Anyway, they say APO on one side, and on the otherside they say "OCD". APO was the first company to jump on the wagon for the generics. The other companies do not have their generics out quite yet, as they are a little scared about the "abuse tactic" bullshit.

Because are OxyNEOs are horseshit, just like your U.S OPs. But the new Oxycontin APO 80 generics are awesome, perhaps even stronger than the brand name. I have found APO to have some of the best products bar none, better than brand name on some things.

I can upload the picture I took of the APO OC 80mg, but I forget how to on here. Do I have to upload to imageshack?

Hello good Sir, I am very interested as I'm sure many of us are to see this picture, would you mind terribly uploading to a hosting site like imageshack or tinyurl, or any free site for that matter? If it isn't allowed to share the url right on the forum please do e-mail it to me through bluelight. I beleive I enabled member to member e-mailing for this reason. If it isn't too much to ask please take pictures of both sides of the pill and perhaps next to a dime or penny for size comparison *If you've already taken a picture that would be fine too*. Thanks much,

The six companies, which have received permission to make generic Oxycontin in Canada, are Apotex Inc., Teva Canada Ltd., Laboratoire Riva Inc., Sandoz Inc., Cobalt Pharmaceuticals and PhamaScience Inc.

@Supeudol - your so right about OXYNEO's being complete shit. I had my doctor switch me from Neo's to high doses of Demoral because they were so weak. But now the genrics are back i'm gonna go see if he'll swith me back next week cause original oxy were most effective for my chronic pain. You must be in southern AB hey? Cause i'm in northern and the pharmacies here in don't know if they are gonna stock them up here because of insurace issues. Maybe i'll have to fly down to Cal or Edm and go to a pharmacy there and get them to fill my script!!
The six companies, which have received permission to make generic Oxycontin in Canada, are Apotex Inc., Teva Canada Ltd., Laboratoire Riva Inc., Sandoz Inc., Cobalt Pharmaceuticals and PhamaScience Inc.

@Supeudol - your so right about OXYNEO's being complete shit. I had my doctor switch me from Neo's to high doses of Demoral because they were so weak. But now the genrics are back i'm gonna go see if he'll swith me back next week cause original oxy were most effective for my chronic pain. You must be in southern AB hey? Cause i'm in northern and the pharmacies here in don't know if they are gonna stock them up here because of insurace issues. Maybe i'll have to fly down to Cal or Edm and go to a pharmacy there and get them to fill my script!!

I have the picture on my iPhone 5, just been lazy and haven't plugged it into my iMac because of the new charger/cable they switched with the iPhone 5.

But, I hope insurance companies are covering these because if they are generics and made by Apotex, Teva, Sandoz, Cobalt, Ranbaxy and whoever else... I would still vote the Apotex overall, as Apotex usually has the best generics in Canada. But I hope they will be covered. I can just see street prices soaring over these, which would make them not worth it. Unless you have your own script of course. :p
just go to health canada site and find a list of monitired drugs and you will find em there also simply , type in Apotex Ca they manufacture em as here are few more companys that do....Yes they r here u need a script offcourse not everyone qualifies for em.I m person with one kidney, multible leg surgerys and broken back , i v been on those for more than 10 years and I myself hate the fact that they swichd us to neos just like that but there s a big issues about getin em back.Personaly my dr. i sworried bout em being covered rather than my kidney maybe beeing afected in some way by the frigin gell in those things.Personaly would love to get ahold of some new ones...In pain ...
Ok so ive tried 3 kinds of tge generics now, the apotex or apo oxy 40 cr's, imprinted ocd and 40. Also not sure what kind they were but some thinner but wider oxy cr 80s that were inprinted oxy cr on one side and w80 on the other, these were also very snortable, BUT i just got today some pharma science, or pms oxy 40 cr's which are imprinted p on one side and 40 on the other, these GEL UP!! For sure!!! Wtf i thought they were ALL old formula, u can still crush these to a powder and snortable but ur blowin out gel chunks outa ur nose after, and when chewed or crushed and put in mouth, they immedietely stik to ur teeth and gel up, not nearly as bad as the neo's but tgere most defenitely gelling, anyone else tried these yet? Any strength, ive only tried the 40s and again there pharmascience oxy cr 40s yellow in color and imprinted "p" and "40"
Ok so ive tried 3 kinds of tge generics now, the apotex or apo oxy 40 cr's, imprinted ocd and 40. Also not sure what kind they were but some thinner but wider oxy cr 80s that were inprinted oxy cr on one side and w80 on the other, these were also very snortable, BUT i just got today some pharma science, or pms oxy 40 cr's which are imprinted p on one side and 40 on the other, these GEL UP!! For sure!!! Wtf i thought they were ALL old formula, u can still crush these to a powder and snortable but ur blowin out gel chunks outa ur nose after, and when chewed or crushed and put in mouth, they immedietely stik to ur teeth and gel up, not nearly as bad as the neo's but tgere most defenitely gelling, anyone else tried these yet? Any strength, ive only tried the 40s and again there pharmascience oxy cr 40s yellow in color and imprinted "p" and "40"

