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General Heroin Discussion 20 v. Walking Around in Women's Underwear


me and my uncle got into it one night and I beat his ass and he called the cops and he told them how I was buying all this stolen shit and they confiscated this new macbook I was fuckin with cause my uncle said it was mine and I denied it( I don't know why) and he was talking shit about "the others" and then they ran the serial number and it came back to a burglary and it was just a bunch of bullshit..my uncle knew all about it cause hes the one that hooked me up with his friends who where out there boosting shit forcrack money and I was just makin quick money flippin the shit..they over charged me (which is what IN is known for, overcharge, so you end up coppin a plea) and actually hit me with the burglary which was dumb on their part...they didn't want to give me a plea at first caue when they came back with a warrant after running the mac and searched the house they found like 9 other laptops and iphones/ipads and other shit..fencing was easy and I was basically buying anyhting I knew I could make money on and right before I had pretrial they came at me with a time served plea well 18mos do 9(I had like 3 weeks left to do) with a receiving stolen property conviction so I took it cause my trial date wasn't gonna be til after the new year since the prosecutor and judge was booked up, so fuck another 5months in there for trial...my lawyer was confident we would have it beat the burg and was 50/50 on the stolen prop charge (I think we could have beat it since it was in the house and could have been argued it was my uncles, but thats whatever) but since I already had a felony why not just take it and petition the court to drop it to a misty (which is what im gonna do)..i looked at it like a little forced rehab, that I dearly needed..but I had a bunch of charges battery , multiple counts of recieving stolen prop, burglary, and they dropped it all except 1 reciev stolen prop.. if found guilty at trial and was pretty much guaranteed the full 3yr do 18mo being I already had a felony record and the fact it was obvious I was fencing

and no I didn't really need to be doing all that its just I dunno it got addicting cause It was happening so quick and it was easy and the only was I can describe it was that it was like going back to my hustling days..buyin a pound for 35 and sellin it for 42 was just too easy and when my uncles friends started coming threw with all this shit I couldn't just let it walk away knowing someone else was just gonna buy it and do the same thing..
i actually just got out today(sat) and im down in Atlanta right now..my mom moved down to atl and told me to come stay with her and get back on my feet..so i walked out the jail and went straight to the airport and came down here..

it fuckin sucks..no dope, no weed and no connects..i got a couple bullshit endocets that i had and i dnno im gonna pop a few of them tomorrow..after 9 months i don't even know how much oxy i even need, its been years since i took oxy..imma start at 40mgs and see where it takes me..prolly not far lol
fuck with crackheads long enough and everyone goes down

that sucks chinky, but it sounds like you've taken it all in stride so live and learn you know

40mgs should be beyond good after a 9 month break. They say you never really lose your tolerance fully but idk I crashed my car off 3 bags of heroin after not doing it for 3 months (1 for each month! haha) so Idk

and Id like to consider myself a pretty decent driver FTR, I just took it a fridge too far
Not looking forward to having to take bupe tomorrow at all. I've done dope every day for too long. I hope I can figure something out tomorrow.
whats up guys, so I ended up going to detox and am at a 2 month program now. I am on 80mg of methadone but I am still having a lot of cravings and waking up sick so I need to up my dose. Hopefully after this I'll go to a sober house for another 2 or 3 months. I just got offered to work full time at the job I had before I went to detox though and I would make around 600$ a week so I might leave the rehab early I don't know how good of an idea that is though. Anyway at the rehab I am at they let you go out to look for jobs and go to NA/AA meetings from 7am to 3pm after you're there for 10 business days which is about 2 and a half week including weekends so I'm at the library now and I figured I would check in with you guys. So I'm doin alright I personally don't think being on methadone is being clean but its alot better than shooting 3 bundles of dope.
ehh the oxy was alrite but I cant complain..it felt so good to itch

good to see some of the same people still around
so what the deal with dope in Atlanta..so do I venture to the bluff or what??
ive only been down here for 2 days and ive been clean for 9months so I can definetly wait

but how much worse can it been then hitting up the westside?

well the only thing I can think of is that I know my way around the westside and have no idea how to get to the gas station and back with out a gps yet but other then that I dunno maybe the westside is so much bigger and its easdier to blend in too

but I got that itch after eating them oxys
I was under the impression that the bluff wasn't open air west side style at least for dope. I've read some of that thread bout the bluff though and am curious if it lives up to the rep.
I'm sure you'll run into someone who can at least point you in the right direction soon.
yeah im not too worried about it I even have friends back home that said to just send them the money and they will mail it to me...granted how they are heroin addicts and I might not ever see that money again but that wouldn't be a bad idea if need be
Not to many people I'd send money in the mail to for dope lol but if you trust whoever you ask and don't mind waiting a few days, its definitely an option
theres only a couple people I would ttrust..and if I got burned oh well its only like 50bucks
Dope and shark week,ahh yeah!!


somehow Stone Cold Steve Austin got involved in shark week. started having WWF flashbacks. Wrestlemania XV was the first time I ever used pay-per-view, parents bought it for my 7th birthday. All I remember is the final match and finding out who Butterbean was for the first time. They had actual fights in Wrestlemania XV for some reason, this one just didnt last very long

god damn some people are so fucking incompetent it pisses me off. everyone's all about dope until their suburban dealer runs out then suddenly they're "not tryin to drive to philly" like it takes so long to get there at 10 o clock at nigt

fuck this, pretty sure they didnt up and move all the heroin to some new area

if you want something you really have to do it yourself

I dont like going down on foot in the summer because it is harder to hide that im white but I dont give a fuck at this point. I need real dope, not this bullshit. If you never copped in philly then you dont understand. Im not tryin to be a heroin snob (though I most certainly am being one), but this is really all the city has going for it. that's why I read people talking about how they "didnt really enjoy heroin" and just fucking laugh

you didnt really get something worth buying if that is the case. period

if I had my car this wouldnt even be a post. Id be halfway down broad street right now, pulling a u-turn since you cant make a left onto Lehigh, and it's not important from there.


and everyone's always like, dude why you so racist?

uhh, because my grandfather ran a deli in the Badlands for over 40 years and now I can't even walk within 2 miles of it without having the cops creep by doing 5 mph, grilling the fuck out of me

I dont need this shit, but I do at the same time.


"dude you dont even live in philly shut up"

yeah, because it's a fucking shit hole to be honest. And I think that is a positive trait, not living in Philly so Im not a fucking neanderthal, yet knowing what the fuck is up down there

ill stop ranting now
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