FRESHIE 2/22/03 Springfield, MA, v. 2

If ya'll are going out to a bar the night before, I'd like to pop in and meet some of you if that would be ok. Me and My girl are going to get a hotel room at the Marriott the night of the party. I'm ridiculously excited for this party, I've been waiting for something like this to show up at the Asylum. Much respect to Columns for getting a sick lineup.
mebbe you'll get your butt kicked, maybe i'll just lure you into bed with the fetish gear, tie you up and then leave you there to surf bluelight for an hour or two *grins* you never know what a girl might do! katie, i come from a really extensive catholic irish/italian family, i'm sure i could find a "friend" of the family who owes someone a favor to toss jen in a trunk. lemme know :)
Bah! I'll do it myself and a mild sedative for the bumpy ride, whats her address?
i'm totally game for goin to the bar the night of, i've gotta work friday though, double shift unfortunately. i go to work 11 friday morning and leave 3 on saturday morning, oh yeah
but seriously huge caravan stylee hittin up the asylum, that would be fun as hell
Originally posted by Ms.ReD:
Bah! I'll do it myself and a mild sedative for the bumpy ride, whats her address?

this "not going" thing gets better and better every day! :D
^^ Okay, now its just getting bratty. :p
I think we've made our point clear! You're coming!
Oh and while y'all go to the bar, my 20y.o. ass will go chill with Lauren. Have fun.
I like Web's idea on the guestbook about us all going out to dinner together in Springfield before hittin up the Asylum. It would be fun, and a nice way to start the evening. That, and I won't be complaining about how hungry I am at the party. :D
Peace ~Katie
Wow Kick ass line up!!!If im out on the east coast in time i think i would liketo go to this. But thats like hella far from jersey. =( If anyone could help me out let me Know. I never been to asylum. is it any good?
I'm down for a party, trip to the bar the NIGHT before if anyone else is. I am also 20 but should be able to borrow a friends ID for this.
A dinner sounds good too, somewhere simple like Friendlys or something. Let's try to get an RSVP for people willing to go out to eat first. We can go eat around 8ish.
Post here if interested.
Perhaps, dependant upon when I can get my shit together and get into town.
friendly's, they don't serve beer there, perhaps a trendy chain restaurant like say, ruby tuesdays, chile's or the like
gettin royally smashed b4 the party sounds like a grand idea
however, we've got a better place to talk about this...ya know what i mean
Ruby Tuesdays on the weekends...
Buy one Long Island Iced Tea, get one free.
Goes for all hard liquor drinks I think!!
^^ So we're NOT going to Ruby Tuesdays.
The last thing Lauren, Elle and I want to do is carry the other god-knows-how-many of you into the Asylum. What with us being 19-20 and all. And therefore sober.
Peace ~Katie
Assume The Position was my first time going to a party at the Asylum. I had the time of my life and I can't wait till I see all u party people at Freshie.
*i'll be with katie, sipping red bull and enjoying dancing, away from any sloppy drunks*
EAt wherever you want then...i plan on getting quite drunk before this party. It's the only way I can handle hanging around ravers all night.
oopsz: some of us don't drink to get drunk. i admit, there was some substance use this past weekend, but for the most part, my sig is truth.
Originally posted by j22:
EAt wherever you want then...i plan on getting quite drunk before this party. It's the only way I can handle hanging around ravers all night.
Amen, homeh.