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Funniest E hallucinations

I remember this one time i was really young, before i even conceptualized drugs, i stayed home sick from school and i was home alone, i kept hearing the verse from that song "i wanna push you around, well i will, well i will" OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, i finally lost it and started going around the house with a knife in my hand, unplugging EVERYTHING!!! I was unplugging lamps! I was so scared, i dont even know what i was thinking. My next door neighbor came over to give me my homework from school and she said i was shaking and my lips were blue!!! I must have started halucinating from being sick!!! ( =
There was this time i had taken a blue dolphin... had some major mescaline or something in it but i was doing it with my bf and his friend at his friend's house. His friend is really short and has a baby face, and when i started peaking he turned into a micky mouse punching bopper (those things you punch and they pop right back up with the sand in the bottom). I was getting realllly strong tracers and I looked up at my hand and waved it across the ceiling and said "IM ROLLL-LLL-LLL-LLL-ING"
When I trip on pills it's never a full blown psychadelic experience just a few open eye visuals at the most. Usually on the tail end of an E binge, well after all the happy effects have worn off. I think being tired adds something to it aswell and the fact that my eyes are usually wiggling around in their sockets and I can't really focus well enough too see what's really going on anyway. Sometimes I can willingly make thing's happen, for example make patterns morph etc. I'm always in control of what's going on to some level of degree.
While camping out with some friends, the two stoners in the tent sleeping. Me and another guy mashed in the car listening to music, he leaves to walk down by the water. I sort of zone out, but when I pay attention I look over by a tent and see a bird tearing up my friends backpack, and pecking it at. So I flash the lights on the bird, on and off quick. It keeps pecking and two more birds come down, so I beep the horn and flash the lights again.

My friend comes back to the car and is confused as hell, I told him I was trying to scare away the birds, he said there was none.
SpinSpinSugar said:
There was this time i had taken a blue dolphin... had some major mescaline or something in it

There is no mescaline in pills. If there was, it would be a waste. Mescaline isn't all that active at the doses that could fit in a pill.
The blue dolphins from a year or two ago were widely reported and tested as being MDA, which explains the visual.

My best hallucination was that all 3 of the women in the room were wearing corsets. This was weird because they were actually all naked.
I was giving some girl a light show and she looked at me funny. I stopped after a few minutes and asked her what happened and she looked at me with a straight face and said, where did u get that parrot. Apparrently I did something and made her see a parrot on my shoulder and an eye patch on my eye.

I myself was laying down with my girlfriend and was jsut staring at her. Her face morphed into someone else and cheesed at me lol. I jumped back like, whoa... I still cant figure out who the hell the face looked like lol.
"how bout aural hallucinations?"

Yeah i've had some pretty damn crazy aural hallucinations: heard my name being screamed everywhere i go, drove me nuts... ill walk somewhere and hear music and follow it only to find theres nothing there, ill hear my boyfriends voice and ill walk up to someone and its his voice but only have them turn around and its someone completely different....

I would also say that you are going to hallucinate much more if you have taken Mda and have much better visuals as well. I have had some pills that were pure mda and I felt like I ate some mushrooms. I was sitting in my cousins car while we were parallel parked on the side of the road leaving a rave. He was defrosting the windows, I saw another car pass us going about 30 mph and I started to freak out and told my cousin to speed up because I thought we were on the highway and only going about 20 mph. He said what the hell are you talking about. Then when we were really on the highway him and his girlfriend were in the front seats and I was in the back when I started to kind of drift off into the music I could have sworn they both stood on their seats and turned around towards me and started dancing. I then proceeded to yell at them to quit fucking around or we would wreck and again my cousin told me that they were just sitting there. I really love Mda. I also always think that people are wearing coke bottle glasses when on larger amounts of mdma or mda.
There's a few I get persistantly like seeing cats everywhere as I walk home, people sitting in cars when there's no-one there or objects and people where they shouldn't like in the rafters of the club.

