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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

i had to take this when i went into rehab. i dont think it got me feeling high or anything close to it was taking up to 1800mg a day then droped to 900.

i stoped taking it but i do have a prescription to keep taking it.

There is one interesting fact that you all should know about gabapentin. Taking higher doses of the drug makes the recreational affects fall because as the dose is increased the bioavailability falls. The only way to counter this is to eat it after a fatty meal. So those of you who think you are getting a tolerance very quick, may be because you are taking too much to overcome the "tolerance". I take 600 mg's at 3 evenly spaced intervals a day. It gives me clarity of mind and seems to make my clonazepam, methadone, and temazepam work better. However, it seems to dull the rushing effect of my alprazlam. I have heard this from others as well. I have no scientific idea about the mechanism of that. It seems like Im losing my love affair with benzos anyways. I smoke alot of cigs, and most benzos bioavailabilty fall rapidly with smoking. The clonazepam however (my favorite benzo) seems to with stand the cig smoke and also has its high increased by gabapentin. Anyone agrre/ disagree with any of this/
[email protected]
Neurontin is great and you guys catch a buzz from it??? Really? Do you get high off Depakote and Lithium too>>> I never did. So...there is a street value for this shit??
Yes, you really can get a buzz off neurontin. And a rather nice one, though it requires very high doses. I've seen my wife do 50 grams (not a typo) many times. I don't take anywhere near that dose, but it is certainly recreational. There's even one frequent poster here who finds depakote recreational. Lithium is FUCKING DANGEROUS at high dose.
I've been taking Neurontin for a while now. I think it has a lot to do with the size of who is taking it. I am 6'6" 300 lbs and have taken 6 grams of it at once. Basically it really isn't a recreational drug unless it is mixed. I don't drink anymore, but drinking on Neurontin alone will kick your ass.
My suggestion would be if you're a normal sized human being take around 3,000-3,600 mg with Flexeril and any Benzo.
40 mg of Flexeril, 2-4 mg Klonopin and around 3,000 mg of Neurontin makes me have a good day or night.
I use it to enhance my buzz when I've got a serious lack of stash going on. Also great for withdrawals. I destroy my tramadol prescription within a week or two (depending) and when I'm seriously regretting it with my runny nose and ass I take the gabapentin with the odd hydrocodone, oxycodone, or soma i come across. By itself it has mild effects on me. I prefer to take it with something else.
Mixing gabapentin with tramadol makes for a very nice buzz. What I do is take 900 - 1200mg of Gabapentin with a single 50mg tram, and then subsequently take another tram every half hour until I reach 200 or 250mg (depending on how much I've taken that week). Then I chill until I reach 4 hours after my initial dose, then I'll take another tram & 300 mg of the Gaba...wait a half an hour...then take another tram.

Seems to really potentiate the tramadol, not to mention I become a fucking chatterbox with amazing euphoria.

Gabapentin alone doesn't seem to really do too much for me except make me feel kinda weird. But then again I've never taken a single dose above 1200mg.

Btw...I forgot to mention, the reason for spacing out each dose of tramadol is that the bioavailability of Tramadol goes up after each subsequent dose. If you take all the trams at once it's really just a waste. Believe me, I've tried. Spacing them out however produces a great high, not to mention it lasts a really long time.

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I see this thread is old but Neurontin doesn't buzz me, but seems to be the best for containing irritation. If I take one the night before, I am so much more charming with my kids into the next morning til lunch
Tried popping 1500mg tonight and will mix it with some metaxalone before bed so we'll see how that goes. Wish I had some trams/hydros but ripped through my script too fast. Ugh...
I think neurontin is quite recreational, but then again, I'm on suboxone too, so that probably plays a role in the effect. Neurontin is a strange drug as it stimulates and sedates your, according to time and mood it seems. In many ways, the way I experience gabapentin at a low-thereapeutic dosage 300-600 mg, it has an almost more opioid affect than benzo effect. When taking huge dosages, I find myself all wobly like I took a lot of xanax.

can you counter act the bioavailability by I.V ROA? This is theoretical, so no flames, I'm just curious, because wouldn't I.V provide close to 100% BA? I know gabapentin is almost 100% water soluble.
Reporting back...1500mg of Gaba last night gave me a mild mood lift about 2 hours in. Nothing crazy but I remember feeling fairly happy and chatty. I will say though that it made me quite wobbly (much like you said Znegative) unfortunately...which was not pleasant. Popped the metaxalone before i got into bed but literally 15 minutes later I don't remember anything. I woke up this morning with cell phone in hand, a headache, and a bad sore throat from probably sleeping with my mouth wide open drooling all over the place.

