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General Heroin Discussion 20 v. Walking Around in Women's Underwear

Hey guys. How's everyone doing? I'm doing quite well. Still on the methadone and for the most part 90% clean. Chipped a handful of times in 6 months, but it's not even worth it for me anymore. My head and body are in a good place now. And I am slowly working at cleaning up the mess I made of my life. Anyway.. I am sure people on here have heard of Jynxies Natural Habitat. The very famous heroin stamp blog (user submitted content, pictures, stamp ratings, etc) It was in VICE magazine, etc.

Well, Jynxie passed away. Murdered actually. They think she was murdered. With her boyfriend.

I wrote about it all on my blog, links to articles, etc. https://jerseyjunkie201.wordpress.com/
You will find the necessary information there, as much as I know. RIP to her and her boyfriend.
That's terrible news I have lurked opiophile for years and always enjoyed both of there posts and stories.

As for me I relapsed on heroin a few weeks ago went on a large run. Decided to get back on subs 3 days ago. So I am right back where I was before I went to rehab. It sucks that all that suffering was for nothing but I feel a lot better in every respect being back on the subs. The PAWS just broke my will at the end of the day.
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So pretty crazy story. Today after I got home from fishing I decided to get a slice of pizza down the block. When I walked outside n sparked a cigarette I noticed this random girl talking to one of the women on my block. She seemed a little 'off' and a bit trashy (she was walking around the neighborhood eating popcorn out of one of those red /white striped popcorn bags you get at the movie theaters) and when she noticed that I was smoking a cigarette she asked if she could buy one. I told her she could just have one (I admit that I was interested to find out her deal) then right after I handed it to her she fully turned to me and I noticed that she was preggerz but it was too late to jot give her the smoke.

She told me that she had just moved to the area to stay with her grandmother and was asking how to get to some supermarket. I told her where it was and how to get there but then she just started asking the same thing over and over and didn't get what I was saying, and that's when I realized that she was doped out of her face. She was trying to walk next to me but when I saw a car pass by with a bunch of people in it I realized that I didn't want to be seen with this 'character' so I picked up the pace and walked away from her into the pizza place.

Once I got in there and ordered she came in after me and started asking the young kid working there what each thing was on the counter, and asking if they made things that didn't even exist (e.g. a chicken alfredo slice) and what each thing had in it and so forth. I doubt that she even had any money on her and the older guy working there was catching onto this so he told the younger kid to just go on to the next customers and only help this girl when she knew what she wanted.

So he helped a few people then this crazy preggerz girl would ask him the price of things, then forget what he said and ask all over again. She asked what a was in a spinach roll abd when he was telling her she asked if there was any pasta in it. Then she was asking the prices of pasta dishes while having the menu in her hand so the older dude just told her to read her menu.

At this point some people were waiting in there and looking at this crazy pregnant girl who was asking ridiculous questions while nodding out with an un-lit cigarette in her hand, and I couldn't stand to be in the same room as her anymore so I told them to just take my stuff out of the oven right then and I added a few more things to my order but took them cold so I could get out and heat it layer on my own.

I'm pretty positive she was a heroin addict and her long sleeves on a hot day kinda confirmed that with me, plus she had to force out her words while talking nonsense and not remembering a thing that she was told. Basically she was just killing time while high maybe so that her grandmother didn't see her like that. She was definitely pregnant so I don't know what will come of it. I'm sure they kicked her out of the pizza place after I left and she probably went back to walking around eating popcorn while dropping the majority of it on the floor. That was some sick / sad shit.
Damn that kind of sucks for the kid, maybe it was some combo like methadone and xanax. By itself I don't think methadone is dangerous to the fetus and withdrawal can cause some damage.

You needed to snatch that cig from her out her mouth.
She didn't smoke it while I was there. And I thought it might have been methadone but idk. She was fucked up for sure so if it was done she's definitely taking more than she should.
I played Lacrosse but only until my grades got to the point where they wouldnt let me anymore. Would have been cool to play for a college but at the same time I wasnt about to hit the library just to be able to play Lax. Wouldnt have been that hard really, just hand in a few more assingments I guess.

there's no money in lacrosse anyway, and I dont really care about a college degree so I guess it doesnt really matter

idk about you guys, but I pretty much hate my life without heroin. What the fuck am I supposed to do now

guess Ill just buy heroin and forget about it
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I just hope if I ever od its in a public place like a mall parking lot or a Denny's bathroom or something. Id feel bad if one of my relatives found me. Not bad enough to not do it, but enough where'd id post a sad face :(

that goes for anything really but heroin is the only drug I could realistically see myself dying from
This sucks its been 16 hours. Since my last dose and im waiting to take some suboxone that i picked up. Ive been on dope a year straight wihout gettimg sick once
If you're sick it's probably safe to dose. Just saying man. I don't wait that long.
I wait that long if I haven't taken sub for a while.

If I don't I get weird sensations through my body, particularly my legs. It then makes me sort of flashback to the two times I went into precipitated WD. Both times made me pace around like a madman, crying, and muttering that something was very wrong. It felt like the depression was a physical thing and it was in my head, like a giant worm had slithered into my head and was in my brain. If I had a gun I would have blown it out of there. I basically never want to have that feeling again. I usually just take a bunch of clonidine or a benzo if I have it when I first get back on sub, just so I'm not flailing around my bed with the jimmy legs and weird tingles through my body. If I can fall back asleep after I dose then I usually wake up feeling much more normal.

