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Funniest E hallucinations

never tripped b4 til saturday nite just gone, i saw my mates ear blow off (it was my first hallucination of the nite and wasnt expecting a trip so got well scared) then i saw a massive swarm of flying animals turn into a butler with a silver tray on my driveway who wondered off. I also saw a weird orange pattern on the toilet seat with letters in it, I fell over from an unusual looking vehicle thing coming toward me, and i pulled out my bag of pills to find i had about 70 and they were all different colours, when i actually had 3 left :-(. I also tried to steal a folder off a cartoon dog, which scared my girlfriend who doesnt do E :-S. oh well, all in all a fun nite
theres a long thread on this already thats got lots of funny stuff in it.
at lower doses of MDA, i see a glasses and earings and celtic designs everywhere, designs like that areusually on people's skin. i once saw a street map on my boyfriend's face.

at higher doses, ive been swarmed by huge, imaginary moth-mosquitoes, seen a fountain turn into a fluro purple and orange lava lamp competing in a breakdancing competition, then the fountain became that pennywise dude from Monopoly, complete with moustache, fob watch hanging from his pocket, a briefcase and spectacles. he was walking to work.i saw the prow of a ship coming out of a wall and a feild of flowers in the bathroom.
they're my most memorable.

seeing my boyfriend wearing silver dangly earrings was pretty funny tho! lol
ive kinda gotten over it though coz ive been getting it heaps recently. im just finding it more annoying than anything else. I want MDMA, but the pills going round are mostly MDA. It seems to affect me more, coz while im seeing all sorts of things (either just glasses or more dramatic things like breakdancing lavalamps) my friends are often not seeing anything at all. And it makes you feel so much worse the next day...

and last time i saw my boyfriends skin bubbling and flaking off for hours which was really unpleasant and stopped me enjoying myself as much
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Ive never seen anything out of the norm, but I did take a pill *pink double music note* that made me feel like I was rolling and tripping. My friend Brandon however, well, he saw a fuzzy cockroach and then had a five minute long conversation with me...in his head, he busted out of nowhere "Its not like they speak english anyways" at the conclusion of his conversation while I was laying down on the bed, this of course made my ass sit bolt upright and look at him like he had lost his damn mind and then he had to explain, I dont think Ive laughed so hard as I did then until his tweeker roommate stole the tinfoil off the windows, heh
Man I could post so many. I am usually the guy who blows people up and likes to play mind games so I usually get people seeing some weird shit. Although I have done it to myself at times from playing with their heads. I never need help blowing up and everyone is usually envious because I always ge myself rolling so hard. I remember one night I friend kept saying don't worry about him (me) to everyone he can get himself going hard, he could just stare at a tree and blow up. 30 min late I was staring at a tree and yes I was blowing up (damn him for saying that) next thing I know the tree somehow got up and walked over to me and sat down with me and we just started chatting about why he doesn't like to sit by himself and how he misses people climbing him, how he was scared of someone cutting him down. Went on for like a hour. Of course someone finally got my attention and quite a few people were rolling on the ground laughing when I cam back to reality. I was sitting next to the tree although I don't remember walking up to it myself.8)

Hahaha, that sounds like the first time that I actually rolled (never had good shit before I guess)... I dropped one Cupid and was seeing rainbow chains tie me to the floor, each time that they would, I would "blow up" and go into this extreme fit of euphoria..

I had a conversation with a bush... three times in one night... Never had I ever experienced a drug as intense as those Cupids (MDA)... and still, two months later, I haven't.

Keep up the good hallucinations guys, I love reading this thread! :)
i had consumed a copias amount of drugs this night, and it was a bit half way thru the nite i was sitting down at a party listning to al the drunk cunts then i was at work (the trip :) ) sitting down at morning tea i could see everything that was at work because i was pritty much there i think this lasted for a few minits becuase a mate said he saw me looking strange and dumb well yeh i was at work and looking around then i turned my head around and i was at the party i told my mate and we both thought it was pritty coool thing :)
i see shit all the time but this is the most thing i seen that felt real :).
Me and my friends always tell stories about our trips on MDA...

1) every ten seconds we end up driving under a bridge.
2)Every car in front of us has a giant crawling out of the taillight/
3)The ceiling has butterscotch drippin from them.
4) prolly the funniest one was a month ago. a roommate of mine was sitting on the floor next to a dresser that he had his cigarrettes in. Well throughout the next couple of hours he would open the drawer up and grab a cigarette and smoke it. Finally he decided to get up and move around and he tried to put his hand on the dresser to help himself. His hand went right through the dresser and to the floor. Turns out the dresser wasnt really there and all those cigarettes he was enjoying throughout the night werent really there ... pretty trippy lol.
white butterflies

i remember there was a period of time a few years ago when our market was FLOODED with butterflies and the trippiest ones were the white butterflies... they were super strong and super trippy... i was attending this circuit party in montreal and was overcome by the rushes and was chilling with my gf at the time... i was sitting on the floor cross-legged in what i thought was a dark tent, staring at my hands... the hair on top on my fingers vaporized into red particles and became THE MOST BEAUTIFUL sandstorms...

In reference to the tribal tatoos, during this trippy white butterfly era, EVERY single person i saw at all the parties all started off looking like they had a cartoonish cat face painted on their faces, a la Ralph in some Simpsons episode, then the 'face paint' would keep squiggling and squiggling till everyone looked like Maori tribesmen...

