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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

Neurontin is great and you guys catch a buzz from it??? Really? Do you get high off Depakote and Lithium too>>> I never did. So...there is a street value for this shit??

Gabapentin is sometimes used as a mood stabilizer but it is not approved for this use. It is approved only as a anti-convulsant though it seems to be used more for nerve pain then anything else these days. Personally i found it to be less then useless as a mood stabilizer since it didnt help my mania at all, didnt help the mixed states and when i increase the dose it actually seems to increase my depression abit for awile. I take it for neuropathic pain and it works great for this purpose. It is also a very good opiate potentiator and i always take it with the morphine im prescribed as well.

It is not related to either lithium or depakote. It is closely related to lyrica which is a controlled substance in the US and it has much the same effects that lyrica does. But i find that lyrica works better then gabapentin for neuropathic pain and is a better drug overall. Also lyrica capsules are rather small compared to the fucking horse pills that gabapentin comes in. The 600mg gabapentin pills are like calcium pills for fuck sakes.

As for street value noone would buy them on the street and you arent supposed to discuss street prices on here anyway.
im perscribed gaba 3x at bed usually i take 1200mg 4 300mg in a period of 25 minutes each with sometghing small like a slim jim combined with my suboxone the buzz i get from these is fucking wonderful i havent used since i got on suboxone and when i feel like getting a good buzz ill just take a few more gabas a nd smoke my jwh and nod off
Gabapentin is not only recreational IMO, it is also addictive. I have been on it for coming on 7 years, and the withdrawls from it are pretty fucking bad: no sleep, anxiety, shaking/tremors, insomnia, HORRIBLE FUCKING RLS...the list goes on to where you wanna take the shit just to get rid of the w/d effects! I love the stuff as a DOC and as a medication. I agree that Pregabalin is better, but they are those types of drugs that are very similar, yet also different in several key ways. I love it. I just took like 6,000mg about an hour ago, and I'm feeling great.
Not dicksizing, but it's very safe. I once took about 19g at once and was fine, just rolling balls and totally fucked up. I've never been worried like "oh shit I took too much", you know?
Good stuff. Good thread.

Oh yeah, drinking an energy drink or a soda after about 30 mins -1 hour DEFINITELY increases the effects as it hits you. I found that out way before I ever came on here and started talking to people about it.
this post is a quasi-trip report on gabapentin's effectiveness at pain relief of migraines and/or a typical headache. i haven't read all of this thread, and i'm sure there are several posts similar to mine, but i think the kind of contribution i'm giving is essentially achieving the objective of this thread--as in, describing the benefits of this particular medicine.

several months ago i was prescribed neurontin as a migraine preventative, but it didn't work. i still have some left over though, and i thought it could provide relief from this bad migraine i'm dealing with right now. i heard neurontin had "recreational" effects, and right now any euphoria, analgesia, or bliss sounds a whole lot better than this migraine.

i took a 1600mg, and i feel some effects. oh, i'm also coming down from a small dose of adderall i took earlier today. i feel like any fatigue, sleepiness, and apathy are enhanced--though not necessarily in a positive sense--by the gabapentin. the "high" is a bit comparable to a slight stimulant buzz that is overpowered by a sizable dose of diphenhydramine (without the delirium). my eyes are very dilated, more so than when i'm on 30-45mg of IR adderall. i'm inspired to go and do something, like clean my room or wash dishes, but i'm so down right now that i can't muster any energy to do anything at all. i feel somewhat lightheaded. my speech is slow and sounds "drugged out", like i just woke up after a coke & booze binge to a real mean hangover; i have to actively try to speak with normal speed and intonation.

about 30 minutes after my initial dose i took another 1600mg: the last of my neurontin stash.

time feels slowed down. it feels like i've been on this trip for at least three hours but it's been less than half that. i'm watching the eagles/vikings game and i can't believe how long it's been. it's not even halftime and i feel like i could have read a novel or two by now.

i also seem more aware of my senses and feelings, kinda like what happens with marijuana. for example, i have a lidocaine patch on my forehead, and i notice the numbness now much more than i do sober. the lidocaine also seems more powerful of a feeling than it usually is. in this case the gabapentin has been slightly useful at analgesia. i could probably pass out right now just from the synergy of these two drugs. it's interesting that i can feel this way from combining two relatively innocent medications. (side note: it took about 30 seconds to think of the word "lidocaine". surely the drug has also negatively affected my cognition)

i really want to go get a small dose (<10mg) of hydrocodone, but i don't have much left and someone said the neurontin overpowered morphine, of all drugs. still, the neurontin hasn't been particularly effective at relieving pain, at least not as much as i wanted it to be.

