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films: DVD must haves

Re: DVD must haves

*Action Aliens
*Animated Treasure Planet :)p)
*Drama Thirteen
*Thriller Silence of the Lambs
*Foreign Les Invasions Barbares (sp?)
*Horror Alien
*Stoner/Drug related Traffic
*Martial Arts Enter the Dragon
*War Saving Private Ryan
*Gangster The Godfather
*Sci-Fi Blade Runner
*True Stories Touching the Void (sort of documentry..)
nice choices Sn2 (except I'm not too huge a fan of Blow-Up)

a couple of others

war- Battle of Algiers
action (sort-of)- The Parallax View
documentary- When We Were Kings
romance/foreign whatever- In the Mood for Love (although Raise the Red Lantern was a great choice that I saw above)
I'm going to update my list to include the Professional for action film must-have.

Originally posted by Roger&Me
*Comedy Igby Goes Down (if that counts, I had to work it in

Igby is a great movie!
*Arthouse: Donnie Darko
*Action: Pirates of the Carribean
*Drama: Fargo
*Romance: High Fidelity
*Comedy: Ghost World
*Thriller: Psycho
*Foreign Run Lola Run
*Documentary: Stop Making Sense
*Horror: Silence of the Lambs
*Stoner/Drug related: Big Lebowski
*Martial Arts: Seven Samuari
*War: Das Boot
*Classics: Wizard of Oz
*Gangster: Scarface
*Sci-Fi: star wars trillogy
*Stand up: Dave Chapelle- Killen em softley
*True Stories: Goodfellas
*TV: Ren and stimpy
*Arthouse : The Ninth Configuration
*Action : 3000 Miles To Graceland (or Commando!)
*Drama : Adaptation
*Romance : A Life Less Ordinary
*Comedy : The Big Lebowski
*Thriller : The Man Who Wasn't There
*Manga : Ninja Scroll
*Foreign : Amores Perros (or City Of God)
*Documentary : The Corporation
*Horror : Saw
*Stoner/Drug Related : Requiem For A Dream
*Martial Arts : Iron Monkey
*War : Full Metal Jacket (or Thin Red Line)
*Classics : The Great Escape
*Gangster : Miller's Crossing
*Sci-Fi : Brazil
*Stand Up : Bill Hicks
*True Stories : One Day In September

*Musical : The Mighty Wind
*Animated/Kids : Who Framed Roger Rabbit
*Action- The Ghost and the Darkness
*Drama- Talk Radio
*Romance- Always
*Comedy- Ghostbusters
*Thriller- Basic
*Documentary- Better Living Through Circuitry
*Horror- A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
*Stoner/Drug related- How High
*Martial Arts- House of Flying Daggers
*War- Uncommon Valor
*Classics- Casablanca
*Gangster- Casino
*Sci-Fi- The Chronicals of Riddick
*Stand up- George Carlin
*True Stories- Fire in the Sky
^ That's hilarious.

I actually saw 'point break' and 'true lies' listed. seriously, i don't know what the fuck some of you are watching if those go at the top of movies you've seen.
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*Arthouse - Adaptation
*Action - TRUE LIES
*Drama - American Beauty
*Romance - House of Flying Daggers
*Comedy - Dogma
*Manga - Samurai Champloo
*Documentary - Hitler and the Occult
*Horror/Thriller - Rose Red
*Stoner/Drug - Fast times at Ridgemont High
*Martial Arts - Kagimusha
*Classics - Dirty Dozen
*Gangster Godfather
*Sci-Fi - Star Wars (first three!!! fuck these new ones..)
*Stand up - Chris Rock
*True Stories - Schlindlers List

Yup, yup...
The complete 007 collection. Even though some of them are shite, there are those rainy nights when you need to watch something and mindless action spy stuff goes down a treat.
*Arthouse - A Walk on the Moon
*Action - Kill Bill I & II
*Drama - One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
*Romance - The Princess Bride
*Comedy - Any Kevin Smith...
*Manga -
*Documentary - Invisible Children
*Horror/Thriller - The Shining
*Stoner/Drug - Basketball Diaries
*Martial Arts -
*War - Glory
*Classics - Mommie Dearest
*Gangster- The Departed
*Sci-Fi - The Matrix
*Stand up - John Leguizamo
*True Stories - Boys Don't Cry

*** A lot of these arent my *first* choice, but I was trying not to repeat any...Still love all the above, though. I like this thread...I love looking for new movies to DL. ;-)
*Arthouse- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
*Action- Die Hard
*Drama- The Last of the Mohicans
*Romance- Benny and June
*Comedy- Lost in Translation
*Thriller- Psycho (1960)
*Foreign -Run Lola Run
*Documentary -Promises
*Horror The Exorcist
*Stoner/Drug related -Dazed and Confused
*Martial Arts-
*War- Band of Brothers
*Classics- Casablanca
*Gangster- Goodfellas!!!!
*Sci-Fi -Contact
*Stand up- Denis Leary: No Cure For Cancer
*True Stories- The Pianist
*Television- The History channel/National Geographic/HBO's Rome............
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*Action - The Fugitive
*Drama - Dead Man Walking
*Romance - Lost in Translation
*Comedy - Trading Places
*Thriller - Back to the Future trilogy
*Docudrama - The Right Stuff
*Horror - John Carpenter's "The Thing"
*Stoner/Drug related - The Doors
*War - Apocalypse Now
*Classics - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
*Gangster - Goodfellas
*Sci-Fi - Contact
*Stand up
*True Stories
lurkerguy said:
Damn The Departed was a great film.

yeah it is! I would have chosen all mighty Godfather or Goodfellas for the gangster section, but they've been repeatedly said so...Scorsese is amazing, imo.

MDPVagrant said:
*Stoner/Drug related - The Doors

Lol, your recent movie discovery...have you reached 100# watching it yet?
Aries said:
Lol, your recent movie discovery...have you reached 100# watching it yet?
Nope, #2 though (been less than a week since I first saw it) :). I caught a bunch of stuff on the second viewing I missed on the first (such as viewing his own death in the bathtub, in the scene with the indian). And the low point of the film for me is the blood drinking + sex scene... seems both unnecessary & stupid to put that in, and the music during the scene was... blehg.
*Arthouse:Aguirre the Wrath of God
*Action: Scarface
*Drama: L'Amant or The Lover
*Romance: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset
*Comedy: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
*Manga:The Sea Prince and the Fire Child
*Foreign :Curse of the Golden Flower
*Horror: Carrie
*Stoner/Drug related: Sid and Nancy
*Martial Arts: House of Flying Daggers
*Classics: Kubricks Lolita
*Gangster: Goodfellas
*B Movie:She-Devil lololololol
*Sci-Fi: Alien
*Stand up:
*True Stories:
*Action: Die Hard
*Drama: The Right Stuff
*Romance: The Princess Bride
*Comedy: Ghostbusters
*Thriller: Jaws
*Manga: Spirited Away
*Documentary: Cosmos
*Horror: The Shining
*Stoner/Drug related: Half-Baked
*Martial Arts: Kung Fu Hustle
*War: Ditto for "Patton"
*Gangster: Goodfellas
*Sci-Fi: Aliens
*Stand up: Eddie Izzard, "Dressed to Kill"
*True Stories