I could go on forever !
I'll always start to worry that I'm at work when I'm coming down...last week I told my husband to hush, I was checking this guy's paperwork. Of course, I'm in bed and nowhere near my job.
we ended up sleeping in the shed of a burnt out old mental home once (true story!) and we all kept seeing ghosts everywhere. When i woke up i was still hallucinating and i saw one with its arms around my mates neck
I saw a perforated pony and kept trying to pinch it. When a friend asked me what the hell I was doing, I told her I was trying to catch a pony.

"Was it like, a My Little Pony?" :) No, I told her, not at all...
Araluen said:
"how bout aural hallucinations?"

Yeah i've had some pretty damn crazy aural hallucinations: heard my name being screamed everywhere i go, drove me nuts... ill walk somewhere and hear music and follow it only to find theres nothing there, ill hear my boyfriends voice and ill walk up to someone and its his voice but only have them turn around and its someone completely different....


Yeah.. last night I heard the washing machine playing hard trance...um.. it wasn't.
I get these all the time. Some are the same ones over and over again, some are different and wierd.

When my wife and I start peaking I ALWAYS see a pair of gold rimmed glasses on her. Thing is... she does'nt wear glasses.

Most of the time when we are coming down and feeling fried I can see right through her eyes. Well, not exactly that... she has NO eyes and I can see a big dark hole where her eyes was. Like a zombie or something. Very cool and makes for fun kissing. ;-)

One time we was coming down and laying on our bed kissing and trying to talk and she got old. REALLY OLD. Like 200 years old. Big giant wrinkles and such. I thought it was cool so I rubbed her tit and it fell to the ground as the wrinkle str8ined out. Her skin felt like a mixture of brillo pads and cow leather. That was VERY cool.

Many times me and her both hear a DONKEY. Yup, a donkey but there is none around here.

A pack of wolves or coyotes came to a fence not 100 ft away from us and started growling and hitting the fence.

I had a bon-fire going one night and saw something walk out of the woods.. it was about 3 ft tall. Wierd. I watched as it made its way from the shadows into the light and then on to standing by my fire. It was a small green goblin wearing camoflauge.

Another night cars kept going down our road so we got nervous. Everytime I would hear something I would watch as best I could. After hearing one noise over and over I saw the source. A 11ft man with farmers clothes on walked from the side of our yard to the center holding a axe. I think he was Paul Bunyon or something... not sure... but he was BIG.

The same night I saw Paul Bunyon I also saw a very very very skinny looking cartoon red-neck dude or something. He was spying on us from the corner of the house. That was cool.

Another night a oak tree danced for me. The moon was bright and the fires light flickered on it. Very awesome.

Another night ALL of the leaves on the ground raised about 1 ft off the ground as we walked through them.

That same night I had a permanent set of hedges no matter where I walked. They were on both sides of me. It was cool, I could take a left and poof.. the hedges took a left. Looking behind me I made a very large very twisted row of hedges. You would have to have seen it to understand.

Ok, enough rambling. :)
MagickalKat777 said:

Hahaha, that sounds like the first time that I actually rolled (never had good shit before I guess)... I dropped one Cupid and was seeing rainbow chains tie me to the floor, each time that they would, I would "blow up" and go into this extreme fit of euphoria..

I had a conversation with a bush... three times in one night... Never had I ever experienced a drug as intense as those Cupids (MDA)... and still, two months later, I haven't.

Keep up the good hallucinations guys, I love reading this thread! :)

Thank god I am not he only who talks to plant life.;)
Posted one, time for another.

There was this one time I had gone home and my ex was pregnant so she would just go along and keep me company since she couldn't roll (loved her for that) Anyway me and her were laying on my bed when I thought we were driving somewhere, me as the driver I thought she said she really had to pee so I told her I would pull over at the next exit. She then said "what?" I looked at her and coulda sworn I drove off the road, only to find myself laying in my bed next to her. Boy did she have a look of horror on her face. I was apparently moving my hands and legs like I was driving my car.

On E once I was talking to my shoe for 2 hours thinking I was on the phone with my mom! I called her that morning appoligizing for calling her at 3am and she had no idea what I was talking about!
ok my frist time rolling i ate one pill and snorted 2 and i did not get any hallucinations besides obviously patterns and shit. and every time after my first time i have taken a lot and i have never once saw anything, one of my friends once took like 10 pink hearts and saw a grandma sitting in the passanger seat of his car and then when he was driving he stopped in the middle of the road and said that he had to wait for the ducks to finish crossing the road, it was the funniest thing ever! the rest of us sat there and geeked out at him cause he was freaking out about some crazy shit!
RaVeRcHiCk4986 said:
one of my friends once took like 10 pink hearts and saw a grandma sitting in the passanger seat of his car and then when he was driving he stopped in the middle of the road and said that he had to wait for the ducks to finish crossing the road, it was the funniest thing ever!

If your friend is eating 10 pills at a time, you should have a serious talk with him or her. Not only is that dangerous, it's a pointless waste of pills.
I've only ever had mild open eye hallucinations, probably from pills that had more MDA than MDMA in them (or from drugs + sleep deprivation) - the usual random stuff, where you can't tell if it's your mind playing tricks or the drugs. You know, those random yellow/green/blue flashes of light, daydreaming with your surroundings...The only memorable one was seeing a white rabbit sitting in my driveway (although that might've been real, I saw the rabbit coming home one night on DXM as well - I think my neighbour owns one.) Either way it scared the fuck out of me at first. Couldn't get close enough to pat it