i don't particularly enjoy these feelings from gabapentin, and i don't see why people take it recreationally. however, i don't think the pain from my migraine is like muscle or nerve pain, so neurontin shouldn't really have any analgesic effects in this case. despite that, i welcome the feelings of the high as a distraction from the pain.
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3 days ago:
1 gabapentin (600mg) with 60mg of methadone (not mmt, just recreation), after taking methadone for several days. No potentation or noticeable effect.
about 3 grams of gabapentin over several (4?) hours. Felt the euphoric effect, nothing comparable between anything, plus an opioid feeling for a bit (a bit different than described below, but I'm guessing this is from yesterdays methadone still in my system even though I'm out, could possibly be potenation of the smaller amount left circulating)
gabapentin taken (about 4 grams?) over 2 hours with 2mg of alprazolam at 1 1/2 hours, definitely not potentation of the small amount of methadone left in my system, also a euphoric feeling not attributable to methadone or anything. Don't feel the alprazolam too much maybe more relaxed, but that's the one drug it seems I need at least 3+ to 'feel it'. Small bud of some real awesome bud smoked at 3 1/2 hours. Can't tell any poteniation of the cannabis, or even tell I'm high.
The feeling is comparable to cannabis, opiates, stimulants, and benzodiazapines, but only certain effects. No amnesia like the benzos, no strong stimulation like methamphetamine, no opioid glorious feeling, just different. It definitely is it's own type of drug unlike anything else, no sedation as others described. I've never tried lyrica. I have a giant bottle full of at least 170 of these 600mg gabapentin. I'm gonna take a low dose for a few days, and then nothing for a bit and try again, or should I just test whether this "two day love of it" really only applies to some?
Next tonight
1200 mg taken, 600 more hour later. No same feeling as yesterday, lessened anxiety maybe, nothing more.
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I've been taking Neurontin for about a year and a half. I've got herniated discs and such in my lumbar spine and sciatica down my right leg. My right leg is always a mess regardless of Neurontin. There's always some sort of annoying pain, which can increase sometimes for no apparent reason. Without the Neurontin, I have shooting pain in my leg; with the Neurontin, this is almost always controlled. I really don't know, though. It doesn't seem to help enough, and I'm honestly thinking of asking my pain management doctor if there's something out there better. Nerve pain is awful because it doesn't respond to pain medication. Not Lidocaine, not Oxycodone, not Hydrocodone, not Dilaudid. Meh.
Gabapentin made me gain weight. I stopped for this reason and am finally getting back in shape. I will avoid this drug because of that side effect.

neurontin did not make you gain weight...YOU made yourself gain weight...Gabapentin isn't responsible for this side effect...

I've been on 3,200mgs of gabapentin daily for 2 years...It works great as a mood stabalizer with no side effects....IN the first month of treatment i got a rather pleasant buzz from it...far from recreational imo
I've been taking Neurontin for about a year and a half. I've got herniated discs and such in my lumbar spine and sciatica down my right leg. My right leg is always a mess regardless of Neurontin. There's always some sort of annoying pain, which can increase sometimes for no apparent reason. Without the Neurontin, I have shooting pain in my leg; with the Neurontin, this is almost always controlled. I really don't know, though. It doesn't seem to help enough, and I'm honestly thinking of asking my pain management doctor if there's something out there better. Nerve pain is awful because it doesn't respond to pain medication. Not Lidocaine, not Oxycodone, not Hydrocodone, not Dilaudid. Meh.

There is something stronger, maybe better for neuropathic pain, it's called lyrica, as mentioned in this thread, it's Neurontin's bigger, stronger, scheduled brother, your pain management doctor should have no problem trying this if your pain is uncontrolled.

None of the pain killers you mentioned are much good at that type of pain. They're good as hell for most other pain. Hell, I've had a intolerable headache on recreational 60+ mg of oxycodone (roxi, no apap or other stuff) until I took an NSAID. Not all that stuff is meant for all things medically (for the last three I'd be happy with non medically any day).
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There is something stronger, maybe better for neuropathic pain, it's called lyrica, as mentioned in this thread, it's Neurontin's bigger, stronger, scheduled brother, your pain management doctor should have no problem trying this if your pain is uncontrolled.

None of the pain killers you mentioned are much good at that type of pain. They're good as hell for most other pain. Hell, I've had a intolerable headache on recreational 60+ mg of oxycodone (roxi, no apap or other stuff) until I took an NSAID. Not all that stuff is meant for all things medically (for the last three I'd be happy with non medically any day).

I've known about Lyrica for a while now and I'd really love to try it. I've been, uh, seeing surgeons without actually telling my pain management doctor, so I've kind of been avoiding her. I think I'll try asking my current neurosurgeon about it in my next appointment.

Btw, lol, your username is awesome.
Gabapentin made me gain weight. I stopped for this reason and am finally getting back in shape. I will avoid this drug because of that side effect.

i agree. i ate much healthier when i was on gabapentin do to lack of anxiety and i still gained a bunch of weight for no reason. it also made me very tired all of the time. i believe it slowed down my metabolism so i wasn't able to use as many calories as normal.
Have you actually taken it by itself? If not how would you know? No one is going to be complaining about anything mixing a dose/dependent (of that person) amount of oxycodone and hydrocodone.
I have been finding that 1.2g to 1.8g gabapentin every third day -- two off in between -- goes extremely well with my 1mg buprenorphine dose, and marijuana. My dosing schedule is light and consistent. I take 200mg every 45min - 2hr while awake.

It makes me hypomanic almost like a great feeling OC dose or a better stimulant without the body discomfort, nay, with the body comfort of a depressant.

I think it potentiates opioids as my pupils get extremely pinpoint when I take it on buprenorphine.
you can overdose on these pills and also have withdrawals. They are both painful. If you overdose then you get extreme stomach cramps and you have the runs plus you vomit at the same time, it only last for a little bit but it is extremely painful. the withdrawals are worse then opiate withdrawal.
i know, i know, it takes all kinds - but i seriously can't believe people take this shit recreationally. i would rather huff freon.
I have mixed feelings about taking it in recreational dosages. Similar to alcohol imo, and I lose track of time on it. Definately feels more like morontin. I can see how some would like it though.
No lie, I've been on Neurontin for 7 years, and the withdrawals are fucking horrible, about as bad as benzo/opiate withdrawal, but it's different, very hard to put a finger on. It makes me so depressed and I have so much pain in my muscles, that I can barely do anything. No motivation.
I take Neurontin because it is one of the greatest drugs ever made, I take it for fibromyalgia, anxiety, and bipolar mood stabilization. It works amazingly. I still need to get back on Lyrica, though, because that shit is a miracle, just like Neurontin but different. Sorry, ya'll, I'm on like 7.2 grams of Neurontin right now and I feel like a billion dollars.