I've always thought Pharmascience's products were shitty. APOTEX OXY CR's do NOT gel up, and are just like the old formula, maybe even better.
Yes i have tried the apo 40s as well and agree are very good, as good as the cdn's def not better tho. Im just really surprised that the pharmascience generics are gellin up as that formula isnt up for generic form til 2027, although maybe pharmascience made there own gelling up formula in case they make a law one day forcing pharm companys to put anti abuse mechanism on all cr opiates. i hope the rest arent the same way. I have tried one other kind imprinted "oxy cr" on one side and "w80" on the other, im still unsure which company these were, but were also just as good as the old formula oxycontins
I tried a few of the new APO's the other day.. only 5 mgs though, but still.. it brought back fond memories. Can't wait to crush up an 80 again. It seems like forever, but it's only been something like a year maybe since the new formulation.
Where do you people live in the country that you're seeing all of these?! Lol. Haven't seen one single one in my area.
I tried a few of the new APO's the other day.. only 5 mgs though, but still.. it brought back fond memories. Can't wait to crush up an 80 again. It seems like forever, but it's only been something like a year maybe since the new formulation.

a year?

yall had a longer run in canada then

oxy switched to OPs in like the summer/fall of 2010 no?
No actually in canada the oxycontins were changed to tge new formula "oxyneo" last february im pretty sure, and they were still kickin around for a few months after, just as stupidly high prices. Actually i got lucky and found a buddy that had stashed a few old formula "cdn" imprinted oxycontins only a couple months ago. At the end of november the new 6 kinds of generic oxys were released even though there was alot of pressure not to by aboriginal groups cabinet members, police forces and even the american gov't. Health canada top officials said that they cannot stop a pharm to come to the market thats otherwise safe and effective for its intended use. The first i saw of em wasnt until mid december, and was super stoked, i got a bunch of generic 80s imprinted "oxy cr" on one side and "w80" on the other, they were the best kind of generic ive tried so far, taste and smell exactly like old formula, and not any bigger either, which i like cuz its much more potent per line (suks jammin ur nose full of powder just to get high like the suepedols or any ir version. next kind i saw was in early january which were the apotex 40s. Which also were very good, although bigger then the old formula "cdn's", therefore a bit more powder to take in, still awesome tho. Then just the other day i got these pharmascience 40s a whole unopened bottle of 100, imprinted "p" and "40". Unfortunetely these gel up for some reason, even tho they didnt have to make em that wat. I still havent heard from Anyone else thats tried these, but stay away from them if u can, call into ur pharmacist to see what kinda of generics they have, apo or the "oxy cr" & "w80,40,20" imprinted generics are both good choices. The pharmascience generics gel up. Anyone else thats tried or seen these, please drop a line cuz i cant find any info on why tgese gel up, im sure the company is gonna sell alot less because tgey do.
This is tue, the new one I have "seen" says "APO" on one side and "OCD 40" on the other....Obviously APO is the manufacturer and it is a 40mg pill. It can be crushed with ease. I have not yet tried to mix it with distilled water so can not vouch on the "Shooting angle"
The "OXY over CR" on one side with "W 80" on the other is made by Cobalt Pharma. I live in southern ontario but I haven't seen them yet. I don't get it. Where are you guys in the country?
I think one of the main reasons Oxycodone was created is because of its very high oral bioavailability and first passed metabolism. OxyContin - even the new generics, they aren't even worth shooting. Why would you shoot something that already has an ORAL B/A of ~87%. Morphine, Oxymorphone, Hydromorphone - yes these are all candidates for shooting, or snorting/plugging because of their extremely low oral b/a %.
This is bullshit I still only see the flood of Oxyneo I do not see any generics in Western Canada. If so I know the person I get them from would not still be getting these Neo's I want the old formula. Where are these pills and they at all Pharmacies in Canada? I don't think so.
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