I also dose much lower when switching back. Usually will start with 2mg as opposed to 4 or 8. If I have sub in my system though, then switching back and forth was much, much easier. It would only be after long stretches that I'd have this problem. Never with snorting either or when I was shooting dope.
You guys seem to have a science down for switching from dope to bupe then bupe to dope and so forth it does make sense it would work the way effect mentioned he does it but I still think your digging your own grave and the sub will eventually never hold you over I've heard it from many people. I never had any problems going back and forth from sub to dope then back to sub I have not done this since January now which is pretty coll its tough when you can use with out ever being sick it seems like you could use forever and be happy cause the sub will always be your back up plan. Very tough cycle to break that's for sure. Me I always did myast shot of dope then I would wait about 4-6 hours until I start getting real physically sick then I dose 1-3 mgs sublingually and every time I was fine no withdrawal or cravings at all really the sub always felt so much better than it did before when coning back to it the energy and euphoria I got from the sub made me forget all about heroin.
You started off by saying switching back and forth is going to lead to digging our own grave, and I don't know what you mean by that. Then you sort of have the opposite stance saying you've switched back and forth and never had any problems.

I'm saying the only times I have had a problem was when I wasn't switching back and forth. I had an issue, twice, when I was switching back to sub after long stretches, like 6months of shooting daily. Was on sub for just that one day then tried again a few months after that, but had the same problem. I just wasn't sick enough when I took it and I was also starting by taking a whole strip. I've switched after a few month stretches since and I get these weird body surges but that's it. I don't know of anyone getting euphoria from sub on the first day when switching after a long stretch, so I think you're in the minority on that. I've also been using for over 10 years now, few months shy on 8 years since I first felt physical WD. Sub seemed more effective in the first 5-6 years.
I mean many people eventually are not able to do the switching thing cause over time the transition becomes to long and you just can't feel 100 percent taking bupe the same way you did before so the user has to decide to stick to sub's or dope or just go ahead and get on methadone then use dope with that. That's what I meant and I was saying lucky that never happened to me cause I know too many people who have fucked up the chance for sub's to work for them by doing the switch to dope too much.
I never understood it either but too many people have reported the same thing for it to be a coincidence like Mr Scagantie always talked about how over time the switch got too hard to do then he could never feel quite right on bupe so he went to methadone. I remember I first heard it from another mod telling me to be careful switching back and forth so much or the sub will stop working and I though WTF?! How does that work I thought but many people report the same thing. I don't know if its just a ploy by addicts to get on methadone by saying the sub no longer works but I doubt thatmany people are doing that many are upset cause they wished they could still take bupe but it no longer works like it used to so their stuck with methadone or dope.
I have switched back and fourth many times and never had a problem. But I don't seem to be prone to p/w for whatever reason. I think the key is too start low with the sub. I usually dose 1mg 24 hours after heroin then titrate up as needed from there. The first day is never the best but after 48 hours I'm back to normal.
Yea me too of course not everybody will have it I mean I found it to be easier to make the switches as time went on but I'm the same way precipitated withdrawal has never been a problem for me either I take my sub a few hours after dope and I'm fine so it obviously depends on the person from what I read from Carl too he has never had this problem either but lots on here have reported sub no longer working after switching back and forth tooanu times.
The problem with switching back and forth has a lot to due with tolerance too. I'm sure that someone that's only doing a bag a day or 60mg of oxy can switch all they want without running into too many problems.

Typically though the more times you do it means the longer you have been using which usually means your tolerance is higher. I eventually ran into problems switching back and forth but it got easier when I was using way less.

Bupes ceiling effect only allows it to cover habits well up to a certain size, with it being difficult or taking longer to stabilize with bigger habits. So if you are doing a bundle a day then the transition is going to be tough so either taper down first or wait at least 30 hours after your last dose, or preferably longer if you can.
The problem with switching back and forth has a lot to due with tolerance too. I'm sure that someone that's only doing a bag a day or 60mg of oxy can switch all they want without running into too many problems.

Typically though the more times you do it means the longer you have been using which usually means your tolerance is higher. I eventually ran into problems switching back and forth but it got easier when I was using way less.

Bupes ceiling effect only allows it to cover habits well up to a certain size, with it being difficult or taking longer to stabilize with bigger habits. So if you are doing a bundle a day then the transition is going to be tough so either taper down first or wait at least 30 hours after your last dose, or preferably longer if you can.

That's true my habit is small compared to a lot of people here. 1-2 bags a day
Bupes ceiling effect only allows it to cover habits well up to a certain size, with it being difficult or taking longer to stabilize with bigger habits. So if you are doing a bundle a day then the transition is going to be tough so either taper down first or wait at least 30 hours after your last dose, or preferably longer if you can.

I wasn't sure if it wasn't covering due to the nature of my body being used to full agonists and buprenorphine isn't giving my receptors what they want or if coming off some of my last runs (whatever you wanna call them) where I had been using more than ever, the bupe ceiling effect just didn't take care of me due to tolerance.