I saw a yacht in a car park once, I checked twice to see if it was there, convienced myself it was, turned to my friend to show him and it was gone :D

The weirdest was this time my friend and I were sitting on a cliff after god knows how many pills (great idea I know) and both of us saw a HUGE battleship in the bay, Bismarck stylee. I said "Do you see..." and he goes "... the battleship?".
MagickalKat777 said:
There is no mescaline in pills. If there was, it would be a waste. Mescaline isn't all that active at the doses that could fit in a pill.

if its not mescaline (thats what my friends told me it was), what could it be??? I know you cant put acid in pills...
I def saw a mouse burrowing in my basket in my room when i was on the phone. I tried to ignore it for like 10 minutes, then finally i gave up and started hiding from it and shit.

I also randomly was looking out the car window and saw a 5-7 year old boy with red shorts on and a white t-shirt just chilling on a fence - neither of which existed.
SpinSpinSugar said:
if its not mescaline (thats what my friends told me it was), what could it be??? I know you cant put acid in pills...

Its called MDA.... relative of MDMA (ecstacy) but you also get mad hallucinations.
white unicorns summer '03 (mad mda pills)

I was sitting outside at night whit some friends. This girl threw a very colorful flower at me and in mid flight it turned into a butterfly. I was geeking out hardcore as it landed on me. I picked it up with great excitement only to realize that it wasn't a butterfly or a flower but rather a tassle doll (think of a multicolored cousin It from the adam's family). Everyone watched me play with this flower making all sorts of claims that it indeed wasn't a flower. Only until someone opened it for me was I able to realize what it was. flowers......=D
I think being tired adds something to it aswell and the fact that my eyes are usually wiggling around in their sockets and I can't really focus well enough too see what's really going on anyway.

Yer wobbly eye, what a mad side effect that is! There's nothing funnier then when someone asks u for a light and they're putting the cig a good 6 inches away from ur lighter. Then moving away from it when u try to move it closer :D

It's even stranger though when ur convinced your hallcinating but ur not. At a party I was watching this crazy rainbow like dragon fly thing for what seemed like ages buzzing around and landing on me and shit. Then a friend just twatted it, cos he's scared of flying bugs. I was totally convinced that we were having the same trip for like 10 minutes. Before someone else helpfully pointed out that everyone had seen this thing flying around me. :)
I spent a nice hour talking to my mate in the patio of this club, another friend came and sat down next to me and asked me why i was chatting to a large potted plant.

A mate of mine once freeked out cos every person her sore in this club. had just one eye in the middle of their forehead.
I remember I saw my mates head morph and shrink into a smaller youger version of himself. That same night I kept thinking people were running around in the street that weren't there. That's about as extreme as it's been for me but my mate's been chased by the Terminator, saw people flying aroud on skateboards and thought everyone was wearing the same hat.
SpinSpinSugar said:
if its not mescaline (thats what my friends told me it was), what could it be??? I know you cant put acid in pills...
You can get tablet forms of LSD, they are called microdots, so it is possible, but just not in Ecstasy pills since LSD is more valuable as LSD than being sold as MDMA.
Mescaline doses are in the 300~500mg range. Since tablets are about 300mg including binders you'd need one big pill to get the mescaline and binders together. Mescaline only comes in the natural cacti form really, synths are long and complex and noone does them for mescaline so there isn't any mescaline powder about for people to press. Mescaline lasts ages compared to MDMA too, like 2~3 times longer!

Numerous research chemicals are sold as E, LSD or Mescaline pills now because to someone who doesn't know they might pass as whatever the dealer says they are. Loads of people confuse a strong MDA dose with LSD too, but then thats because they've never done LSD usually.
^yea ppl keep sayin that mescaline is in pills and its just not possible.
i usually dont have visualizations until my come down, and when i come down, i get really paronoid and hear voices,,,,,,my first experience of this was a few months ago when i dropped 8 pills at a party, everything was smooth untill i got home and was smoking a spliff in the front of my house. I felt that ppl were spying on me, so i started to walk away, to see if they would follow. I ended up running, from what i thought were undercover police officers, at the time. I ran 40 minutes to the nearest open "store" which was a gas station, i locked myself in the bathroom for about an hour then shortly after the REAL cops came, i stayed locked in the bathroom for another 4-5 hours beacuse i was still fucked out of my mind, in the end i was arrested for tresspassing and had the worst come down of my life in a holding cell at the police station