So yeah, moral of the story is I need some fucking opiates.
yeah, I would honestly suggest, if you don't already have a high tolerance to gabaergics, to start off on lower dosages like I said above. You get a mild euphoria, which in my opinion feels more like a weak opioid (such as hydrocodone), but then again, I take suboxone so that's likely why it affects me that way.

Taking super high dosages is really unpleasant in my oppinion. I took about 1.5 grams and went to school, and my motor skills were completely fucked up, I was bumping into people, my vision was kind of screwy (almost like I was tripping) and I also would nod out hardcore every time I sat down for more than two minutes, like when you've done way too much H.
Mixing gabapentin with tramadol makes for a very nice buzz. What I do is take 900 - 1200mg of Gabapentin with a single 50mg tram, and then subsequently take another tram every half hour until I reach 200 or 250mg (depending on how much I've taken that week). Then I chill until I reach 4 hours after my initial dose, then I'll take another tram & 300 mg of the Gaba...wait a half an hour...then take another tram.

Seems to really potentiate the tramadol, not to mention I become a fucking chatterbox with amazing euphoria.

Gabapentin alone doesn't seem to really do too much for me except make me feel kinda weird. But then again I've never taken a single dose above 1200mg.

Btw...I forgot to mention, the reason for spacing out each dose of tramadol is that the bioavailability of Tramadol goes up after each subsequent dose. If you take all the trams at once it's really just a waste. Believe me, I've tried. Spacing them out however produces a great high, not to mention it lasts a really long time.

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That's what I'm talking about. Tramadol + Gabapentin is one of the most euphoric combos I've ever done, plus weed of course...and I've done pretty much everything (not dicksizing, just stating). Of course, I would take about 1 gram of tram with 7-9 grams of gabapentin, but still...fuck MDMA, I'd rather do this combo anyday. Bonus: no suicidal comedowns!
I forgot to mention, the reason for spacing out each dose of tramadol is that the bioavailability of Tramadol goes up after each subsequent dose. If you take all the trams at once it's really just a waste.

Gapapentin, like Phenibut and Baclofen are GABA analogues. Benzo's and Barbiturates increase the rate that GABA passes through the synapse. Wouldn't benzo's also increase the rate that GABA analogues pass through the synapse?
So far I've found that benzo's increase the potency of Phenibut.

Just to note: Phenibut is a miracle cure for me for many issues: stress, anxiety, nerve pain, social issues. Right now I had to up my daily dose of 800mg to 100mg to get the same effect. I'm afraid of WD's I know they will be horrible. When I tried to quit cold turkey I went through hell. I'll have to taper down. Any advice?
Villian - Tramadol bioavailability: 68–72%(Increases with repeat dosing.) Protein binding ... in 12—20 hours after the last dose, but this can vary. Common information that can be googled if you want to check for yourself.

TheTwighlight - dude, 1 gram of trams is way way way too much bro. You should really keep it under 400mg. I take trams all the time (almost everyday) and even when i inch up to 400mg taken in a 6 hour window i start getting the twitches and brain zaps. Just be safe brother. If you space out your tram dosing like I said before you won't need to take a gram. Try it one night, you'll be surprised at how effective it is.
I don't do drugs anymore. So it's all good. And I knew the limits when I was doing them, I just didn't give a fuck and was HEAVILIY addicted to tramadol.
Yeah, dude. I went all out and even moved to the recovery mecca of the U.S. If I go out and do drugs again I'm gonna die, for sure.
I was on 1800mgs per day for about 2 months for what reason I cant remember but decided to get off. Didn't have any w/ds. I like Neurontin when I'm trying to stay off opiates. It feels real smooth, not jittery like lyrica and tramadol. Great for opiate w/ds, makes music groovy and gives me a nice dopey feeling. Most important thing is to stagger the dose and eat something each time you dose. Neurontin just feels safe. You're not going to want to take too much and the after effects are minimal.
Johnnys make me sleeeeeeep. Even just 600mg. Weird that it affects me more than any other drug.

when i first started taking it even 300mg would knock me out. it took a while for me to be able to stay awake on it at all. of course the feeling of being retarded is something you never get used to.