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For every 1 million people who use ecstasy, only 7 people will die

Edvard Munch

Dec 8, 2001
I'm not a big fan of ecstacy, but one thing did catch my eye on http://thegooddrugsguide.com about ecstacy.
For every 1 million people who use the drug, only 7 people will die. It go's on to state that more people die from peanut allergies or fishing accidents each year.
I don't know, I just bring this up because I need to point out the ignorance of 'Partnership for a Drug Free America' putting a head line stating from some poor mother: "My daughter died from ecstacy. How can a drug sounding so sweet be so evil?" Honey roasted peanuts must be the Devil then. Ugh. People can be very ignorant. It pisses me off.
Anyhoot, thanks for reading and stay safe.
[ 08 November 2002: Message edited by: stardragon ]
Ecstasy is illegal!!!!!!!
And now, smoking is the next target to become at least a-social (and maybe illegal) here in Europe ....
What a hypocrit world!!!!!!!!
Ask around: ALKOHOL is the drug, causing most problems, deaths, sickness, killed people in road accidents etc. etc......
But.... with taxes on alkohol, the government makes a lot of money. So alkohol will NOT become illegal!
Strange world, isn't it????
And the figure "7 per million people, who died of E", would even be lower, if you could buy your E-pills in a pharmacy. Then, people would exactly know, what they take and what the amount of mdma would be in a pil.
The danger is on the street, where people buy some unknown pills with unknown contents!!!
Maybe last weekend, the pills taken have been weak, so you had to swallow 2 or even 3 to get a good buzz. Next time, the pills you buy are very strong, but you don't know it!!!! If you take than 2 or 3, you probably overdose... and have troubles.
Would it not be much easier and safer, if you go to a pharmacy and buy a 100mg-mdma pil (clear and pure mdma, exactly dosed)??? And the pills would be much, much cheaper too!!!!
Why does the government not want to accept, that in these days, E is taking over from alkohol to party??? Make them legal!!!!
[ 01 July 2002: Message edited by: Oldman2 ]
The danger is on the street, where people buy some unknown pills with unknown contents!!!
Maybe last weekend, the pills taken have been weak, so you had to swallow 2 or even 3 to get a good buzz. Next time, the pills you buy are very strong, but you don't know it!!!! If you take than 2 or 3, you probably overdose... and have troubles.
I'm sorry, but that's just wrong.
To overdoes on ecstasy you need a hell of a lot of the stuff.
Even someone like me who has at points boshed 10 strong pills in a night could still take 100mg of pharmasutical MDMA and drop dead.
Even if I where in a well cooled enviroment, staying well hydrated and not overly so, my heart could still stop or my body could go into shock or losse bio stasi and rocket my temprature so fast I died.
MDMA is a killer weather you belive it or not and it's not just bad pills.
You are more likely to be ok than not but I see a lot of users of MDMA deny to themself that there is anything that could go wrong if they test and take precausions. But it can and it will.
Alcohol and cigs are a killer, but to the people complaining about them would you actually like them banned?
I wouldn't because I enjoy a good drink every now and again and as long as I don't down two bottles of jack d's them I'm probably just going to wake up with a hangover rather than a brain riddled with nurotoxicity and a possible death.
I could also probably drink everyday for the next 5 years and still be saine and walking.
2 years of weekly MDMA use is still causing minor sanity problems even after 2 monthss 9 days since my last pill.
I guess the real issue here is not against alcohol or that mdma is a safe drug, because it is not.
But the statistical data show that even with the extremely sketchy quality of pills, taking mdma is less risky (or at least at the same level) than drinking alcohol, driving a car or even having sex...Nevertheless, the government does not outlaw drinking or driving or fucking(which would be ridiculous, anyway...Just look at the results of Prohibition in the 1920's...)
Nobody is immortal and I think we all agree mdma is NOT good for your health. However, there simply isn't any rational reason for ecstasy not being available for responsible adults.
People should be well informed and free to make their own decisions...
[ 01 July 2002: Message edited by: NSU ]
id put 20$ on the fact that the mom with the quote:
"My daughter died from ecstacy. How can a drug sounding so sweet be so evil?"
had a daughter who took something that wasnt ecstasy but was told it was. MDMA + expierence + minor intelligence is pretty damn safe.
If it were legal, I'd bet the ecstasy related deathrate would skyrocket.. Cuz then its easily available, children have access, people would take many more risks, and many people who wouldnt have done it in the first place might do it because "its there"..
Personally, i think ecstasy should only be used by a certain group of people.. who know its value.. the fact that you have to search for it weeds out most of the frat boys who just wanna get fucked up.
Silver has a point - as friendly as the effect of E is, it does have a more, say, profound effect than alcohol, so maybe it is best that somebody wishing to take the stuff needs to do some digging/research before finding a pill.
Also, legal pills would be taxed, so they would be more expensive, would they get to the ridiculous costs that tobacco and alcohol have reached maybe?
On the other side of the coin, they're widely used, so would tax on these pills improve the economy, provide more government money to put into nurses' wages, education, etc etc?
Hmm. :)
Also, MDMA was once used as marriage guidance. Now can somebody please make them legal before my parents split up? I know mum could do with more `E` qualities for a start...
Raam, sorry about your parents, but taxing would not necessarily make pills more expensive...See, whatever you pay now for pills is extremely high because they are illegal. That means that the people making and distributing mdma charge you a lot more money than it cost them to press the pills, way more than a pharmaceutical company would if it was legal.
The street price carries over a huge premium as nobody wants to risk going to jail for 100 bucks...The illegal status certainly adds like 2000% or 3000% to the price, whereas I doubt the government would tax pills like that...
Not that any of us will ever live to see ecstasy legalized...
[ 01 July 2002: Message edited by: NSU ]
All this stuff about only 60 people have died from e seems like a bit of a flawed arguement.
Im not doubting that only 60 people have died or that e can be safe if done sensibly and moderately, but nearly everyone in the country drinks and hardly ANYONE (percentage wise) does e.
Also cos e is not socialy accepted it makes people a bit more wary of it. If it was a done and accepted practice to drop 2 pills every week, then youd get people going out and doing 4 to be hardocore. Then 6. Then 8 etc. etc.
If it were legal and accepted I think literaly thousands of people would die becasue of it.
I just want it to be legal to me and my friends!!
Wow, people die from ecstacy.
We're all gonna die of something one day.
You can die from anything or anyone.
A stray cork flying from a champagne bottle.
An elephant sitting on a zookeeper.
The billions of man made chemicals and natural chemicals that exist.
You could get cancer from your mobile phone, microwave, too many xrays.
A suicide bomber.
George Bush dropping a bomb on your house.
Like they said, everybody is gunna die someday. I can think of alot worse ways to die than grinning and dancing my ass off, and none of them are as fun. Your life is about the experiences you have while you are alive, not trying to extend it indefinitely by playing everything "safe."
Live Life
I can also point out that I worked in a club in the UK where maybe 70 percent of the public were on E.
This place is the most sweaty clostrophobic hole you could ever see. The air-conditioning rarely works and the sweat drips off the ceiling.
I worked there for a year and this place holds 4000 people. In maybe 100 events I never saw one person collapse or be carried out. And some of these people take crazy amounts of pills in one night. I am talking 15+.
E is not completely safe and never will be. In most cases is it not people haveing some sort of reaction to it the first time they try? People are more educated about the dangers now than ever (taking breaks keeping yourself hydrated etc).
There is a risk involved with everything you do in life, in the end it is your choice. People who dont know the facts will always demonise it because it wins them praise from the other ignorant people in the world.
[ 02 July 2002: Message edited by: gary_uk ]
Originally posted by Johny Boy:

MDMA is a killer weather you belive it or not and it's not just bad pills.

Right MDMA is a killer. And so is choking on Everlasting Gobstoppers.
Originally posted by Johny Boy:
Even someone like me who has at points boshed 10 strong pills in a night could still take 100mg of pharmasutical MDMA and drop dead.
MDMA is a killer weather you belive it or not and it's not just bad pills.

Yes, but we live in a killer world! Even if all the pills, powders, leaves and liquids were taken out of our world, would it be impossible for anyone to die?
There are countless possibilities for a random death. A heartstroke happening for no obvious reason at all being only one of them.
I think the point of this topic lies in the fact that e is being made into something it is not by the media.
Originally posted by Johny Boy:
I could also probably drink everyday for the next 5 years and still be saine and walking.
2 years of weekly MDMA use is still causing minor sanity problems even after 2 monthss 9 days since my last pill.

First of all, if you would drink every day for the next 5(!) years, getting as 'drunk' from liquor as you get from two pills, you would NOT be sane at all. Belive me.
Second, it's a fact that alcohol is the cause of who-knows-how-many deathcases every day. It not only kills people by poisoning them but also by making them act irresponsibly. Should it be banned? No. It's simply how the world works and has worked for the last 4000 years.
I see it this way: alcohol is a 'chaotic' drug. It's effects are more or less randomized each time you (over)use it. Way too often it makes people act agressivly (just now three drunken guys are fighting in front of my house, really :) ), irresponibly and selfishly. Parties with alcohol end with some quarrel, settled with fists quite a lot.
Ecstasy on the other hand is a 'designer drug'. It's effects are pretty straightforward. Most people get the same love, friendship and happiness feeling from e unless they overdo it. Thus not many get injured by others at raves.
E is a 'drug' so it is not safe! But judging by the numbers it is not fatal either.
[ 05 July 2002: Message edited by: crutrail ]
if ecstasy was legal it would probably have an age restriction for who can buy on it like alcohol and tobacco.
In australia u have to be older than 18 buy alcohol, go to clubs, buy cigarettes (i think its 18 here).. it would most likely be regulated so when u did buy it you'd no exactly what was in it and wot u wear getting. knowing the australian government it would probably carry health warnings like the cigarett packs do also and we'd be better educated on the dangers.